DS106 Third WEB Assignment: “Remix Guinness Book of World Records”



Goats are absolutely one of my favorite animals. If I had enough land, money, and time, I would raise baby goats! I also love yoga so this was the perfect record to remix. Instead of humans doing yoga with goats, I remixed it to have goats instructing humans! Funny right. Overall this was a pretty cool assignment, coding can be fun!


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DS106 Assignment Week 6: “Digital Story Complication”

Create a video compilation of some of your favorite things you’ve made in ds106.

Here are some of my favorite DS106 assignments mashed up into a video using iMovie. I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed reviewing this content! This file was too long to upload and for twitter so I uploaded onto Youtube!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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Daily Create #tdc3090

I made this using canva.com, one of my favorite technology tools. This is one of my favorite quotes inspired by the Buddha. I chose to add this background because it reminds me of peace and tranquility. I think this quote goes well with treating people with kindness. We all have the ability to make an impact in someone’s life. We never truly know what the person next to us is going through, so it’s important to just be as kind as we can be!


DS106 Week 5: Second IMAGES “We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch”

Let me introduce you to my “crazy” group of friends. I thought it would be interesting to do the Brady Bunch assignment. We are all a great group of girls who all bring something different to the table. The two girls at the top, in the middle and to the right, are my best friends from high school. I have known the girl in the top middle square since my junior year of high school and the girl at the right top has been one of my close friends since we were 14. The other girls I met my freshman year of college. Next, in the top left corner is my friend Jeanna. She was roommates with my sister freshman year and we have been best friends since. In the middle row is me and then Monica, followed by Cerina, Alyssa, and Clara in the last row.

We are one fun, crazy group but these are my closest friends and I couldn’t ask for a better group of girls.


Daily Create #tdc3089

This is my clock. It sits in our living room as a statement piece, but I’ve never seen it accurately show the right time. This clock has been in my house for over 20 years. It’s something I know we have, but I rarely look at it. We don’t have many clocks in our house. We have the one as shown, the one on the stove and the one on the microwave. I realized that because of technology, it’s easier to just look at our phones. When I am in the kitchen cooking or passing by, it’s nice to be able to glare over to see the time especially if I don’t have my phone on me.

I remember my grandmother had two large clocks in her house. One was a grandfather clock, the other was on the wall. At every hour it would sing a song. I can still hear it in the back of my head. It lets me relive positive memories at my grandmother’s house when I was younger.


DS106 Web Assignment “What They Might Have Done in Social Media”

I thought it would be interesting to make a profile for Gautama Buddha. Although I am not Buddhist, I have always been interested in this type of practice. I would consider myself a spiritual person and I would find it fascinating if he had social media. I imagine he would tweet and post quotes about the meanings of life. The Buddha is always on the path to enlightenment and encourages his followers to live a life of fulfillment.

*For some reason, my computer wouldn’t allow me to save this the way I wanted to so I had to screenshot this. The program giving me a virus so I had to improvise!

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Daily Create #tdc3075

I can’t take credit for this delicious looking plate, although this is something I made occasionally. Check out https://www.lazycatkitchen.com/savoury-vegan-breakfast-bowl/ for the recipe.

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? I can be the first to admit that I don’t always eat breakfast. I get very lazy, I often sleep late so I skip over to lunch but this meal can be eaten any time of the day. I think a balanced diet is important, most of the time. Here, you have your veggies, fats, starches, and protein. Although I do not usually follow this specific recipe, I have made a bowl similar to this.

I think this is so much more filling than an acai bowl or a smoothie in the morning. I really need to encourage myself to eat more in the morning! I will definitely be more consistent with this breakfast meal!


DS106 Week 4: Second GIF “Home Video GIF”

Here’s a video of me enjoying my birthday celebration at a winery last year! I just turned 21 so I was super excited to (legally) consume first drink, too bad they didn’t ask for my ID. I had my family and my mom close friends celebrate with me. It was a beautiful, hot summer day. My two best friends from high school joined me and we truly had an amazing time! I miss being this happy and carefree. As my birthday is approaching next month, I am interested to see where we will end up considering the country is mostly shut down. Thankfully, winery’s are in fact open!


DS106 Week 4: Third MEME “The Big Caption”

I always like to think that a picture is worth a thousand words. At a first glance, you see a man walking by art, or graffiti, however you may interpret it. For this assignment, we had to choose an image from https://www3.bostonglobe.com/news/bigpicture?arc404=true. I chose this image because it truly spoke to me. The description of this photo states, “Here’s a look at some of the best images taken by Globe photographers last month: opening of the Encore casino, greasy pole competition in Gloucester, refugees from Congo in Portland, Me., John Farrell working his lobster boat, debating a abortion rights bill in Rhode Island, and the Bruins loss in the NHL finals.” I saw something else.

Art is extremely interesting, whether it appeals to you or not, it always unique in some way. When I looked at this image I immediately saw a man looking down at his phone while walking. My mother constantly says to me, “Get your head out of your phone,” or “Look where you’re going!” Our phones get us stuck into the internet world and we can easily forget what is going on around us. I chose this caption because it almost seems as if the eyes are looking down at the man walking, judging him for being on his phone. Could this be a secret message the artist was trying to portray? Who knows, because they also appeared to be cartoon characters to me. It’s all about perception!


Daily Create #dtc3070

With everything that’s going on in the world today, I thought it would be “silly” to insert a smiling dog GIF. There has been a lot of positive and negative posts on social media. I saw this GIF and it genuinely made me happy! I try to make my dog smile, he definitely doesn’t appreciate when I try and do that! Enjoy this precious dog and his pearly whites!


DS106 Week 3: “Color Walk Time Lines”

I decided to take a walk with my sister, Emma, in New London, Connecticut. When we were younger, we used to take Cambodian Dance and Language lessons in this town. We were adopted, so our parents enrolled us to get closet to our culture. I have not been back here since I was 10 or so. There were a lot of old memories that came back, a feeling of nostalgia. We were adopted into different families, but our mom’s loved bringing us here. We would come on Saturday mornings. It would be about an hour drive and it was right on the shore. I chose the color blue because there was blue everywhere. This was a very memorable assignment that I enjoyed doing!


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DS106 Week 3: Fourth Meme “Say It Like The Peanut Butter”

For this MEME, we were assigned to make an animated gif from our favorite/least favorite movie capturing the essence of a key scene. I chose this iconic clip of Terry Crews because with just seeing the preview, you know exactly what kind of GIF you’re about to see (or maybe you are completely unfamiliar with this movie–awkward). White Chicks is by far one of the funniest movies I have seen. It is a feel-good comedy that everyone must see at least once in their lives. I think Vanessa Carlton lost credit to her own song when this movie came out. Whenever I hear anyone sing this song, they do exactly what is pictured in the GIF–THE SAME EXACT HEAD MOVEMENT. Enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3065

For this assignment, the instructions were to draw a sweet little kitten and a boy somewhere in the mountains and add a pink airplane. Since my artist abilities aren’t that good, I am familiar with using Canva.com, so I used my skills to create this cute animation. I decided to use a colorful sunset (or sunrise, however you may look at it). I wanted the boy to appear to be happy, as if he had just reached the top of the mountain! His companion, his sweet kitten, is also happy that she has safely made it to the top! A pink airplane flies over the mountain, blending in with the sunrise/sunset. I had fun creating this assignment! I had a vision of this in my head, and made it come to life.


DS106 Week 3: Third Meme “Demotivate Yourself”

For this meme, I immediately thought about my bad habits that I have picked up. Since quarantine, I have been going to bed extremely late. The earliest I would go to bed is 3:00am, the latest would be 5:00am. I recall being able to hear the birds chirp in the morning and I would see the sun slowly start to rise. I created this meme because I was starting to sleep my day away. I would wake up around 3:00pm and I felt like I wasted the entire day. I realistically didn’t wake up when the sun went down, but I did feel like I wasted my entire day. This meme was structured to @ me completely, I personally attacked myself creating this meme.


DS106 Week 2: Second Meme “Selfie With Your Pet”

Since I have been going back and forth from New York to Connecticut, I had to improvise for this assignment since I couldn’t find a selfie with him. Meet Max! He is an 11-year-old miniature schnauzer but is still a puppy at heart. We brought max home with he was just a few months old. I had my mom send me pictures with him, so here’s 10 year old me with my fluffy bundle of joy. When he was younger, we used to take him everywhere. My mom would carry him in her purse when we would go shopping or out to eat. This was when he barely barked, now he barks at everything and everyone! Max has been my only pet, I grew up with him. He is friendly with some dogs, but most of the time he just wants to play. He thinks he’s bigger than he is. Weighing only 13 lbs, he barks and wags his tail at big dogs. His cousins are bull mastiffs, a very large type of breed that loves to drool. Whenever we come back home from our cousin’s house we always have to give him a bath because he is covered in it! Max is our fur bundle of joy. He is a part of our family and we hope he still has a few years left with us! 


Daily Create #tdc3061

When I first read the description, I thought about what bands I used to listen to when I was in middle school. I was obsessed with Paramore while I was going through my “punk rock” phase, surprising, I know. I changed the name of the band from Paramore to ParaSMORE. I thought it would be interesting to have smores as the band members. It’s a cute, quirky way to promote this fiction band. Enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3059

Greetings from Queens, New York! Since quarantine, I have been staying with my boyfriend and his family in Queens, New York. I am originally from Middletown, Connecticut. I come home on the weekends to see my family and my Miniature Schnauzer, Max. I have used this website/app called Canva.com for quite some time now. They have templates to choose from or you can create your own. I often create birthday cards, posters, and even Instagram stories using this website. I replaced the pictures with my own. The first picture was taken at John F. Kennedy Airport. During the school year last semester, my boyfriend and I flew home from Maine. This sign was right outside of the gate and I loved the colors so I had to take a picture! Since the template is in black and white, the original colors are not shown. They were originally teal blue and white, a perfect color scheme! The picture on the bottom was taken most recently. It is a picture of the bridge that crosses over to Queens, I just added the colorful sky to make it pop!
