Daily Create #TDC3078

The daily create for 6/16/2020 was to talk about our favorite part of the day. My favorite part of the day is when the day becomes the night. More specifically a clear night where you can see the stars and moon. I have always loved space and the stars. I have fond memories of going outside at night and just looking at the stars and whenever things get crazy, I always try to look at them. Something about them just brings joy, peace, and a sense of hope to me. The stars to me are calming and centering.

The idea that they are all far far away but yet I can still see them fascinates me. The idea that some are dead/dying by the time we see them on earth is interesting to me. My most favorite idea though is the thought that no matter where you are on earth, there are stars above you. It connects people. I have been told stories about how parents tell their children to look at the stars if they miss them and know the parents are looking up at the same stars thinking of the children. As a babysitter/nanny, I have told kiddos the same story to help them go to sleep without their parents if they were having a difficult time and so far it has always calmed them. There is something about looking at the stars and knowing that the person you are thinking about can see them too that is connecting.

There is also something calming about the night sky and stars. I remember going to the beach as a child and seeing the night sky in all its beauty on a clear night. The quietness and stillness of it all was surreal. It was calming and peaceful. I believe the first time I experienced that as a little kid was the first time was the time I fell in love with it. Its something I believe everyone should experience at some point in their life, the beach with a starry sky.

I was going to include a stock image with my post because I don’t have any photos of the stars or the night sky on my phone due to it being hard to capture all of it but it didn’t feel genuine so I didn’t. I simply put what my favorite part of the day was, which is actually the night when the stars come out to shine.

