DS106: Selfie With Pet

This is a picture of me and my dog Charlie, a soft coated Wheaton Terrier. He was going for a sleepover at my aunt’s house because my family and I were traveling to California for one of my synchro competitions. He was all ready to go with his backpack of essentials!

Sadly, I could not exactly take a selfie with him because he passed away two summers ago. This is one of the few pictures I have with him, I mostly just have pictures of him. He was our family’s first dog, we got him when I was 7, and it was really hard to have to say goodbye, but we were blessed with him for many years and it was just his time to go. We miss him very much, but I think we are all ready for another dog and are currently starting the process. It will be nice to have a furry friend around the house again, especially in times like these.
