Daily Create #tdc3088

Above is my two aloe babies… I planted them about two months ago and about one month ago they seemed to have stopped growing in size. I am a little concerned for their livelihood. These are my only plants.. But they show promise. I think one of them is pregnant with another aloe baby. Anyway, this assignment was nice! I liked coming up with names for my two little buddies! I watch them and take care of them everyday!

#ds106 #tdc3088 #Aloe


DS106-Digital Story Compilation

Above is my video compilation of my favorite DS106 assignments! I had to make it into a twitter embedded video because the video file was too large for my site. I had a good time creating this video. I definitely struggled trying to upload it but it was nice looking back at all my previous assignments and seeing the good work I have done.

#DS106 #Tweets


The Forrest Gump Project

Me working alongside some guards at Alcatraz. Original photo credit from bop.gov

As this course reaches it’s end, I become more and more confident in my photo editing skills. Here I have added myself into the infamous Alcatraz Prison. I am in this picture standing with the guards as if I work with them. I chose this because I really like watching crime documentaries. Also Alcatraz is supposed to be haunted which sounds super cool to me. I had no issues doing this project.

#Alcatraz #DS106


Daily Create #tdc3083

So, today’s assignment was to create a picture of a yellow bird and a man driving in the woods…. I could not find any yellow birds, so I decided to create one (or some) out of a picture of a nest of baby finches at my work! I used a picture editing application on my phone and TADA! Here is a picture of a few “yellow” birds! I also have no images of a man driving in the woods but a picture of me driving by the water seemed like a good replacement!

#tdc3083 #ds106 #birdsandcars


DS106- Remix Guinness Book of World Records

Who doesn’t love dogs?! I definitely do! Today’s assignment had me a bit worried at first. I was not sure what it meant or how to complete it…When I just gave the X-Ray goggles a chance I was able to figure it out very quickly using my knowledge I learned from Codecademy! I very much enjoyed making a little remix of this world record which was originally “Otto: Longest human tunnel travelled through by skateboarding dog.” All I needed to do was add my own spin to it! I liked the idea that there is other skateboarding dogs out there and that Otto is the fastest out of all them! I also chose this record because I used to work at Otto, a pizza shop in Portland, Maine. I love when I see the name being used elsewhere! Anyway, lots of fun creating this goofy record!

#dogs #ds106


Daily Create #tdc3081

My style today was a pair of striped pants that I bought from Target! I bought them this morning and wore them to work this afternoon. I love a pair of good jeans! This assignment was confusing at first because it was so vague. I was not sure where to go with it so I looked at what other people had done and got the idea to post my new pants! And yes my room is messy and I left my pajama shorts on the ground behind me… Enjoy!

#Pants #tdc3081 #ds106


DS106 We’re The Real Life Brady Bunch

Photo Made On FaceInHole.com

The idea of the “real life Brady Bunch” is actually my family. My image is made up of all of my three older sisters, my five year old brother, my stepmom, my mom, and my dad. We really are the real life Brady bunch because growing up with three older sisters made for quite a few hectic days! We all get along now but growing up was really interesting. I am not sure how my parents handled four girls. When my dad got remarried to my stepmom (whom we all love and adore), he finally got a son! It only took him five tries!! It is really funny going home to a brother who is 17.5 years younger than me but I love having fun with him and watching Thomas and Friends! We all live in different parts of the country now but we do get together for holidays and it is ALWAYS the highlight of my year! This was definitely a fun project and once I figured out how to create the image, I had a lot of fun with it!

#family #ds106 #creativity


DS106- Turn A GIF Into A FIG

I chose this video of a jump I did for dance and reversed it because I thought of how crazy it would be for me to do this coming up from the ground. I look at it and it makes my legs hurt! The caption “leg day” is because it would be a huge workout to do and I would need to be really strong in order to do this from the floor. I liked this assignment although I could not think right away about what I wanted to do for it. I looked through a few videos I had and this one stood out to me. I had no issues creating this through an application on my phone called “Reverse Vid” and then put the video on the giphy website and here you go!

#Dance #LegWorkout #DS106


DS106 What They Might Have Done In Social Media

This assignment made me think back to my history classes. I had no idea which historical figure to chose! I ended up going with good old Thomas Jefferson! Here is the link to his Facebook profile. I had a hard time thinking of good posts that he would have made. I liked this idea of what would it be like if internet/social media were around in those times. It was interesting to think about.

#DS106 #ThomasJefferson


Daily Create- #tdc3075

Tea for breakfast? No way!! This New Yorker drinks coffee with her breakfast! Today I had a cup of coffee (said with a Long Island accent) with a bowl of fruit, and a cup of juice. My blood sugar rocketed earlier and I am totally okay with that as I LOVE fruit!! I tend to always have fruit at least once a day. I also have at least two cups of coffee everyday to help me stay awake for my long work hours and to push through the last bits of schoolwork I have left. Today’s daily create was a piece of cake! Not literally…although I wish!! #tdc3075 #ds106 #coffee #NoTeaForMe


Daily Creates #tdc3074

Who knew black ties had a scent? This daily create pointed out the strange names that candles have! I have this candle in my house and clearly, black ties do smell good because I have used up almost this whole candle! I love candles, I always have candles lit in my house and I compulsively buy them when I see any in the store. Overall, this was a pretty fun activity for me to do and I had no trouble with it! I really enjoyed thinking about all of the strange names that there is for candle scents and how they really do not make any sense! It is crazy some of the names. A lot of candles have names of things like the one above that is not even related to items that have scent. Crazy! Definitely a fun activity!

#tdc3074 #ds106 #candles


DS106- Home Video

After seeing the example of this assignment from Professor Cripps, I knew right away which video I needed to make a gif. There are a few funny layers to this gif. First is the obvious, me falling out of a leap. I was practicing a dance for my dance team at home due to not being on campus currently. I had to send in a video of myself doing this dance to my coach and well, I happened to have a little slip when taping this round.

The second funny part of this gif is that my cat is laying on the floor and as I fall you can see her get startled in the background. Since creating my first gif recently, I did not have a hard time creating this and I actually had a lot of fun with it. I have since watched it a multitude of times, and still cannot stop laughing! ENJOY!!


#DanceFails #UNEDT

DS106- The Big Caption

This DS106 assignment was mainly difficult for me in the creativity department. As a non creative person, I had no idea what I wanted to do. At first, I looked through the images we were to use and I got stressed out thinking of what I could do. But, once I saw this picture, the idea came right to me! I love pumpkins so much, and anything else related to fall. Fall has always been my favorite season because October is my birthday month! I love everything in October, including the scary movies, Halloween decorations, and of course, the pumpkins! And on top of loving pumpkins, I love pumpkin pie! Pumpkin pie has always been my favorite pie to eat because it reminds me of Thanksgiving and spending time with family. I hope everyone enjoys this little “Big Caption” image.

#Pumpkins #DS106


Daily Create #tdc3069

At my work there is two bird nests with baby birds in them. One of the nests is a Finch nest and it is in a smaller bush that is accessible to look at. Today I was able to snap some close up photos of the newly hatched babies! Above you can see the before photo before coloring and the after photo with coloring. At first I imagined making the nest rainbow colored but I did have some trouble figuring that out. I finally downloaded a photo editing application and I got these colors on which made me really satisfied. Now I have designed a postmodern birdie (or birdies) with emotional coloring! I hope everyone enjoys!

#dailycreate #ds106 #BirdIsTheWord


Daily Create #tdc3068

Today’s daily create threw me for a loop. It took me quite some time to come up with an idea for it. I was not sure if I got the right idea but hopefully it looks good! I made mine bikes as people. I pictured a bike sitting down on a chair. I am not very good at drawing especially not on the computer so I used shapes to help me out. It was not super hard but it was frustrating because it was hard to move the shapes once I got them on the picture. I hope everyone enjoy’s thinking about what it would be like if bikes were people. I sure did!


DS106 Color Walk Timeline

For the Color Walk Timeline I used a color generator to randomly assign me a color. Of course the color that it picked was red. I say of course because red happens to be everywhere I turned! I was surprised at how many red objects I came across including red front doors on houses, red cars (which I did not get pictures of because I figured people would want their license plate numbers to be kept private), and red parking signs. Alongside signs which were very common, many houses and buildings in my neighborhood in Portland were also red brick. I tried to keep it minimal with the amount of sidewalk pictures and building pictures I took. I had a hard time at first figuring out how to create this timeline but in the end the results came out great! I am happy with the completion of my final results.

#ds106assignment #ColorWalk #Red


DS106- Say it Like The Peanut Butter

My all time favorite movie is How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. This is the original cartoon version. I remember watching it as a little kid on the couch with my family. Even though it is a Christmas movie, I still love watching it occasionally throughout the year just to get some happy emotions flowing. This moving gives me feelings of comfort. Doing this project was hard because I never have created a gif before but I loved the outcome and being able to figure it out. It definitely gave me some joy making this and brought back my memories of childhood. I liked getting to add filters onto the gif as well. I used the giphy website which made it very simple to create a gif. All I had to do was find a clip on youtube of the scene I wanted from the movie and the website helped with the rest.


DS106- Demotivate Yourself

Demotivational posters are very interesting to me. Creating this was a little challenging because quite honestly I just did not know where to even start. What I ended up doing was going on a word generator and letting it decide what word I was going to use. I then was able to create my image accordingly.

I am an exceptional over packer. I can never pack appropriately. This helped me create my idea of “packing light.” My family always makes fun of me when I come to visit them for three days or so with multiple bags and a suitcase but you never know what you may feel like wearing!

In general, I feel like I have started to get used to the editing of photos and now I think I am practically a pro. This made it super easy to create my picture. I love the outcome and am really happy I did it.


DS106- Selfie With Your Pet

This assignment gives me great pleasure as my cat Coco is my favorite topic to talk about. Coco is 13 years old and I have had her for two years. I adopted her after a break up from a longterm boyfriend that made me feel really alone. When I got Coco, I immediately felt comfort from her presence. Coco has an innate sense of empathy and when I am down, she will come sit on my lap or right next to me which lets me know she is there for me.

This is Coco and Me on Halloween in 2018. Coco is dressed as a hot dog.

Coco has a plethora of health issues including asthma, pre diabetes, and anxiety. Coco also currently has an ear infection. She has been through so much including oral surgery which made her so sick that I had to give her IV fluids for 10 days. Coco is so strong and has made it through all of her health diagnoses with a positive attitude. One time I brought Coco for Christmas on a 8 hour car ride to Long Island, NY where my immediate family lives. She did not enjoy the ride and got car sick all over my back seat. Despite this, she did sit down with me to get a good picture by my parent’s Christmas tree on Christmas morning.

Recently I heard from Coco’s previous owner. She informed me that Coco was given to her friend when she had to move and could not take care of her anymore. She told me that her friend gave up Coco to the shelter without telling her. Despite her anger towards her friend, she was not interested in taking Coco back. I was extremely relieved with that although I would never give her back even if she wanted her. But she wanted to make sure Coco was in a loving home. She also told me all about Coco’s life before I became her mom. Apparently Coco had travelled the world with her by sailboat. They traveled from Scotland, to the Keys, to Alaska, and to many other places.

I feel extremely lucky to have such a great cat like Coco. Throughout all her adventures in life, it seems like it was meant to be that she came into my life. I am so grateful for her even if she wakes me up at 5am, which she does every morning by biting me, and if she sometimes, meaning once a day, will poop directly in front of the litter box and not in it. Coco has made a lot of great stories. She really has a personality of her own. All together, I love having her.


Daily Create #tdc3061

Today I got to change one letter in a band’s name and create a new album cover for the new name. The first step that I took to do this was go on Apple Music and look into bands. I typically listen to single artists and not many bands so no band came to my mind right away. I actually was nervous that I was not going to be able to do anything cool or fun with this create because I did not know any good bands. I looked in the classic rock genre on Apple Music and I saw Pearl Jam. Right away I thought to myself “Pearl Ham”. I instantly started to laugh and new that this was it.

When I had the name my next step was to create the cover. I had an idea in my head of some pigs or one pig with the title across the screen. I thought about editing the photo to make it look more “rough” or rocker like. I saw this image on google of these two pigs and thought it was cute because one of them looks like it is singing. After that I went into my photos application and did some easy editing. This including changing the brightness, the saturation, and other various photo editing tools. The one problem I had was putting on the title. I remembered I had an application that puts frames on photos so that they become square. I knew if I used this that I would have a boarder and could easily add a text box on top with name Pearl Ham. After this, I was very happy with my results and felt like it fit the vibe of the normal album covers that Pearl Jam usually has.
