DS106 Week #6 – Digital Story Compilation

I had fun going through all my assignments from this semester for this video project. I decided to try out WeVideo for this project. I wanted to make sure I represented a wide range of assignments completed for the course. I included a few of my favorite Memes, as well as all the GIFS I made because I was happy with how they turned out. I had never used WeVideo before, but I figured it out pretty quickly. I had fun with the transitions and title screens to introduce each assignment. I downloaded the file to my MacBook and then posted that file to Youtube. I like that this is one of our final assigned projects, so that we leave the course with essentially a “highlight reel” of the course.


Daily Create #tdc3086


For this t-shirt design challenge, I decided to combine my short height with my love of birds! I used a photo I took of an adorable endangered Piping plover chick on a beach in Maine, and paired it with a few quick words to complete the shirt.#tdc3086 pic.twitter.com/qs9yHFPJ8U— MorganaQ_UNE (@MorganaqUne) June 25, 2020

So, for this t-shirt design challenge, I wanted to somehow incorporate birds (shocker I know). Whenever I see an article of clothing or household item with a bird on it, I feel the need to purchase it. So, I thought I would have some fun with designing a shirt with a bird on it. I took photos of endangered Piping plover shorebirds in Maine last week and I was captivated by how tiny and fragile these little chicks really are! However, they run around the sand along the ocean tides digging up food to survive. They are powerful and resilient for their tiny size, so I decided to go with that idea for the shirt. I also happen to be a bit on the smaller side myself, being a 23 year old that is only 4′ 10″ tall. So, I combined my photo of a tiny yet strong bird, as well as the idea that my height doesnt mean that I am weak, but instead that I am strong (as I was often picked on in middle school for my height and still get snarky comments even in college). I used customink.com to design my shirt, and then took a screenshot of my finished t-shirt design.


DS106 Week #6 – Forrest Gump Project

Heres a before and after side-by-side comparison! (Before on left, after on right)
Edited photo with me watching the Apollo 11 launch!

I was pretty intrigued and excited when I read this assignment! My approach for the project was to think about an important historical event that I wish I was alive for and able to observe/take part in. I have been really interested in and inspired by NASA space exploration since I was pretty young. I never wanted to be an astronaut, but I always found space exploration to be an exciting part of our countries history. The amount of people it takes to get the astronauts safely into space and to their destination is unimaginable to me. I’m especially in awe of the people behind the scenes who have to do the calculations and crunch the numbers to figure out how to build the shuttles, how to launch them, and all that comes with shooting a space shuttle into space.

By the way, little side-note, if you too find space exploration fascinating, I highly suggest the film Hidden Figures! It tells the story of three brilliant African-American women at NASA who were the brains behind the operation of sending astronaut John Glenn into orbit in the early 1960s.

So, if I had to pick a historical event to be present for, I would choose the Apollo 11 launch! This photo I found is of a crowd in Central Park, NY watching Neil Armstrong take man’s first steps on the moon on large television screens. I downloaded the photo to Photoshop. I then took a selfie where I am looking in the general direction of everyone in the crowd. I imported that selfie into photoshop and used the select and mask tool to cut myself out of the photo and paste it to the original photo. I placed it at a good spot in the crowd where there was a bit of dead space, and then I turned down the opacity on my selfie layer so I could erase parts of my photo to make it look like I am behind the people in front of me. I’m overall happy with it, but I wish both my selfie and the original photo looked the same resolution wise.

Credit for original photo is NASA via the following article: https://tucson.com/moon-memories/article_5c3aa65c-e930-5cde-a2ad-8ef283d55504.html


DS106 Week #5 – Remix Guinness Book of World Records

Original world record page (Tallest donkey)
Remixed world record page (Tallest shorebird)

With my background of wildlife photography, I knew I wanted to remix an animal related Guinness world record. I perused the animal section and came across the Tallest Donkey record. I thought about what would be funny to replace the donkey, and I thought of a tiny fluffy bird that I have photographed for the first time this past weekend. Piping Plovers are a small shorebird that are actually endangered in Maine. I had the pleasure of photographing several nesting pairs and their adorable chicks (from afar) this past Saturday and knew I had to replace the donkey with an adorable Piping Plover chick. They are so incredibly small, fluffy, and fragile in reality, so I thought it would be funny to see one larger than a human. I utilized the X-Ray goggles for everything I changed but the photo. I edited my photo in Photoshop and uploaded it to several photo websites. However, when I got down to “coding” and replacing stuff on the original site, I could not get the image replacement to work correctly. I kept getting a small blue question mark square when I replaced it. So, after I remixed the text, I took that screen cap into photoshop and placed my photoshopped image into the page.


DS106 Week #5 – We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch

I decided to recreate the Brady bunch image with the title in the center and the people around the boxes with the blue background. I wanted to make this assignment using my friends I have made at UNE for my first two semester as the subject. We don’t really have a name for our friend group, so I just went with The UNE Crew. Most of my friends I have made have been through our shared major, Animal Behavior. The lovely ladies shown in my final creation (from left to right, top to bottom) are Izzi, Sidney, Bailey, Rachel, Madison, Kelsie, myself, and Lauren. Each and every one of them has made my time so far at UNE special and memorable in their own ways and I cannot wait to reunite with them in August (fingers crossed nothing major changes and we still get to return to Biddeford). To make this final image, I started with a solid blue background layer in Photoshop. I then placed black lines to create boxes for each friend. I then looked through either my computer to find photos I had taken of my friends, or looked on their social media to find a photo if I hadn’t taken a solid shot of them to use (all but two were my own photos… photo credit to Rachel and Lauren for their photos from Facebook). After I had the boxes, I imported each photo one at a time and erased around their chest and head to get rid of the original background.


Daily Create #tdc3078

It was hard to choose one time of day that I like most. I really find nighttime to be beautiful, especially in the summer, with the star-filled skies and lightning bugs in the field out front of our home, but there is something special and peaceful about the time around 30 minutes before to an hour after sunrise. Just in general, it is kind of neat to be awake and watching the sun actually rise in the morning. It makes me feel like I have a full day ahead of me and I just feel refreshed and calm when I see the sunrise (especially on the beach!). Secondly, as a wildlife photographer, lighting is key. Photographing animals midday can be less fruitful than sunrise and late afternoon/early evening/close to sunset because of the lighting. Midday light is harsh and casts undesirable shadows and blown out highlights. However, early morning sunrise light gives a beautifully rich and warm glow to whatever subject I’m observing and photographing. I decided to depict this light through a collage I threw together of photos taken at Tuesday morning’s sunrise. The subjects are adorable Piping Plovers, a threatened and protected shorebird species in Maine. I woke up at 3:30 in the morning to go watch the sunrise at Old Orchard Beach and photograph these special little birds with the beautiful warm light of a Maine summer sunrise.


DS106 Week #4 – “What they might have done on social media”

I decided to choose the famous figure, Fred Rogers of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I recently watched the film “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” and it inspired me to complete this project about everyone’s favorite neighbor. I had trouble with the Facebook site and wasn’t able to save it, so I had to take a screenshot of my screen. After doing that, it still had elements of the building template, so I took the screenshot image into photoshop and covered up evidence of it being a work in progress so that it looked more polished like a real facebook page. I had fun coming up with a fake Twitter and sample tweet for him and decided to go with a current event that would have happened during his time. I thought it would be interesting to mention the moon landing and have Mr Rogers comment on how the neighborhood was growing bigger as the astronauts traveled to the moon and placed the American flag. He was such a happy and caring person, so I decided that his Facebook posts would all be inspirational, wholesome words, so I used some of his famous quotes as his Facebook posts.


DS106 Week #5 – GIF to a FIG

Bird’s flying in reverse GIF – link: (via GIPHY)

I decided to use a slow-mo video I took this past winter of me feeding birds from my hand. I love slow mo videos of animals and birds in flight are fascinating to watch. I thought it would be kind of interesting to see birds flying backwards. I also like the beginning of the GIF where it looks like the seed is levitating into the nuthatches bill! I used an app on my phone called Reversevid to convert my original slow mo video into a reverse version, and then uploaded that reverse copy to GIPHY to complete my FIG where it is linked to above with the grayish-blue link.


Daily Create #tdc3077

This is Boomer, our loyal boxer whose personality is like an old man. He’d probably say something like, “I love my family (even when they dress me up in weird costumes) because they love and care for me and saved me from a family who treated me poorly” #tdc3077 pic.twitter.com/VJSxCcMYly— MorganaQ_UNE (@MorganaqUne) June 15, 2020

Since my mom and I are both photographers, our pets are all common subjects in our photos when we are not photographing wildlife. Boxers are known for their expressive and emotive faces, and this is one of my favorite photos I have taken of Boomer. He is a very loyal and well behaved pup and puts up with whatever outfits or costumes he might be dressed up in for photos. I was doing an emulate a photographer assignment for a photography class at CCV, my previous college before UNE, and I was emulating William Wegmen who photographs his Weimaraner dogs in different poses and outfits. I just love his face in this photo. He put up with the many costume changes but this one is towards the end and it just looks like he is totally over it and done with being the subject of my photos. If Boomer could talk, I think his attitude and voice would be similar to the main character Carl from Up. Carl is a cranky old man but has a really loyal and soft side and this is very similar to how I think Boomer would be if he was a human or if he could talk at least. If he could speak, I think he would say that he loves his family as he is very attached to us and doesn’t trust strangers, only the close members of his family that he knows well. He was mistreated in his previous home so he is happy to be with us where he is loved and very well cared for.


DS106 Week 4 – Home Video GIF

I had a lot of fun scrolling through the videos from the last few months on my iPhone. Sure, I haven’t done anything super exciting due to quarantine, but home videos are most treasured and special to me when they show a funny, exciting, or important moment I share with my family. Like most people in quarantine, not being able to visit the hairdressers has caused some whacky, longer than normal haircuts! My dad’s hair has grown much longer than normal and sometimes he would jokingly put a hair tie at the top of his head to try and get it out of his eyes. We had just finished eating dinner and my dad was checking his phone. My mom said she was going to “style his hair” but she decided to play a little joke on him and get some scissors from the drawer and pretend to cut his “ponytail” off (she didnt actually cut any hair)! His reaction was priceless and I knew this moment in the video was perfect to be made into a GIF for this assignment! I used the site Giphy and decided to add a little caption with a fun animation that really added to the GIF.


Daily Create #tdc3072


If I were an animal… I’d be a Sea Otter 🙂
They are small chubby (fluffy) mammals who love the ocean. They are gregarious, playful, and close with their family. I can relate to that 🙂
(Photo credit to https://t.co/revUDMauP2) #tdc3072 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/yz8ScAbwey— MorganaQ_UNE (@MorganaqUne) June 11, 2020

Southern Sea Otter Enhydra lutris Monterey, CA, USA
Photo credit to Suzi Eszterhas and seaotters.com

I went back and forth for this daily create when trying to decide which animal I would be. I think I started off thinking about my favorite animal rather than what animal I am most similar to. At first I was thinking I would be an orca or bottlenose dolphin, as these are my two favorite animals. However, I wanted to choose an animal that fit me as a person more rather than just an animal I would like to be. I kept thinking about marine mammals, because aside from birds they are my favorite group of animals. I ultimately decided that the adorable Sea Otter is the animal I would be if I wasn’t human. They are kind of chubby and a bit lazy at times, but very happy and playful. They are intelligent and form close bonds with their friends and families. I can relate to these otter traits and thanks to this assignment, I have decided that the Sea Otter is my new spirit animal. I also decided to find a photo of a Sea otter on google to share with this post because they are too adorable not to share a photo!


DS106 Week #4 – The Big Caption (Meme)

It guess it shouldn’t surprise me that the image that caught my eye was the one with a bird in it. I saw some very powerful images relating to covid19 deaths and other sensitive subjects, however I personally felt it insensitive to think of a funny or witty caption to put over the image as it would take away from the real issue that is very serious for many people. So, even though there were many powerful images that caught my eye, this one of a woman feeding a seagull seemed worthy of a caption. Due to current events in the world, there are two major subjects that are on my mind on a constant, daily basis and that is the coronavirus pandemic and the black lives matter movement. After looking at this photo for a minute, it made me think about the many complex and interconnected ways that a virus pandemic affects humans, the environment, and wildlife. I am in no way downplaying or overshadowing the devastating effects the virus has had on humans and the countless lives lost, however, a pandemic like this doesn’t come without it’s impacts on wildlife, good and bad.

The original caption of this photo was about the human in the photo celebrating a local food joint opening for the regular season in February and her sharing with a gull. However I took the image in a direction that focused more on the gull than the human. This image made me think of how certain species of wildlife, or vermin as most people refer to them, are dealing with a large decrease in human activity outside of their homes for several months. It made me think of an article I read back in April. The rats in NYC have become desperate and cannibalistic during the pandemic due to decreased human activity in the major city. Restaurants and stores are closed and not producing waste that is the main source of food for the rats. This also made me think about other species that seem to rely on humans for food. Gulls and pigeons don’t solely rely on humans for food to the extent the NYC rats do, however, a good portion of their diet is fast food and other human waste thrown on streets or in trash cans/dumpsters. It sort of made me think if the gulls that relied on feeding from McDonald’s customers and the dumpsters, transitioned to acting more like how we would think a typical gull would act; feeding on ocean life on beaches and out in the ocean. It also makes me wonder how practices of food disposal will change following the eventual end of the covid19 pandemic and what effects this will have on wildlife.


Daily Create #tdc3067


I took inspiration from the recent internet emergence of “hacktivist” group Anonymous. They’re speaking up because of the police brutality against POC in America and I tried to imagine what a ransom note to cops from Anonymous would look like. #tdc3067 pic.twitter.com/Kq0qnr8KfG— MorganaQ_UNE (@MorganaqUne) June 5, 2020

This was a very timely daily create challenge. I think the state of our country over the past few weeks has really woken a lot of people up. I know it really has for me. The peaceful protesting, as well as resources and videos shared online by friends and family have allowed me to become more educated. I have always lived life believing that by caring about others and believing that all people are equal no matter their skin color, that I was doing enough. However, I am realizing more and more that my assumption was wrong. It is no longer acceptable for me as a white person in this country to simply believe in my heart that all people are equal regardless of the color of their skin. In order to end systemic racism, we cannot stay silent any longer. White Americans have a duty to not only believe that, but also to put it into action. Peacefully protesting alongside black Americans is part of that, but so is raising your voice online and spreading awareness. We must show the country and the world that this must end. White Americans will never truly understand the struggle that our brothers and sisters of color face on a daily basis. However, we must do what we can to show them we care and amplify their voices that have been drowned out for far too long. I saw that the “hacktivist” Anonymous has recently resurfaced online after being silent for quite a while. They are known for their cyber attacks on different governments and government agencies. They are adding their voice to the cries of Americans calling for the end of police brutality. I wish every single cop that has treated a POC in America poorly or unjustly, or has killed a POC in America, would get their justice served. I obviously have no idea what Anonymous has or doesn’t have in the way of dirt on people, but I wanted to imagine what a ransom note (sort of a blackmail note too) would look like from Anonymous to the cops of America if they had proof of their crimes against Americans.


Color (Yellow) Walk Time Line

I have been feeling really overwhelmed and emotional lately with everything going on in the world as well as my dad losing his job due to Covid19 (it’s understandably hard to employ a catering director at a college during a pandemic). Nature is always the place I go to calm down my thoughts and find peace. This assignment came at the perfect time and rather than go into a town or city where choosing one specific color would be easy, I decided to go to one of my favorite birding hotspots, the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge in Swanton VT (about 40 mins from my house). It is a very lush and green place at this time of year, but not many flowers or colorful plants grow on the trails. So, I thought of colors that I might see in both the flora and fauna. I went with yellow because I knew Yellow Warblers were common in the area and I knew that buttercups covered the fields that I walk through to get to the marsh trail (my favorite part of the refuge).

My first photo came when I was walking through the buttercup fields. I was going to stick with just a shot of the buttercups, but then a Bobolink decided to drop in and show off his soft yellow cap on his head that fit with the buttercups nicely. As I walked along the path leading to the marsh, I heard the familiar call of the Yellow Warbler. Their song sounds like “Sweet, sweet, so so so sweet.” Once I got a few shots of these irresistibly adorable birds, I arrived at the first view of the marsh and continued along the edge, stopping to photograph birds with any yellow on their plumage. I first saw the Kingbird that has a muted yellow lower belly. I then saw a very common sight for the marsh, Red-winged Blackbirds. The female sporting a yellowish face, and the male sporting his famous red wing patches, with a small yellow patch right below it. Then I continued along the marsh until I got around to the opposite side, close to the entrance to the woods trail. I looked into the marsh and saw a massive Bullfrog and was entranced by his yellow eyes. I wanted to make it an even 8 shots, but the clock was running down and I only had a few minutes left in the 20 minute time frame. I knew that Great-crested Flycatchers inhabited the woods and they have a beautiful, pale yellow chest that I was hoping to capture for my final image. However, I heard rustling to my left and saw a Painted turtle taking a leisurely walk through the forest. His bold yellow striping on his head was the perfect focal point for my final image. I had a lot of fun with this assignment, and even though it took a lot longer than I expected to create it with the timeline website and google spreadsheet, I am happy with the result!


DS106 Week #3 – Movie GIF

I am a big movie fan so it was tough to just pick one movie scene to make a GIF from. I used the website Gifrun and it was a lot quicker and easier to do than I thought it would be. I am not only a fan of live action films, but also animated films. Not the cheap budget, low creativity made only for kids animated films, but the smart, beautifully animated, wonderfully scored films that offer kids and adults alike an experience. One movie that fits those categories for me is the How to Train your Dragon trilogy which is (in my opinion) the best animated trilogy to date. It’s characters are well developed, the animation is ground breaking and beautiful, especially lighting and the environment in films 2 and 3. I love this film trilogy most of all for the relationship between the main viking protagonist Hiccup, and the main dragon protagonist, Toothless. It is one of the best human-animal relationships I have seen in a film and its made even more engaging due to the fantasy element of dragons living among humans. There is such a beautiful arc for the two main characters. Hiccup starts as a young viking that is taught to kill dragons since they set viking villages on fire and steal their livestock. However, Hiccup is unable to commit this act against another living creature and ends up forming an unbreakable bond with the deadliest dragon species the vikings know of, the Night Fury. By the end of the trilogy, every viking has their own dragon companion and they must say goodbye to their dragons in order to protect them from other vikings who are still set in their ancient belief of dragons being vermin that need to be eradicated. Not only does the film boast beautiful animation, storytelling and characters, but it also has one of my favorite film scores ever, by composer John Powell. I chose a very important scene from the first film for my GIF, when Hiccup works up the courage to try and touch Toothless for the first time, and Toothless is learning that Hiccup means him no harm and could possibly be a friend. If anyone hasn’t seen the trilogy yet, look up How to Train your Dragon Forbidden Friendship scene on youtube and watch the (approx. 5 minute) video for a wonderful scene from the first film!


Daily Create #tdc3065

Well, it certainly took me waaayyyy out of my comfort zone, but I drew this scene on my iPad for todays daily create! #tdc3065 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/tWGPnyFnpt— MorganaQ_UNE (@MorganaqUne) June 3, 2020

This daily create is definitely pushing me out of my comfort zone. I have never been that good at drawing. Photography is the art I’ve always found success with. I enjoy sketching on my iPad, but I’m never happy enough with the result to share it. So, when I saw this prompt, I knew it would definitely take some motivation to get myself to get it done and share it with others. I used the Adobe Draw app on my iPad and my apple pencil to sketch this scene. I decided to draw the boy and cat in a little valley walking over a log to cross the fresh mountain stream. The pink airplane flying over the mountains looks a little out of place, but I wanted to make sure I followed the prompt. I definitely have a lot to learn regarding drawing on my iPad, but it feels good to come out of my comfort zone and share my work with others. However, I think I’ll stick to sharing my photography with the world and keep my drawings to myself. 🙂


DS106 Week #3 – Demotivational Poster

I haven’t really seen many demotivational posters on the internet so I wasn’t too sure about this assignment. I think my final product fits the assignment and it was fun to make! For some reason, the first idea that popped into my head was getting a funny photo of one of my dogs trying to catch a dog treat. There are so many funny slow mo videos on the internet of dogs being tossed a treat, and them failing miserably trying to catch it in their mouth! I always find them amusing and thought I’d try to capture a photo of my pup Hazel trying to catch a dog bone that I toss to her. I tossed her several treats and she never actually caught one of them. I was hoping to get one rolling off her snout, but this is the best I got and I think it works! I’m not sure if my caption is clever or witty enough, but I think it definitely counts as Demotivational! My process was capturing a photo of my dog and then importing it to photoshop. Then I used to selection tool to take Hazel out of the original photo and put it on a black background. Then, I found a (de)motivational poster builder website that allowed me to upload the image, select the font type, and type in what I wanted the top and bottom lines to say.


DS106 Week #2 – Selfie with Your Pet(s)

Our family has always had Boxer dogs since I was born. We currently have boxer #5 and #6 still living with us, Boomer and Hazel. I am also including a selfie with our recently departed Daisy that I took with her the day she had to be euthanized (April 28th). She was the sweetest tank of a dog I have ever had the pleasure of loving, and our family misses her every day.

Daisy, my brother and I the day we had to have her euthanized due to thyroid tumors
Boomer and I today

This handsome boy is Boomer, our 6 year old Boxer. Our family adopted him when he was 2 years old. A family in Connecticut had to move to Florida and they already had four boxers and didnt want to take the four dogs with them. I feel bad that Boomer was the one they decided they didnt want out of the four dogs. I don’t really agree with people giving up dogs unless absolutely necessary and their logic that four dogs was too many to move to a new state with doesn’t seem like a good enough excuse to me, but Boomer was all that mattered and he needed a home, so we adopted him.

The family drove him to our home in Vermont and dropped Boomer off days before they planned to move to Florida. Since we got Boomer as a 2 year old, we didnt truly know what his personality or behavior would be like. He was extremely shy and nervous for a good month after his owners dropped him off. We had Daisy at the time and they became inseparable within a few days. As we got to know Boomer, we noticed aspects of his behavior that pointed to neglect/abuse in his previous home. He was very distrustful of men and in the four years we’ve had him, he has tried to nip at certain men when they come on our property. He didnt cause any harm of course, just small little nips where no skin was broken, but he clearly had something happen with a man or men in his past home that made him distrustful of them. He is also extremely scared of loud noises. He’s a very sweet old soul, one one of the smallest most petite boxers we have ever seen or owned. He is very loyal to our family and even though he has his quirks, we love him very much.

Hazel our 2 year old Boxer today with a derpy look on her face because she had just woken up from a nap

This big sweetie is Hazel, our 2 year old Boxer. Yep, she’s bigger than Boomer and only 2 years old 🙂 I told you Boomer was a tiny Boxer! Of the 6 Boxers we have owned, two have been purchased as puppies from breeders, and 4 have been rescues from different situations. One was a rescue pup from Hurricane Katrina, another was an elderly boxer with cancer who’s owners left him at a Vet’s office late at night who we had for 10 months before he needed to be euthanized, and then Daisy was rescued after her owner passed of Cancer. Our first boxer, Baran, and now our most recent addition, Hazel, were purchased from a reliable breeder as puppies. And, because I can’t resist, here is a photo of cute little Hazel with my dad a few weeks before we brought her home from the breeder.

Hazel as a puppy!

Hazel is definitely the most loving and cuddly of the boxers we have had. She doesn’t know how big she is (like most big dog breeds) and would be content to sit on your lap and get scratched and pet all day long! Her and Boomer have become very good friends, but since she is sort of in her early teenage years, she likes to annoy him sometimes. Boomer will be sleeping, minding his own business, and if she is bored and wants to play, she will literally come and sit on his head until he gets up and starts playing with her. It’s the funniest thing!

She definitely has provided plenty of entertainment for me and my brother who are both home from our respective colleges during the pandemic. I think she especially enjoys us being home all day so she can go outside and play whenever she pleases. She loves being outside in all weather and especially loves playing in the snow! Even as a young puppy when we were potty training her, she wouldn’t want to go inside even if her little paws were getting cold. When she started shivering, we would bring her inside and she would cry and paw at the front door begging to go back outside and play in the snow! It is so interesting how unique each dog’s personality can be especially since they are the same breed. I can’t imagine life without both of them in it, and I know quarantine wouldn’t be nearly as bearable without them!


Daily Create #tdc3061


Here is my new band and album cover! You’ve heard of the Cars, now introducing, the Cats! I had a lot of fun with this Daily Create 🙂 #ds106 #tdc3061 pic.twitter.com/a9PKsh0In4— MorganaQ_UNE (@MorganaqUne) May 30, 2020

You’ve heard of The Cars… now here is The Cats!

I had a lot of fun with today’s Daily Create! I started my process by scrolling through my iPhone, perusing the list of artists that I own music by. Nothing was really jumping out at me until I came to The Cars. My grandfather loves classic rock and he is the one who got me hooked on the genre at a young age. His favorite bands are The Cars, the Eagles, and Queen. Right when I read The Cars artist name, I knew changing the r in Cars to a t could be fun! So, the band The Cats was born! The album cover I decided to go with was their complete greatest hits album because I felt it had strong potential to be “cat-ified”. My first thought was to put photos of cats playing instruments in the tiles, however, I wanted to stay true to the original cover and replace the human hands with cat paws. I brought the album cover into photoshop and found some cute cat paw photos on google. I then used lots of layers and tools such as the lasso and paint tool to remove the human hands and replace them with the cat paws. I had a lot of fun messing around with this idea in photoshop and I’m pretty happy with the result. The thing I love about these daily creates is you never know what you’re going to do on any given day. I would have never guessed I would wake up this morning, log onto Twitter to check the daily create, and several hours later be creating a classic rock album cover with cat paws.


Daily Create #tdc3059


Here is my take on the From FL with Love postcard prompt! (Open fullscreen for full image!) #ds106dc #tdc3059 pic.twitter.com/FUaH457ES9— MorganaQ_UNE (@MorganaqUne) May 29, 2020

For this Daily create, I knew I wanted to showcase the beauty of Vermont and one of the big things that nature loving Vermonters are doing right now is birding! Spring migration is still happening and birds are starting to enter the breeding phase of the season. This means lots of singing birds. I went birding early this morning at one of my favorite local spots and came across this adorable Yellow warbler singing his heart out. I decided to use him as the image on my postcard as he was so sunny and cheerfully colored which is much needed during these dark times. I added a bit of humor with the speech bubble coming from the singing warbler, and added an important tagline down at the bottom. If I am sending greetings from Vermont to someone during this time, I would much rather them look at an adorable migratory bird, rather than everything being closed and popular and well-known Vermont businesses looking like ghost towns. To create the postcard, I dragged my warbler photo into Photoshop and found a speech bubble PNG on google. I then typed out what I wanted my postcard to say on different layers and then exported it as a compact JPEG file.
