What’s the Meme?

When I scrolled through the assortment of meme-able images provided by Professor Cripps, I knew I had to choose Sokka! For some reason, Avatar was never one of the shows I watched regularly as a kid. However, I have fellow geek/nerd friends who watched the show growing up and informed me that it was now on Netflix and that I needed to binge it. So…. thats what I’m currently doing in my free time between classwork. Being an animal lover, of course Appa and Momo, along with the creative animal mashup species like the Otter penguins and Fire ferrets, are my favorite characters. However, as far as humans go, Sokka is definitely a favorite! He brings comic relief in his exaggerated movements and reactions to the sticky situations he gets himself into on the regular. His look of disdain and confusion on his face in this screen cap just begged me to make it into a meme. I then thought of things that I have heard or seen on the internet recently that cause me to make a Sokka face. One of these things is the conspiracy theories around the Coronavirus. Not only do I think these theories are idiotic and disrespectful to the thousands of people who have lost their lives or their loved ones, but they are just downright jaw dropping. How could someone believe these lies when we have science and doctors? One theory that is really out there in terms of plausibility is the idea that the virus can be caused by the radiation coming from 5G and our cell phones. This ridiculous claim seemed to fit perfectly with this image, so a meme was born. This theory also gave me an idea for a pandemic horror film… What if viruses actually were spread through cell phones and technology? I think a large part of the world just couldn’t resist the temptation to be on their devices and would contract the virus pretty rapidly. Anyway, I have never created a meme before and look forward to see what other meme-able images are laid before us for the picking.


Daily Create #tdc3055

For my first Daily create, I decided to take this prompt in a little bit of a different direction. Although I love music, I am not musically gifted in any way, and after hours spent at the computer, I was not happy with any of the results I was getting mashing two different songs together. Then I had the idea to take one song, and mash it together with audio of characters in a movie saying famous/memorable lines. I have been having movie marathons during quarantine, and one main one I have gone through is films in the Marvel cinematic universe. I decided to take the Avengers theme song and mash it with clips from the various films of characters saying memorable lines. It was a fun task, but it was definitely time consuming! I used iMovie and ended up being pretty content with the final product. However, my video was too large to upload to twitter, so I recorded my computer screen with my iPhone while I played the video through quick time player. However, Twitter didnt like that either. It said my file could not be processed. Then I had the idea to upload the second video I recorded to Youtube and then share the link on Twitter. That seemed to work! Not ideal of course, but at least I was able to share it.

Instead of mashing up two songs, I mashed up the Avengers Theme song w/ audio clips from MCU films. Alas, my video file was too large, and the video I recorded of my screen didn’t upload, so here is a youtube link of that second vid instead… https://t.co/x28QA6cVpA

#tdc3055— MorganaQ_UNE (@MorganaqUne) May 25, 2020
