The Brady Bunch Remix

When becoming a teacher, there are many hoops to jump through. From completing a 4-6 year degree to creating lesson plans and being able to adapt them. Some of the steps are harder than others but they are all necessary to become a teacher. I thought of this idea after a conversation with my mother about all the things you have to do to become a teacher.

When picking images for the Brady Bunch Remix, I started with the image of the teacher. With all the steps you have to be pretty strong to go through it so that is why I choose the teacher stock image with muscle arms. Next, I included a picture of lesson plans and a sign with different arrows to indicate how you need to be able to adapt the lessons you create to the various needs of the classroom. I included a degree for all the years you need to go to school to be a teacher. I also included Maine’s state exam logo, Praxis, because to be a teacher you need to pass about seven of them. I also included a blackboard with the words “student teaching” because you need to complete student teaching to be able to get your certificate. After that, I included an open head with lots of things coming out of it to stand for the lots of knowledge that is needed to be a teacher. The next picture, which is my favorite one, is a bunch of coffee cups standing in for the lots of energy to get tasks completed and to keep up a positive attitude. The final picture I included was a job interview standing for the interviews that teachers go through to get a job.

