ds106 – Selfie w/ Pet

Winter and I enjoying the Outdoor Sunshine

This mound of fluff is my dog “Winter.” Winter is a Bernese Mountain dog and turned five years old around the beginning of May. He is a big cuddler and enjoys tons of attention. Although he may look like a goofball I think he is one of the smartest dogs around. Winter is a really good listener and I swear he can understand the things we say to him. It’s only a matter of time before he starts talking back!

Winter was sort of a surprise for my family as just before we had him we had a female Bernese Mountain dog named Della. Della passed away during the end of my first-year of college. A short while after her passing my mother went out and picked up this big guy. Winter was the mutt of his litter but that didn’t stop his unique shine.

When originally picking up Winter, he had actually fallen through a nearby barn’s floorboards. Where the owners then had to fish him out from under the barn. Once they brought him up to the surface he was covered in dust and debris. But still just being a enjoyable little puppy he didn’t care nonetheless.

With the recent stay-at-home order it’s given me plenty of time to connect with Winter. I enjoy bringing him outside and soaking up this wonderful weather we’ve been having. It’s been good to get out and enjoy some sunshine while also playing with my dog. Although Winter does give me some trouble I think he’s a really good friend.


Daily Create #tdc3059

I thought today’s daily create was a special one as we as creators are able to put our own hometowns out on the spotlight. It’s good to acknowledge our roots and pay the respect that they deserve. Even if it’s in a fun quirky Postcard format. I enjoyed going out into my town trying to find a landmark that could pose as my postcard.

In the end, I chose to focus on my town’s main office as it’s a hot-spot for the Turner public. While taking the picture I did get a couple of funny looks but was quick to take the photo and assemble what I needed. I’m not sure if people are more irritable than usual since we’ve been dealing with all this heat and the corona business. The town office is certainly an interesting place as they cater to wide variety of things. My town is quite small so this town office definitely suites our little community.

While making this postcard I used Indesign and a photo I had taken earlier in the day. I used 4 boxes to create the green border around the original image and fit the main text underneath. All in all this took me about 15-20 minutes to complete the postcard.


ds106 – What’s the Meme

For my first ds106 assignment I decided to choose this image of Sokka as the Avatar series has been back in the public eye. I’ve been a longtime fan of the Avatar (The last Airbender) series and have been glad to see its recent arrival on Netflix. I myself have been re-watching the series to see how the show has aged since it’s release in 2005.

Just the other day I caught my youngest brother watching the show and I asked how it was going. He replied that he was excited to watch since he can pick up on stuff he hasn’t seen. I was perplexed by his answer and asked if he had seen the show before. He joked around and said that he’s only watched the movie some 50 times but has never seen the animated series before. Since then Avatar has become a huge boom in my house as everyone has joined together to watch the show. I’m happy that we can relive the good old days and enjoy a quality show that we all can enjoy.

For this image I used an online program called imgflip to create this meme. It’s a website that allows a user to upload images and apply bottom and top text lines. I was able to apply the second image on the website as well which I thought was quite clever. I’m not a huge fan of the movie that was produced for the show and think it’s a little dull compared to the series.


Daily Create #tdc3055

5/24 – Mashup

While approaching the prompt I first wanted to utilize something such as a mashup of some grandiose symphony orchestra. Yet that inquiry led to more “symphony” related music videos featuring the latest musicians. Perhaps such mixings of large scale sound would be too much for the ear, but perhaps taking segments could you arrive to an appropriate “mashup.” I arrived to this post and thought that the newfound beat helped revive a once sad/decrepit song. I’ve been especially joyful with the weather lately and I think it’s important to recognize how lucky we are to enjoy this weather in its fullest. I hope that more sunny days will continue our way and that we can all find ourselves in these trying times.
