ds106 – We’re the Brady Bunch!

What an awesome assignment! Apologies for not filling in the final and last square. I was going to include a picture of my house (or something of that liking) but decided to push the text and try to fill in the blank space. There was also the debate of including my brother’s girlfriend but I thought against it. I’m really glad this assignment got to focus on family & friends. Here I show off my own family as there’s a lot of us Cabrals. Not as much as the Brady Bunch, but certainly enough of us. I also included I picture of Winter as he deserves to be included in a family photo/collage. These are all photos taken by my mom, Kelly Cabral, and were pulled from her computer.

For this assignment, I got to try my hands at InDesign when making the Background & cropping images. I first included all my photos and then drew a big square that I used for my background. The layout options are really helpful when you can bring elements forward/back on the page. I threw the background to the back of the frame and then began to draw the lines for the frame. I sent those to the back and then one layer above the background. Giving the image a smooth look. Finally, I added the Text block that contained “The Cabrals” and was set on the Brady Bunch layout. I really enjoyed this assignment and was glad I could spotlight my big ol’ family.
