Selfie With My Pet

After I scroll though my phone for quite some time I found an actual selfie with an animal. I don’t often take selfies, usually someone takes a picture of me but I figured in order for this to be correct it must be a “selfie”. I don’t have any pets, but I do hangout with my boyfriend’s dogs a lot. I just couldn’t find a selfie with them! So here you have it, me and a random cow from the Fryeburg Fair last fall. We can call him Buddy. I actually love cows, I have been vegetarian for at least 9 years now, so whenever I visit this fair every fall I have to go see the cows! They’re actually really cool. Once you meet a cow as cool as Buddy, you just might become vegetarian too.


Daily Create #tdc3051

For today’s daily create (5/28/20), I created a post card of Hampton, NH. My inspiration for this was because of Covid-19, the beaches have been shut down since May 26. That means I haven’t stepped foot on the sand and I am usually there at least once a day. This has been really hard for me and our town because the beach is such a sacred place for us and home of a lot of outdoor activities. Unfortunately, Govenor Chris Sununu just opened the beaches for June 1st, but only for running, walking and swimming/surfing. So I guess I will take it and wait for my days of soaking up the sun in the sand. I used a picture I had from my iPhone and the “preview” on my MacBook.


Dead to Meme

I just finished watching the show Dead to Me on Netflix so when I saw this picture come up as an option, I was all for it. The look on the guy’s face is pure disgust and I just had to include my blog topic of the baby. Today I went to go change his diaper and when I opened it I saw there was poop and this was the exact face I made. When I start to hold my breath and rush to not get peed on or poop everywhere I wonder what baby Connor is thinking. Did he do this out of spite? Or was he giving me a present? Poopy diapers will forever be my worst enemy and this meme describes my daily life as a caregiver perfectly. There are a lot of poopy diapers out there who wait to be changed, paired with caregivers gagging and plugging their noses.

The process I used to create this was saving the image to my computer and then using the “preview” part of my MacBook, and inserting a box that I filled in and then added text to. I am sure I can find a more intense tool for meme creating, but for now, this works well for me because I knew how to use it.


Daily Create #tdc3055

What sparked me for this mashup was the baby I nanny, he is 9 months old and loves music. We have an “Alexa” so every time I say “hey Alexa!” he looks around and waits for the music to start. So, I figured this was a perfect opportunity to connect my blog with a daily create. He absolutely loves these two songs, so I figured mashing them together would be a good idea. I used Youtube DJ, but then I used Zoom screen share/ record to get the video that I then uploaded onto Youtube and proceeded to Tweet the link.
