Daily Create #tdc3068

When approaching this assignment I was bit confused on how to handle the “remarkable fashion” that was needed for a post on bikes. I swore I had an old photo of a metal-work frog standing on a bikes handlebars but could not find such a thing in my albums. This Gif was actually a spur of the moment idea as I had just been reminded of the Bike flying seen from the movie “E.T.” I personally have mixed feelings on the movie and it’s wrinkly protagonist but I’ll leave things at that. I’m glad I was able to imagine something for this assignment with a fun and silly Gif! My original Tweet was going to have a caption, “What going 88 miles can achieve” similar to something from “Back to the Future” but I thought against it.

I used the webtool Gifrun in order to create the GIf of the bikes taking off. I linked the original Youtube video in my tweet but I’ll link it here as well. Hope you enjoy!
