Daily Create #TDC3070

Today’s daily create was to add a GIF that is making a funny face. I choose to add this one because of the movie “The Princess Diaries”. Though I haven’t seen this movie all the way through, I do know it was one almost everyone around my age watched when they were little. Everyone talked about this movie and it was a “must-see” thing. I guess younger me didn’t get the message because I haven’t watched the movie from start to finish. The phrase “If you didn’t see it, did you even have a great childhood?” has always been said to me when it is brought up I haven’t really watched the movie. Its always followed by, “we should watch it sometime” which never happens and my streak goes on of never watching the movie in its entirety. I also thought this would be a funny one to add to the chain because of the different faces that Mia made as she flipped the fan back and forth over her face. ds106dc
