Digital Story Compilation

I made this with Clideo which didn’t take me too long to figure out which was very nice. So I only chose the images that I liked from our assignments to be completely honest, it said on the assignment page to only do our favorite ones so that’s exactly what I did! I also included Africa by Toto as the song for it because it makes me think back to the first time I tried to do one of these types of assignments at the start of the semester and had a breakdown trying to figure out what music to mix with another sound. I thought that was a creative little addition to it. These assignments were pretty fun most of the time, I liked making the GIFs and the FIGs the most I think because that felt personal with the home videos. I think the one I’m the most proud of is The Big Caption assignment, I feel like when one looks at the image they could probably feel what I was going for with it.

I had a good time sharing memes with everyone and seeing what everyone else was posting! Hope you all have a good Summer!


The Forrest Gump Project

I found the image from here.

So my friend suggesting the addition to me in a forced Native American school really meant a lot to both of us, especially right now. My best friend is a Native American, no I’m not talking about those white people that go “I’m 1/30th Native American!” because that annoys the heck out of her and now me as well! She is literally half native, her mother being full. She had always been a fan of her history in the past, but recently she has really been getting closer to her native culture and trying to interact with her small tribe more often. Recently I watched a Netflix series called Anne With an E, and in it the main character named Anne happily accepts a Native American girl while that kind of thing was heavily frowned upon. It broke my heart to see that little native girl sent off to a school that tortured her and tried to force her into a new religion. I brought this up to my best friend and we talked about how horrible it was for the adults and the children of the time and it honestly makes me mad! History really sucks. What sucks even more is Native Americans still get treated poorly today! With the BLM movement happening I’m hearing stories from her cousins being called dirty because they have brown skin- I already heard these types of stories before but now it’s getting worse. There’s this YouTube video going around that made me laugh of a white woman trying to kick a Native American out of a store and the people around standing up for the poor girl getting yelled at.

Nonetheless this makes me sad, it makes me very mad as well, and I really hope people can change sooner rather than later.


Daily Create #tdc3084

Back when nutella first came out I thought it was okay, I don’t remember what I ate it with but I know I got sick of it very quickly. It was back in a time that now seems unreal, back when we were still allowed to go to college in person! Down at the pub after class I would get myself a salad and a muffin because I don’t eat breakfast and needed something to hold me until dinner, and I noticed they had a fridge full of fruits and such! One thing that caught my eye was the beautiful snack pack! Strawberries AND pineapples? Two of my favorite fruits? Plus pretzels and grapes but I wasn’t too interested in those along with the nutella… Until I tried it. I quickly found out that the pretzels and nutella were amazing! Yes the nutella was good with the fruit too but I was happy enough saving the dip just for the pretzels! It wasn’t too long after when we came home and I bought myself nutella and pretzels that I now eat as a snack when I’m not feeling good. Honestly nutella goes good with so many things and I cannot believe I actually enjoy it this much.


Remix Guinness Book of World Records

So this was a bit hard to do, the X-Ray Goggles weren’t working for me, aka I couldn’t figure out what to do there so I decided to dive onto the internet and see how to edit a page temporarily. It took a bit of searching but I found this page which gave helpful step-by-step instructions! Just right clicking and clicking on Inspect brings up an Elements page where if you double click on anything there you can edit until you refresh the page!

With the record that I chose I didn’t edit too much of the page. I honestly found it funny that the first picture they chose made it look exactly like the tree was almost the exact same size as the large building. I understand that the perspective isn’t the best to make it work, but I couldn’t pass up on it, it seemed too funny to me! Anyways everyone, welcome to the tallest palm tree of the world, almost as tall as the tallest building!


Brady Bunch Remix

I probably spent way too long on this for someone who has never seen Brady Bunch or That 70’s Show. I was going to try and get pictures of my friends but I didn’t have enough that wanted to let their faces be in this, and I was going to do animals but I didn’t know if my friends would let me take their animals faces either. So I had to do something I knew I had enough of that meant something to me especially during these times of quarantine and that would be video games! I sadly don’t get to play that often now, if I do play it’s playing Animal Crossing as soon as I wake up and right before I go to bed so I can try and relax at the start and end of the day. I’m a bigger fan of the older consoles, I still play a ton of Gamecube games now when I get the chance and I’m often playing my old Nintendogs or Pokemon games on my D.S. I did have a Gameboy but I think my brother took it when he wanted to play something last Summer and never brought it back so I couldn’t include that- so I included my laptop! My laptop means so much to me! Back in the dorms I didn’t have my Nintendo Switch set up at all, so the only games I would ever play would be Overwatch on my computer or Mario Kart with the roommates on the Wii- more often it was just Overwatch though.

I honestly had a lot of fun doing this. I love editing photos even though this isn’t the best example to show how much I enjoy editing photos! I also haven’t had any time to break out my drawing tablet in a while either because of the large amounts of homework in my multiple classes so it was just nice to use that again.


Turn a GIF into a FIG

I honestly couldn’t figure this out but thankfully someone on the home page shared what they did and I followed that and it helped me so much! I took my video, uploaded it on YouTube so I could upload it to GifRun. Then I brought it to freegifmaker (which by the way my computer says is not a safe site so be careful I guess?) which has a reverse button. Their sizes are too large so I brought it over to GIF Maker and changed the width to 260px! Thank you to whoever posted these instructions because that helped me a lot!

So the story behind this is the fact that my dog can almost never catch treats. In this one it boops off his nose and onto the floor. I took a few videos in hopes maybe one would be pretty funny but sadly they were mainly all the same- sometimes he just opens his mouth and lets it bounce off his head. Nonetheless, it looks like the treats crawling towards him and then he tosses it to me and I’ve already sent it to a few of my friends because it looks funny! I love Achilles so much.


Daily Create #tdc3078

I can’t sleep at night, all my doctors say it’s from my anxiety but I’m not too sure about that. Even if my heart rate is slow and I feel at peace and know that I am very tired due to the four hours of sleep the night before- I still can’t find myself able to go to sleep!

However, I do love the night. If I can’t sleep, why not be creative? I draw my best works at night, I come up with my favorite character designs at night. Right now I’m surviving because of Animal Crossing New Horizons, and at night I come up with the best ideas on how to design my town! The sunset is just a beautiful way to lead into the darkness, and I honestly appreciate it. Heck, I’m usually up to see the sunrise too, but for now I think my focus is more on the sunset.


Daily Create #tdc3073

I honestly got into painting because of Bob. I saw his art and thought to myself “I could never do something beautiful like that!” and got the courage up and actually tried! And it really wasn’t bad! I was so proud I debated on giving it to my grandparents but instead it went up in the college dorm and is now in the college stuff in storage. However, he really was the reason I painted for my art final that was meant to go into a gallery, and one of the comments I got back on my final was to stray away from Bob’s works. I don’t quite understand why artists dislike him. I don’t even want to research why. I just want to live with my happy little trees and enjoy painting. He really has helped me improve. I don’t think I would be where I am right now in my art if it weren’t for him and helping me and I’m sure others accept their mistakes and see it as a good thing instead of something bad.


Daily Create #tdc3072

My friends and I often bring up this subject, mainly when creating characters with one another or something, and each time they always say polar bear. It’s not my favorite animal, not that I don’t like them, but if I were to choose for myself I would have chosen something like a whale shark- however I have to admit that they are correct that I fit the qualities of a polar bear very well. Winter is my favorite season, you’ve probably seen me around campus before in my shorts just hanging out. I overheat very easily due to my anxiety so it’s often just easier for me to relax about life during winter. I also love to swim and my friends often tell me that even though I’m considered the Dad Friend, that when people hurt their feelings I tend to go to mama bear mode and get highly protective. I never really notice.


Daily Create #tdc3071

For my daily create, I decided to write Love Is Love in Morse code. It’s pride month, but so much is going on that it really doesn’t feel like it this year. I’m usually drawing pride related things and making myself asexual/biromantic icons for sites like instagram or twitter, but this year that hasn’t happened. Yes I’ve been too busy to even draw, but right now there are other things to focus on that are very important. However, last night my best friend was sending me pride stuff. It makes me think that last year was the first pride I had ever gone to and this year I’m not even able to go to one because of the virus. I haven’t researched to see if pride had closed, but nonetheless my best friend is immune compromised and I wouldn’t go without her so it’s completely off the table for this year. However there should still be at least a little spirit for it, and if this is the only chance I will be able to technically draw for pride then I will take it!


What They Might Have Done in Social Media

So I took the art history classes they had at school these past few semesters and I honestly had so much fun and it makes me very sad to know that I won’t be able to take any more for I am graduating this Summer, however, someone that we learned about a little bit that caught my attention was King Henry VIII. If you don’t know about him, he is known for his six wives and their rhyme of: Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived. Yes, he did other things, things that he would have most likely been known for if it weren’t for his many wives. I personally only know about the wives because there is a musical called Six Wives that tell the general tale about the girls that had to deal with him. I’m sure during his era most of his actions were normal, but it’s still wild that he ended up with six wives as well as hundreds of mistresses if I am correct. I know there is apparently a television show about him on Netflix but I don’t think it’s too accurate- however most history isn’t accurate when it comes to royalty. If there was one thing that I learned, is that this might not even be what Henry looked like. When it came to painters, they had to please the commissioner, if not they could be beheaded for making them look ugly. Small bends in the truth is a big change to history if you ask me. Nonetheless, his story that we know of is interesting with his six wives.


Home Video GIF

This was taken last year but I still remember and laugh at this moment each time I look outside the window with my cat. If you look, there is a green cone there. That is to block squirrels from getting onto the bird feeder and it usually works! This boy though, he was smarter than the rest. He did this a few days in a row before we just stopped refilling the feeder, but he would knock a ton of seeds down so the others could grab some of them. It was funny watching him try to jump up and the amount of times he fell down, I think I had a few of those on video as well but I couldn’t resist making a GIF of him just hanging upside down on the bird feeder- he looks ridiculous but also kudos to him for actually achieving his goals! Thankfully we haven’t seen them doing this again this year, but who knows, apparently there are some super smart squirrels out there.


The Big Caption

Taken From This Gallery of Images

These are tough times. So much is happening so fast, but they are things that needed to happen. As soon as I saw this image, I had to make something for it. I saw other photos that I could have been funny with like some people doing the polar plunge, but with how serious this situation is I can’t help but feel like this image feels super important. It’s a young girl. She’s at the center of the photo meaning she should be the center of attention, but it’s not only that. There is a light shining down on her, this light isn’t hitting anyone else beside the woman beside hers back. This light really draws your eye to the child, it wasn’t just enough she was the center of the image, but now there’s a clear indication with light that you should be looking at her. She is important. She is the next generation. This photo basically says that she is important and someone you should be paying attention to.


Color Walk Time Lines

The Color Blue

This was a very hard assignment for me to do. I live in a log cabin in the middle of the woods so the only colors I tend to see are green and brown. At first I only took pictures of flowers that I had seen but I figured that may be boring so I decided to go back outside and redo it. Instead of pink flowers I chose the color blue because my dad has a ton of blue items laying around our yard in various places. It was honestly kind of hard to find even though these are such bright colors. Again, I retook these pictures so some of them I had already taken for the pink pictures.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Daily Create #tdc3066

Once the the epidemic hit and schools were starting to close, I heard so many things going on. Students had to take Zoom classes, which yes many of us did as well. This image made me think of a teacher going to their classroom getting ready to teach in the morning, deciding to make the environment more comfortable for the students and for themselves by being where they normally teach. I saw many posts online about college professors doing this, I’m not sure if high school teachers would be able to do the same, I highly doubt it, but I found the thought entertaining and comforting.


Say it Like the Peanutbutter

Spiderman Far From Home Ending

So Spiderman has always been one of my favorite heroes, I think it might be because he is relatable in a lot of ways and I find that so is Tom Holland. This scene is probably one of my favorites, my best friends and I went to the movies together and one of them is also a web head so she had already seen the movie probably three times before we went to see it together. I just remember at the end of the movie being super shocked, seeing J.J. and suddenly this surprise! I remember just leaning over to look at my friend with just shock on my face as she nodded because she knew the emotions I was going through. I loved this movie so much though, I can’t wait to see what they have in store for future movies but nonetheless I loved this scene and it’s one I remember when thinking of this movie.


Daily Create #tdc3064

I don’t think I’ve ordered from Spirit Halloween since, instead I’ve just gone there and bought what I could. Yes, as a cosplayer, sometimes I find it much easier to order items from places and edit them myself- however this was for one of my first conventions and I hadn’t done much sewing yet in my life. Ordering a belt that could hold prop weapons seemed much easier than trying to make the item myself at the time! Little did I know that I wasn’t even going to get the item for the convention, but that’s alright, we went to the store and bought it ourselves considering the convention was right around Halloween time and happily open to the cosplayers in the area. Really wished someone had gotten back to us at the time instead of us just wondering if we would ever get what we needed.


Demotivate Yourself

Photo From:

I get nervous about when I write my homework assignments on whether I’m actually answering the questions correctly or not, so I often either read ahead and write my answers in Google Docs and wait until someone posts to be sure if I’m correct, or I avoid the assignment until someone else posts first. Not being too sure about yourself isn’t the healthiest thing when it comes to homework, but when it comes to me and anxiety, anxiety goes first. No questions asked, better keep this Summer less stressful than it needs to be. So, Monkey See Monkey Do, don’t copy their answers but just be sure that your answer isn’t utterly ridiculous even if they may be wrong as well, at least someone went first and not you. I also see this exactly like not wanting to be first for a presentation but happily being second for the presentation. You saw how the first person did so then you can get up there and have it done and over with.


What’s The Meme

I’ve seen so many youtubers make this joke

I haven’t really ever made memes before, I know what they look like, but I never know how to style them probably so that was a bit frustrating. I also found this meme funny though, for I’ve never seen the Tiger King, maybe clips, but I know that this man is constantly hugging tigers and so on. I don’t know of Joe would really follow social distancing rules, but the fact that the tiger looks sad that it’s almost six feet away and not being hugged by him made sense to me. I’ve also seen a lot of youtubers make this joke before, when their cats or dogs come close to them they scream something about social distancing at their pets as if the animals even know what that is. I wish I could format memes better though, I think this would have turned out more like it is in my head but it at least gives off the general idea of what I was trying to display so with that I’m pretty pleased with the results.


Daily Create #tdc3058

I wanted to write a story that could have been depressing about lying, but honestly it’s more about the little puppet boy lying to himself. I didn’t want it to be sad though! I looked at the image we were given, he’s got a big smile on his face, but something that threw me off was his eyes. In cartoons, when a character is being silly but not smart at the same time, maybe naive but not paying attention at all, their eyes or pupils point in different directions. I felt that this meant the character was off in their own head space and hoping for the best. This also connects to the puppet with his nose sticking out. We know that when Pinocchio lies his nose stretches, however as we see in many adaptations it tends to be something the character freaks out about. With this, the puppet boy is happily going on, which gave me the idea he may be lying to himself. The year is already half over, meaning it may be his year, but he’s spent most of it already indoors.
