Brady Bunch Collage

I figured the best way to do this assignment was by using my actual family bunch! This includes my mother, older brother, stepfather, grandmother, aunt, step-aunt, and my dog. The family members I decided to add are the ones that I can confidently say I see the most. We almost all have different last names. Ettore belongs to my mom and her side of the family, Barrow is my stepfather and his family’s last name, and Turner is my brother and I’s last name from our father. So I thought it would be fun to add all our names in the title, more like a modern family Brady Bunch.

My family and I are not very close with my father’s family so I pretty much just stuck with my moms and stepdads family. I used canva for this assignment and it was really fun to make! Going through all the photos of my family to find ones to use definitely put a smile on my face. Especially since there are a few family members on here that I haven’t been able to see lately because of COVID. So this was a nice way to keep us all close!
