
This is the only plant I have around my room, it was a peony from our garden outside. They are my favorite kind of flower, but unfortunately I don’t have much of a green thumb so it died rather quickly.

I have always been really bad at properly maintaining flowers, or any plant life really. I’m the kind of person that can kill a succulent. Oops. So I don’t often have plant life in my room, but even dried out I think the peony still looks rather pretty?

Forest Gump Project

This is a photo of the first submarine expedition to the North Pole in 1930. Led by Hubert Wilkins with commander Vilhjalmur Stefansson while aboard the Nautilus. I always found original marine expeditions so intriguing. I like this one in particular because it was one of the first successful ventures to the North Pole in a submarine.

For this assignment, I used canva to photoshop myself into the original image. I used a picture of myself my family took while I was helping my mother shovel out the pathway to her store. Then I just removed the background and put a filter to best match the depth of the original photo.


Brady Bunch Collage

I figured the best way to do this assignment was by using my actual family bunch! This includes my mother, older brother, stepfather, grandmother, aunt, step-aunt, and my dog. The family members I decided to add are the ones that I can confidently say I see the most. We almost all have different last names. Ettore belongs to my mom and her side of the family, Barrow is my stepfather and his family’s last name, and Turner is my brother and I’s last name from our father. So I thought it would be fun to add all our names in the title, more like a modern family Brady Bunch.

My family and I are not very close with my father’s family so I pretty much just stuck with my moms and stepdads family. I used canva for this assignment and it was really fun to make! Going through all the photos of my family to find ones to use definitely put a smile on my face. Especially since there are a few family members on here that I haven’t been able to see lately because of COVID. So this was a nice way to keep us all close!



This is from a video of my synchronized swim team in our second year competing in the Junior Olympics. We left that week with 2 Gold medals and 1 Silver.

This specific part of the video is of our first lift and I just thought it would look really cool backward. Sorry, it is a little blurry, after being put through editing apps it kind of lost some resolution.

For this assignment, I just used an editing app I already had on my phone and trimmed the part of the first lift from the full routine video.

Besides looking really cool, I decided to choose this because swimming and being part of such a successful team was a huge part of my life. Although it’s kind of a strange sport, I was extremely dedicated and passionate about it.

I wanted to pursue it further in my college career, and I even got offers from different Universities for it, but unfortunately, I was unable to continue. Over the years, the wear and tear the sport had on me, my knees especially, resulted in the development of a disease in my joints that have limited me greatly.

I was advised to quit before my last year of competition, but I refused and finished my last year as strong as I could. Now, there is very little I can do without the assistance of bulky knee braces, but it hasn’t stopped me from finding new athletic passions such as surfing. Although the pain is still very much present and I can no longer swim like I used to, I refuse to let it stop me from pursuing any new active adventures.


Home Video GIF

I thought of this GoPro video I made with my friend after seeing Professor Cripps Example and decided to use it for this assignment.

This is me and my friend, it was the first day I started teaching her how to surf. We pretty much spent that entire summer out in the water and by the end, she was standing up on every wave she caught! This time has a special place in my heart. I love surfing but many friends from home did not partake or at least didn’t know how. Now, because of that awesome summer, I now have a surfing buddy whenever I come home.

This particular gif is from when we were both trying to catch the same wave. We did not notice it at first, so we ended up colliding with each other. This, although kind of painful, ended up making for a fun, light-hearted memory, and even better, we were able to catch it on camera!


The Big Caption

From my understanding, the point of this assignment was to take a picture from the Boston Globe and change the original meaning of it with a new caption.

I chose this picture, which was originally from an article about the beautiful ice castles in New Hampshire, it was meant to be fun and cool to look at, but my new caption kind of changed that.

At first glance, to me, it looked like the ice was melting then I realized it was man made to look like a winter wonderland. So I thought I could change it up and make it seem like it was a cry for help, to change our ways and stop global warming from melting our worlds ice caps. Now NH is obviously a ways away from any polar ice caps, but as long as you don’t look at it too hard, it could easily be made to seem like an environmental awareness article.

Kind of like how one could see this image and make it seem like it is about a beautiful winter wonderland ice cave, when this is actually a picture of melting polar ice caps. I guess it just goes to show, perspective is key.


Postmodern Bird with Emotional Coloring

I wasn’t super confident in my understanding for this assignment. Postmodern art or ideas is not something I know much about, but I think I understood the coloring part. I just drew in my notebook for this assignment and used an editor to put a blur effect on it. In terms of the coloring I just used the basic cool vs warm coloring, I feel that they typically represent rather opposite emotions. I am not much of an artist but I liked this assignment. I almost enjoy when I do not fully understand a daily create topic because then it allows me to really push myself creatively, something I usually try to avoid, but I think it is good for me to try.


Color Walk: Red

Red Flowers (8:20)

Found these in my front yard.

Red Leaves (8:22)

Leaves from a tree around my house. It’s a little hard to see, but they’re red!

Red Mini Cooper (8:25)

My car just being its very red self in the driveway.

More Red Flowers (8:31)

Found these really pretty flowers around the woods near my house.

Small Red(ish) Tree (8:34)

This small tree in my yard, it is more maroon colored, but close enough!


I for some reason could not get my pictures to work in the timeline spreadsheet, also my computer kept trying to bump me out of the site saying it was “Not Secure” so I tried just making one on here. I chose the color red because when I think of red I think of strength and I feel like I could use some of that lately!

Living in a state forest a nature walk in search for colors was a breeze. My backyard alone looks like a majestic flower garden. This was a nice project, it felt good being able to walk around and notice things I hadn’t before while searching for my color.


Bicycle Demo

I chose this gif to demonstrate riding a bike in a “remarkable” fashion because a lot of my friends used to send this to me saying they “found the perfect bike for me” because I’m short. Hilarious. All joking aside, that actually looks super hard to do and I have to give that man props! I think I can call that rather remarkable


Movie Gif

Growing up The Little Mermaid was my all time favorite movie! I think it actually may have kickstarted my obsession with the ocean. I chose this scene because my mother told me when I was a kid I used to try and brush my hair with a fork all the time. Unfortunately, I was never quite as successful in doing so as Ariel was. I am not so proud to say that since Disney + came about I have forced many friends to watch this classic with me. I made this gif using the suggested gif fun website. It took me a while to choose a “favorite” movie, because there are many I like, so I decided to use one from my childhood. This was a really fun assignment and I am happy to see that many others used movies from their childhood as well. Definitely brings some much needed nostalgia during difficult times.


Daily Create: Ghostly Collage

I am not 100% sure I did this one correctly, but either way, I enjoyed making it. It gave me the ability to make it about my blog topic. The collage I made is, of course, about marine conservation. Every picture in the collage represents a different threat our oceans currently face. Including; coral bleaching, oil spills, ocean acidification, beach erosion, shark finning, bycatch, overfishing, plastic pollution, fish disease, and ocean warming. Some of the pictures were pretty haunting on their own, but I also added a filter to intensify the ghostly feel of it all. I just used a collage website to make it and then used my photos application on my computer for the filter. I wanted to portray the horrors our ocean faces in a more haunting way because each issue is pretty disturbing on its own, but having them all put together, I think, makes it all harder to ignore.


DS106: Selfie With Pet

This is a picture of me and my dog Charlie, a soft coated Wheaton Terrier. He was going for a sleepover at my aunt’s house because my family and I were traveling to California for one of my synchro competitions. He was all ready to go with his backpack of essentials!

Sadly, I could not exactly take a selfie with him because he passed away two summers ago. This is one of the few pictures I have with him, I mostly just have pictures of him. He was our family’s first dog, we got him when I was 7, and it was really hard to have to say goodbye, but we were blessed with him for many years and it was just his time to go. We miss him very much, but I think we are all ready for another dog and are currently starting the process. It will be nice to have a furry friend around the house again, especially in times like these.


Daily Create: Postcard

I liked making this one, it made me re-appriciate how pretty my neighborhood is. For this assignment, I once again just used the basic preview application on my computer. I chose to use a picture of the pond because it is my favorite place within the state park. I take walks there all the time, especially recently. It is a nice place to just get away from it all and relax. Also, people are constantly walking their dogs around there, which is a plus! I am very lucky to be able to live in such a beautiful place…but the bugs here are out of control.


Daily Create #tdc3055

Song Remix Daily Create

This was a very interesting assignment. I have never really worked much with remixing or playing around with music on my computer before, but I am glad that I learned a new skill from it. I had a hard time at first coming up with songs that I could use, as well as what software to use. I ended up using Garage Band after trying Youtube DJ and not being able to get it to work. The songs I used were inspired by an old synchro routine I did when I was a sophomore in high school. We swam to Crystalize, but there was much debate about whether to swim to Crystalize or Radioactive. So I decided to mix the two and see what could have been! Now I wouldn’t say that my remix above would have been sufficient for a routine, but if I knew of the possibility back then, maybe I could have gotten something to work. Again, this was a cool experience and I am happy to have gained a new skill out of it.
