DS106 Week #3 – Demotivational Poster

I haven’t really seen many demotivational posters on the internet so I wasn’t too sure about this assignment. I think my final product fits the assignment and it was fun to make! For some reason, the first idea that popped into my head was getting a funny photo of one of my dogs trying to catch a dog treat. There are so many funny slow mo videos on the internet of dogs being tossed a treat, and them failing miserably trying to catch it in their mouth! I always find them amusing and thought I’d try to capture a photo of my pup Hazel trying to catch a dog bone that I toss to her. I tossed her several treats and she never actually caught one of them. I was hoping to get one rolling off her snout, but this is the best I got and I think it works! I’m not sure if my caption is clever or witty enough, but I think it definitely counts as Demotivational! My process was capturing a photo of my dog and then importing it to photoshop. Then I used to selection tool to take Hazel out of the original photo and put it on a black background. Then, I found a (de)motivational poster builder website that allowed me to upload the image, select the font type, and type in what I wanted the top and bottom lines to say.
