Daily Create #tdc3089

This is my clock. It sits in our living room as a statement piece, but I’ve never seen it accurately show the right time. This clock has been in my house for over 20 years. It’s something I know we have, but I rarely look at it. We don’t have many clocks in our house. We have the one as shown, the one on the stove and the one on the microwave. I realized that because of technology, it’s easier to just look at our phones. When I am in the kitchen cooking or passing by, it’s nice to be able to glare over to see the time especially if I don’t have my phone on me.

I remember my grandmother had two large clocks in her house. One was a grandfather clock, the other was on the wall. At every hour it would sing a song. I can still hear it in the back of my head. It lets me relive positive memories at my grandmother’s house when I was younger.

