DS106 Week 2: Second Meme “Selfie With Your Pet”

Since I have been going back and forth from New York to Connecticut, I had to improvise for this assignment since I couldn’t find a selfie with him. Meet Max! He is an 11-year-old miniature schnauzer but is still a puppy at heart. We brought max home with he was just a few months old. I had my mom send me pictures with him, so here’s 10 year old me with my fluffy bundle of joy. When he was younger, we used to take him everywhere. My mom would carry him in her purse when we would go shopping or out to eat. This was when he barely barked, now he barks at everything and everyone! Max has been my only pet, I grew up with him. He is friendly with some dogs, but most of the time he just wants to play. He thinks he’s bigger than he is. Weighing only 13 lbs, he barks and wags his tail at big dogs. His cousins are bull mastiffs, a very large type of breed that loves to drool. Whenever we come back home from our cousin’s house we always have to give him a bath because he is covered in it! Max is our fur bundle of joy. He is a part of our family and we hope he still has a few years left with us! 
