DS106 Color Walk Time Lines

Okay, so I’m not even going to pretend like I know how to work that “timeline JS Knightlab” excel spreadsheet thing. It’s not like I’m too lazy to figure it out, but I just don’t have the time to mess around with it. So, here is my own timeline:

I went for a lovely little walk with my little sister and she kindly chose the color purple:

We then walked down the drive way and into a neighbors garden, where we saw a few cool flowers which we couldn’t identify because, well, she’s 7, and I don’t know the first thing about flowers:

We then snuck into a grumpy old ladies yard because we thought we saw something purple, and we did: a couple chairs!

and finally, a fish flag, at the back entrance to our yard:

This DS106 assignment was a great way for me to hangout with my little sister, thank you! we didn’t learn much, but purple is kinda cool.. ds106assignment

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