The Big Caption

From my understanding, the point of this assignment was to take a picture from the Boston Globe and change the original meaning of it with a new caption.

I chose this picture, which was originally from an article about the beautiful ice castles in New Hampshire, it was meant to be fun and cool to look at, but my new caption kind of changed that.

At first glance, to me, it looked like the ice was melting then I realized it was man made to look like a winter wonderland. So I thought I could change it up and make it seem like it was a cry for help, to change our ways and stop global warming from melting our worlds ice caps. Now NH is obviously a ways away from any polar ice caps, but as long as you don’t look at it too hard, it could easily be made to seem like an environmental awareness article.

Kind of like how one could see this image and make it seem like it is about a beautiful winter wonderland ice cave, when this is actually a picture of melting polar ice caps. I guess it just goes to show, perspective is key.
