DS106 Week 4: Third MEME “The Big Caption”

I always like to think that a picture is worth a thousand words. At a first glance, you see a man walking by art, or graffiti, however you may interpret it. For this assignment, we had to choose an image from https://www3.bostonglobe.com/news/bigpicture?arc404=true. I chose this image because it truly spoke to me. The description of this photo states, “Here’s a look at some of the best images taken by Globe photographers last month: opening of the Encore casino, greasy pole competition in Gloucester, refugees from Congo in Portland, Me., John Farrell working his lobster boat, debating a abortion rights bill in Rhode Island, and the Bruins loss in the NHL finals.” I saw something else.

Art is extremely interesting, whether it appeals to you or not, it always unique in some way. When I looked at this image I immediately saw a man looking down at his phone while walking. My mother constantly says to me, “Get your head out of your phone,” or “Look where you’re going!” Our phones get us stuck into the internet world and we can easily forget what is going on around us. I chose this caption because it almost seems as if the eyes are looking down at the man walking, judging him for being on his phone. Could this be a secret message the artist was trying to portray? Who knows, because they also appeared to be cartoon characters to me. It’s all about perception!
