DS106 Week #5 – We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch

I decided to recreate the Brady bunch image with the title in the center and the people around the boxes with the blue background. I wanted to make this assignment using my friends I have made at UNE for my first two semester as the subject. We don’t really have a name for our friend group, so I just went with The UNE Crew. Most of my friends I have made have been through our shared major, Animal Behavior. The lovely ladies shown in my final creation (from left to right, top to bottom) are Izzi, Sidney, Bailey, Rachel, Madison, Kelsie, myself, and Lauren. Each and every one of them has made my time so far at UNE special and memorable in their own ways and I cannot wait to reunite with them in August (fingers crossed nothing major changes and we still get to return to Biddeford). To make this final image, I started with a solid blue background layer in Photoshop. I then placed black lines to create boxes for each friend. I then looked through either my computer to find photos I had taken of my friends, or looked on their social media to find a photo if I hadn’t taken a solid shot of them to use (all but two were my own photos… photo credit to Rachel and Lauren for their photos from Facebook). After I had the boxes, I imported each photo one at a time and erased around their chest and head to get rid of the original background.

