Demotivate Yourself

Photo from here

When first creating this MEME, I’ll be honest, I had no clue how to approach it. So I went and talked to my younger sister and shortly after our conversation, this came about. It makes me think about the students that I work with. I work with mostly middle schoolers during the normal school year, helping them and observing the teacher. However, I get the chance to listen to them to talk to friends, to the teachers, and to me and most of the conversations they have are filled with them comparing themselves with others and telling themselves they aren’t good enough in various ways.

This is also something I see my sister, myself, many of my friends, and many others struggle with too. Self-esteem issues are very prevalent. There is so much beauty in the world, yet we can’t call ourselves beautiful. There is so much beauty in the world but yet we can’t see it in ourselves. I feel that pretty powerful. I’m not sure if I did this right but I know it definitely brought up some things for me and sparked a deep conversation about self-esteem and beauty standards with my younger sister and in the end, with art, isn’t that what we want? A conversation starter? Something that makes us want to have difficult conversations?

