Selfie With Your Pet

After looking at my photos, I realized I didn’t have many selfies with my animals. The pup is too rambunctious to sit still for a picture and my cats are “loner” type cats. However, I was able to snap the first two photos a couple of days ago with my pup, Sky. She is almost two and quite a character. She is part Husky and part German Shepard and loves to talk and cuddle. She also loves her toys and knows many tricks and still learning more! She is definitely something else. As I am typing this post, she is currently running around with her toy pig, doing her husky talk, trying to get someone to play with her.

I found the other photos of my cats from when I facetimed a family member while I was at UNE and they were showing me what my cats were up too. These technically aren’t selfies but they are only photos I have of them as selfie like photos. The first cat is named Brady and the other is Mini. They are about 6-7 years old. We don’t entirely know how old they are because we adopted them from a family friend but they are around that age. They love the sun, sleeping, and cuddling on their own terms. Mini LOVES to pretend shes a parrot by sitting on your shoulders as you are working. Brady LOVES to hide and play tag with the pup as well as his treats.

Overall, I’m very glad and lucky to have the pets I do. Though they have very big personalities and are somewhat crazy sometimes, they are love bugs and always by your side. ds106assignment