Daily Create #tdc3088

Well it’s come to this point now. I don’t want to say this will be my final Daily Create but it sure has been fun making all these cool creations! I’ve learned a lot. I’m glad to have today’s prompt as it’s somewhat silly and easy to capture. I’m not that Earthy and don’t host that many plants in my room. I’ve actually been trying to keep up with gardening recently and have focused my green thumb in that area instead.

I’ve actually been sharing all my cool creations with my parents as we’ve all been living together. My mom’s an Art teacher and has been really interested in the ds106 content. I’m hoping that I can get her hooked so she could incorporate some of the prompts in her classes. As well as keep me up to date with the current ds106 news. Otherwise, I just wanted to say that I’m very grateful for this class and the wealth of knowledge it’s provided. I’ll be sure to promote this course in the future.


ds106 – Digital Story Compilation

Hey guys! Above is my video compilation with most of my ds106 assignments. I had some trouble including the Color Walk Assignment but I probably could have recovered it more easily from Google Drive. Unsure. It’s really weird to finally be tackling this assignment as it sort of puts a close on the course and our wonderful class. It was fun reliving all the past assignments and all the processes I used to complete them. In the end, I made my video into a “Top 10” but it’s meant to go in chronological order with the rest of the assignments.

For this video, I utilized MovieMaker, a free program offered on PC systems. After organizing all my previous ds106 assignments, I only had to add each of the files to the program. I cut most of the clips to around 3-5 seconds to control the overall length. I made the initial title card in Word and took a screenshot to convert it more easily to an image before transitioning it into the video. I had a fun time completing this assignment and hope I can continue to practice similar creativity in the future. I hope you enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3087

For this daily create I wanted to offer something that’s more emotional by making this poem/image for today’s prompt. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would try my hands at the prompt but decided it was too easy not too. I’m not one who shares their feelings all that much but I hope that what I wrote captures the emotion that’s there. It seems easy to compare your loved one to a flower. Then in comparison to the other side of the prompt which includes comparing them to a river. Perhaps how love ebbs and flows would be a good way to describe it…

For the image above I utilized Google Presentation and made a classic text-box for the wording. I tried to get the font, style, and size all together before I began to tackle the background. I used one box for the background (Red) and another for the foreground (Grey). Maybe a little too much Gray but I wanted to make sure that the wording was clearly visible and easy to read. All together this process took me around 15 minutes but took me another 5 just to find the heart icon in shapes. But that’s life.


DS106 – The Forest Gump Project

Here’s an Original Photo of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing (found here)
Here’s the Remix Version of the Apollo 11 photo

For this assignment, I debated on what “moment in history” I should try and capture. Scenes like the Martin Luther King Rally or other stupendous moments seemed too noisy and offered difficulty finding an inserted person. I decided to go with the idea of the moon landing and trying to capture myself as an astronaut. I thought it would be cool placing myself in this epic moment in history. The final photo is a bit crude but I had a good laugh.

Editing this photo, I used Indesign and found a photo that had been featured on the ABC 10 News Website. They had made a page featuring various photos of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing (Original post can be found here). If you have a chance definitely check out the post as the photos are quite clear and utilize great definition. I took a photo of myself and cropped/cut out my face and posed it over the astronaut’s helmet. I attempted to change the transparency element in Indesign choosing to try and create a better blend with the original photo. After some tweaking, I was able to get the remix to where it is now. Again, a little rough but I enjoyed how comical this assignment could be.

Did you guys know that in the original “Forest Gump” novel there’s a portion where Forest finds himself on a mission to space? Sadly this never made it to the final cut of the movie but is still interesting as it can tie with this theme of space travel.


DS106 World Record Remix

Original World Record (found here)
My World Record Remix

So this assignment was wicked easy and super fun! I was having some trouble at first as the X-ray website wouldn’t load up the other night. I tried once again after finishing up my Codecademy stuff and was able to get it to work. After some tinkering, I found it was quite easy to manipulate the Guinness website and make my own record. I chose the image above as I’m quite fond of owls and it was one of the better photos found on the Guinness Record page. I actually had most of this stuff ready last night but my access to the X-ray page really obstructed me from getting this assignment done. Until now!

At first, I was gonna do something like “world’s most ornery owl” but I thought I could display the image better by utilizing the signpost in some particular way. I think posing the owl as a guide offers a bit of story as you can think about how this owl may lead hikers down safe mountain trails. Maybe flying just below the treeline to allow people a clear view of his whereabouts. It’s a rather intimidating owl but he’s only there to keep you safe!


Daily Create #tdc3084

For this daily create I was really interested in the prompt as I don’t often think about my foods in paste form. The picture they used of the Goya Guava Paste looked absolutely disgusting and I wondered how I could top that off. Once I started thinking about my favorite foods I was immediately drawn to a food that has a substance similar to paste. And I am talking about the granddaddy of all candies, “Necco” wafers. Which are these small circular disks of sugary chalk. I thought that if anything could be a paste it could be Necco wafers. After some discussion about my idea, I realized that I was essentially talking about eating sugary toothpaste. Which has resulted in the picture above.

For the created image, I took a picture I found of Necco wafers and sent it through GIMP. There I took another photo of a Crest toothpaste bottle and clipped the toothpaste lid (screw cap) off that image. Then placed it over the Necco wafer image as a separate layer. I used the paint tool / selector tool to try and copy the background of the image. Fairly rough patch-job but I think it gets the job done.


ds106 – We’re the Brady Bunch!

What an awesome assignment! Apologies for not filling in the final and last square. I was going to include a picture of my house (or something of that liking) but decided to push the text and try to fill in the blank space. There was also the debate of including my brother’s girlfriend but I thought against it. I’m really glad this assignment got to focus on family & friends. Here I show off my own family as there’s a lot of us Cabrals. Not as much as the Brady Bunch, but certainly enough of us. I also included I picture of Winter as he deserves to be included in a family photo/collage. These are all photos taken by my mom, Kelly Cabral, and were pulled from her computer.

For this assignment, I got to try my hands at InDesign when making the Background & cropping images. I first included all my photos and then drew a big square that I used for my background. The layout options are really helpful when you can bring elements forward/back on the page. I threw the background to the back of the frame and then began to draw the lines for the frame. I sent those to the back and then one layer above the background. Giving the image a smooth look. Finally, I added the Text block that contained “The Cabrals” and was set on the Brady Bunch layout. I really enjoyed this assignment and was glad I could spotlight my big ol’ family.


Daily Create – #tdc3078

I’m a little behind on Daily Create(s) so I thought I would use the recent prompts to get a hold of that. Today’s daily create was a silly one as it asks the creators to tweet about their favorite time of day. Giving the example of “night time is the best time.” To me this is such an arbitrary idea but also posed some interest at the same time. I feel we get desensitized to the times of the day as we experience them so often. Yet some people do go out of their way to try and value these times such as the day, or night.

For my Tweet I chose to pick the time of dusk as I really enjoy all the crazy colors that occur. My family and I live up on a hill so we always get an awesome look of the sunset. My mom and I have managed to capture tons of amazing images from the sunsets we’ve seen. The idea of the sunset can be kinda symbolic as it points toward the end of the day/ the end of a cycle. We’ll eventually return to the sunset only for it to move on once again. It’s interesting how we may capture the sunset now but we’ll never be able to capture the same sunset ever again.


ds106 – GIF into a FIG

Video by; Cade Cabral + Dane Cabral

For the “GIF into FIG” assignment, I first wanted to use some visual from a TV show or movie. My plan was to use a clip from one of my favorite shows, “Battlebots.” There are a few machines in the show that are really good at launching their opposing bots. I thought capturing one of these flips, and reversing it, would offer a neat submission for the assignment. But after trying a few videos I found that the camera jumped around a lot, making it difficult to tell where the beginning & end of the GIF were. After tweaking with the idea I eventually scraped it as it posed too difficult and moved on to Plan B.

I instead relied on my second idea that I had created earlier in the day. Instead, I thought it would be cool to capture the stream of water from a hose, but in reverse. Therefore making it look like I’m removing the moisture from the land or something. As well as capturing the clear motion that’s needed for the assignment. I thought this would prove to be more creative as well as utilize videos from home. I had my youngest brother Dane hold the camera while I operated the hose. Team Effort!

The process to create this reverse GIF was a little hectic. I first ran my video through GIFRUN, after first uploading it on Youtube. Then I tried to place my GIF through the website “Freegifmaker” which had tools to reverse user made GIFs. Once I did this I found that the file size was too large to submit onto WordPress which provided another hurdle. I thought to instead submit my gif through IMGflip, to have more liberty with the resolution of the GIF as well as manipulate the overall size of the image. By doing this I cut the file size in half and made it functional for WordPress. What you see above is the final result. Hope you Enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3077

For this Daily Create I got to do another fun prompt that interlinked the use of animals. And what better animal to focus on than my favorite dog Winter. This photo is from last year when Winter was hanging out with my brothers and I. At this time, Winter was almost three-four years old and hasn’t reached the full growth that he’s achieved now. Winter is the second Bernese Mountain dog my family has owned as we previously had a female named “Della May Sunshine.”

The other day my neighbor talked to me about a Bernese Mountain Dog/ Poodle Mix he recently encountered. These dogs are super cute and they keep the poodle genetics of reaching much older ages than other dogs. We discussed how bigger dogs don’t have long to live as there’s a lot of stress being placed on their internal organs. This was definitely a scary discussion as I myself have a larger dog who I care for very much. But it makes me think that I don’t want take Winter for granted. I want to spend all the time that I can with my dog and make his life something special. I know one day he won’t be around anymore, but even if that’s the case, I know he’ll always be with me.


ds106 – What They Might Have Done

For this assignment I had some trouble figuring out the link between the portion on Fakebook and Twister web applications. I had fun creating the Fakebook and easily picked a character of history that I wanted to focus on. I’ve always been interested in Murphy’s Law and wondered who the original creator was. I got to do some digging and found some interesting information and history. As well as a few other quotes which had also been attributed to Murphy.

Once it came to the Twister portion of the assignment I had some trouble figuring out how to link the image I uploaded to Fakebook to Twister. Later I found that I was using too much of Murphy’s full name (middle and also status as Jr.). Once I shortened his name within Twister I was able to load a post with a profile picture. I realize that the picture has some sort of History Channel Tag but I’m not sure how to switch the image of the attributed character. Twister is an interesting site and one that I haven’t been accustomed too.


ds106 – Home Video GIF

Winter “dogging” around

Didn’t quite know what I wanted to share for a “Home Video” but I knew I wanted it to be in the here and now. At first I was thinking of trying to capture me hosing the garden, but thought this wouldn’t pose as much of an image of home for this assignment. I finally was able to capture this image while spending some time outside. With the weather finally clearing up we get to see Winter act like his usual goofy self. He’s actually chasing a small chipmunk that lives under the basketball hoop and is very adamant about making friends. I’m glad I was able to capture his big ol’ smile in the way that I did. I want to cherish the time I have with my dog and am glad for these moments that I’ll be able to hold onto.

In order to capture this image as a GIF, I first posted my home video onto YouTube. I was going to keep the video private but found this complicated the transition between YouTube and Gifrun. I instead chose to make the video public and added a description for anyone wishing to see my goofy dog. Then I was able to shave a few seconds of the video and make this short GIF. Hope you guys enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3072

For this daily create, as soon as I saw the prompt was about animals, I knew I had to hop on. I actually took the time to check out what other people had already sent to the ds106 page, as the prompt was so interesting. I saw tons of different animals and all sorts of people participating. Even if it was a simple prompt, it allowed for a variety individuals to share their thoughts. It’s really interesting to learn how large the ds106 community is and all the creativity that is held within.

Once I saw that you had to pick an animal that best represents you, I had the exact creature I wanted to go for. The only problem was I don’t have an Owl readily available for photo-shoots. I decided instead to make a gif to help represent my choice for the daily create. I eventually decided on the Owl from the Tootise-Pop commercial as he’s a fairly known owl within the public eye. As well as being a funny commercial that has stuck around for quite a long time. I used the online tool Gifrun to create the gif of the commercial. The source of my gif can be found here; Hope you guys enjoy!


ds106 – The Big Caption

After searching through the Boston Globe web-page. I came across this particular image which really resonated with me. I’m a big family sort of guy and it’s always nice to see wholesome posts like this. This photo was actually the top picked post for December 2019 by the Boston Globe staff. I really like how this picture can be seen out of context, as you can’t particularly tell when this photo was taken. Then, when adding my text, it gives the photo more of a message as well as emotion. With the text it kinda clicks for me in that it doesn’t have to be Christmas to feel like a family. It’s important to cherish the things we have and enjoy what life offers us.

For this Caption I used the website Imgflip to add the lettering/text effect. I was able to upload the image I had found on the Boston Globe website and then made the necessary adjustments. I wanted to go with a “Christmas-y” themed sort of photo, without actually inputting anything Christmas related. The only thing that should relate to the holiday is the man’s Santa suit. By limiting just to the Santa suit it gives the photo some ambiguity as to what is going on in the picture. I enjoyed giving this photo a little more depth and hope that I was able to capture the emotion that was held within.

Link to original Photo can be found here;


ds106 – Color Walk Timeline

Hey guys! Had some crappy weather over the weekend so thought I’d go and take care of the Color Walk Assignment today. But! Instead of a color Walk assignment, I did a color “kayak” assignment in it’s place.

Me and my mom were able to escape the house while I was able to take care of this project. We went over to Pleasant Pond which is where my grandparents have their camp. Once we arrived I decided I would start the “Walk” from the beginning of my grandparents property. That’s where you will see the Red Mailbox in the First Image. I’ll detail the remainder of my journey from here;

3:34 – Initial Arrival – I ran up to the start of the driveway and snagged a picture of the mailbox. Then continuing down the road where I got the photos of the Red Brick & Red Trailer. Both the Red Flowers were also taken around that time as my grandmother had just recently been planting

3:36 – Setting off – Once we were all set with life jackets we grabbed a kayak from their compartment and took off into the pond.

3:45 – High Winds – We mostly stuck to the side of the pond as it was particularly windy today. I was able to snag a few photos of nearby canoes as well as those chairs that had been placed in an interesting upside-down fashion.

3:52 – Red Sailor – Once we made it past the boat with the Red lining we decided to cut across the pond and head back. The wind wasn’t working in our favor and my mom was getting sick of it. We attempted to cut right back to the house but we encountered some very turbulent waves. At one point, I got splashed big time. So I decided to try and shift my weight to the side opposite of the waves and that seemed to help out.

4:07 – Return Home – After our windy encounter, my mom and I decided to head back to the beach. Once we made it back I decided to take a picture of my grandparents red birdhouse and their “Pleasant Pond” sign. Kinda like an advertisement for all of the things this pond has to offer as well as cementing the journey so far.

Making this sure was a dozy. I was able to use/ semi understand the Timeline JS program. Once I had all my photos added to Flickr the process became relatively simple. I wasn’t sure if you necessarily had to post the spreadsheet to the web or not (website was showing weird errors) but I was able to submit my photos accordingly. Hope you guys enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3069

For this daily create I thought highlighting on Birds was really neat! Yet I thought the task of creating “emotional coloring” to a picture would pose challenging. I liked the post they highlighted on the Daily Create homepage with the Toucan. That’s quite a colorful bird and offers a spectrum of colors to choose from. My photo is actually one I had saved from my trip to Mexico. My group was visiting an old amphitheater that had built-in pools surrounding the stage. It hosted to tons of different creatures, now that it’s out of use. It is where I found this duck, which I’ve come to find out is the “Muscovy Duck.”

In order to try and capture an “emotional coloring” I utilized the program GIMP and tried my hands at image manipulation. My first thought was to grab the red-coloring of the bill and use that to try to add highlights to the duck. But that posed difficult as it would add quite drastic shades of red. I instead drew around the duck and attempted to manipulate the color settings of that particular part of the image. That was successful and allowed me to manipulate the hue of the image as well as the base colors such as red/blue/green. I also added some more red to the background in order to capture the effect. For a first time using GIMP I thought I did alright. Hope you enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3068

When approaching this assignment I was bit confused on how to handle the “remarkable fashion” that was needed for a post on bikes. I swore I had an old photo of a metal-work frog standing on a bikes handlebars but could not find such a thing in my albums. This Gif was actually a spur of the moment idea as I had just been reminded of the Bike flying seen from the movie “E.T.” I personally have mixed feelings on the movie and it’s wrinkly protagonist but I’ll leave things at that. I’m glad I was able to imagine something for this assignment with a fun and silly Gif! My original Tweet was going to have a caption, “What going 88 miles can achieve” similar to something from “Back to the Future” but I thought against it.

I used the webtool Gifrun in order to create the GIf of the bikes taking off. I linked the original Youtube video in my tweet but I’ll link it here as well. Hope you enjoy!


DS106 – Say it Like the Peanut Butter – GIF Assignment

Hey Guys! For this assignment I was quite excited that we get to show off one of our own favorite movies! In regards to making a Gif with limited movement, I chose the movie “Tenacious D & the Pick of Destiny” as it’s a fairly controlled movie. As well as a very funny one! It also poses as it’s own musical as Jack Black & Kyle Gass have gone and created their own full soundtrack for the movie. Personally I think this is one of the better movies around as it offers a lot of uniqueness with its music and characters.

The scene I chose is from the final part of the movie and is the beginning of their song “Beelzeboss”. At this point the characters have tracked down the “Pick of Destiny” only to have it recovered by the Devil himself. This leads to a battle of epic proportions as Jack & Kyle attempt to win through their rock!

At first I was going to use the website Imgflip as they offer a tool to create your own gifs online. After a few attempts I realized that the website will apply its own watermark to any of the gifs you create (unless you pay for pro). This lead me to try out GIFRUN as an alternative for the gif making process. The website was a little difficult initially but I was able to understand the settings that were being offered. As well as making a small gif that I’m proud of and can easily relate to. I hope you guys enjoy this gif I’ve made and hope that you can check out the Tenacious D movie when you have the chance!


Fish Out of Water – Or is it Mammal?

Hey guys! Apologies for the late submission. Here we have a rug that I found while moving furniture into my aunt/uncles house. I had originally found/was going to use a few memes I created from this website called InspiroBot. It’s a really funny tool that’s supposed to make inspirational quotes but usually makes some that are more deprecating. Check it out!

For this assignment, I instead utilized something of my own making and grabbed an old picture of mine. Then sending it through the website Imgflip for the Meme-like Lettering. Once I saw the photo in my album I knew exactly what I wanted to go for and utilized this fish out of water take. Hope you enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3063

For this daily create I thought the process was a little easier as I have a repertoire of poems at my disposal. My mom enjoys sending me poems and I enjoy keeping a hold of the better ones.

This particular poem resonated with me as it’s important to recognize that you can’t change what’s in the past so rather focus more on the present and build towards the future. This is an idea that can help our current world as we face all these challenges with health and well-being. It’s important to recognize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and there is some good that can come out of our situation.

Rather than posting the image my mother had sent me (found below). I decided that I would challenge myself and try to rearrange the poem/create it in a way so that it was my own. I first sent the words into a word doc and organized them to their best fit. Then sent them to Presentation where I was able to add the bordering as well as the background color. Very simple process but I was able to add some gradient coloring for effect.

I could have gone a little more in depth but didn’t want to add anything to the image that wasn’t previously created by me. I think it’s important to recognize our own creative abilities and how we may utilize them. I hope in the future I can continue to create products of my own making.

They must have taken the background pic from an old flip-phone racing game!
Here is the Updated Poem
