DS106 Week #5 – Remix Guinness Book of World Records

Original world record page (Tallest donkey)
Remixed world record page (Tallest shorebird)

With my background of wildlife photography, I knew I wanted to remix an animal related Guinness world record. I perused the animal section and came across the Tallest Donkey record. I thought about what would be funny to replace the donkey, and I thought of a tiny fluffy bird that I have photographed for the first time this past weekend. Piping Plovers are a small shorebird that are actually endangered in Maine. I had the pleasure of photographing several nesting pairs and their adorable chicks (from afar) this past Saturday and knew I had to replace the donkey with an adorable Piping Plover chick. They are so incredibly small, fluffy, and fragile in reality, so I thought it would be funny to see one larger than a human. I utilized the X-Ray goggles for everything I changed but the photo. I edited my photo in Photoshop and uploaded it to several photo websites. However, when I got down to “coding” and replacing stuff on the original site, I could not get the image replacement to work correctly. I kept getting a small blue question mark square when I replaced it. So, after I remixed the text, I took that screen cap into photoshop and placed my photoshopped image into the page.

