This is from a video of my synchronized swim team in our second year competing in the Junior Olympics. We left that week with 2 Gold medals and 1 Silver.

This specific part of the video is of our first lift and I just thought it would look really cool backward. Sorry, it is a little blurry, after being put through editing apps it kind of lost some resolution.

For this assignment, I just used an editing app I already had on my phone and trimmed the part of the first lift from the full routine video.

Besides looking really cool, I decided to choose this because swimming and being part of such a successful team was a huge part of my life. Although it’s kind of a strange sport, I was extremely dedicated and passionate about it.

I wanted to pursue it further in my college career, and I even got offers from different Universities for it, but unfortunately, I was unable to continue. Over the years, the wear and tear the sport had on me, my knees especially, resulted in the development of a disease in my joints that have limited me greatly.

I was advised to quit before my last year of competition, but I refused and finished my last year as strong as I could. Now, there is very little I can do without the assistance of bulky knee braces, but it hasn’t stopped me from finding new athletic passions such as surfing. Although the pain is still very much present and I can no longer swim like I used to, I refuse to let it stop me from pursuing any new active adventures.
