Where’s Ry?

For my DS106 assignment I decided to photoshop myself into a picture of Woodstock. The first reason I did this was because I knew that it would be easier to find a picture with a large crowd. I also chose it because I think it was a really interesting event. At first I was having a hard time with this assignment because I was trying to photoshop just my face on to one of the people already in the picture. This just ended up looking like the regular picture but with my head floating somewhere in the background. I decided to include a photo where I could use my entire upper body and this ended up looking a lot better. The apps I used to edit this photo were called Bazaart and VSCO.


The Quarantine Bunch

My mom’s all-time favorite show is The Brady Bunch so I felt like I had to do her some justice and make this little image of who we’ve been seeing during the quarantine. In this picture, I included my dog, Cookie, my brothers, Jack and Josh, my mom, my mom’s fiance, Derek, and my grandparents. The hardest part of this assignment was finding the perfect font. For some reason the image quality of my upload is poor so I am attaching the link to it here. 



For my backward gif I decided to do a dog jumping into the pool.  I chose this because I was trying to think of something that you don’t normally see in reverse. The first thing I thought of was a splash. There is a trend right now (on tik too actually) where you make a pose and then jump into the pool but then put the video in reverse. Now you look like a superhero jumping out of the water and landing in a battle stance. I googled a person jumping into the pool to find a video to make a reverse gif out of. Then I saw this dog and, well, dogs are better than people.


Daily Create #tdc3071

For my morse code daily create I decided to write my name using morse code. I used to think that. this ‘language’ was so interesting. I can remember going to the county fair and there was a booth where you could learn morse code. This assignment reminded me of an episode of The Office – my favorite show of all time. There is a scene where Jim and Pam prank Dwight and talk in morse code.  I will link it here. 


Thank You, Thank You Very Much


For my fake celebrity social media, I decided to do the king of rock and roll himself – Elvis Presley. I feel if any big star were to have social media during this time it would be him. For my tweet, I chose to use his most famous quote. I also chose to have him address Indianapolis. This is because it was the last concert he performed before his death. The date of this tweet is also the date of the concert. As for the fake profile I included his real birthday, place of birth, and daughter’s name. The “friends” are people he associated with during his lifetime and the posts are references to his songs and his favorite snack!


Color Walk #ecc8f5


For my color walk, I decided to utilize a random color generator and also my boyfriend’s backyard.

4:14 PM The random color generator gave me a pinkish-lavenderish color called #ecc8f5.

4:16 PM The first thing I found that matched this color was a flower growing in a bush by the outdoor fire pit. It was the lightest of the bunch and stood out from the hot pink ones surrounding it. 

4:17 PM After I snapped the picture of the flower I was making my way up the deck when I saw this glass flower. The pink “swirlies” fit pretty well with the color scheme I was going for. I liked the real flower better.

4:18 PM Once I was back on the deck I saw my 2020 planner (kind of useless now huh?) laying on the bar. I think the cover of my planner matches the #ecc8f5 perfectly

4:19 PM Now I am sitting at the bar looking for the next place to walk around the yard when I saw the top of the ladder that my boyfriend’s dad, Dave, used to take down the “Happy 50th Birthday!” banner that was hanging up this morning. Although I believe the top of the ladder started out red, it has faded to a nice light pink. Perfect for my use in this case. 

4:20 PM Resting beside the ladder was a worn down empty flower part with painted on flowers that I imagine ALSO used to be red. I decided to snap a picture and make that the last photo on my timeline!

I made my timeline using Google Drawing. I wasn’t able to figure out how to use it on Flickr. 


Daily Create #tdc3070

I got a little nervous with this daily create as I struggled to make a gif earlier in one of our class assignments. (I think it is fixed now.) But I decided to give it a shot! I was scrolling through the replies and I saw someone used this site as it seemed very user friendly. I experimented with a few different doodles and it was super easy and actually really fun. I plan on using it for future assignments in this class if I can.


Daily Create #tdc3066

I really felt for this image. Someday I plan on being a teacher so seeing this image with a mindset that the classroom was empty because of Covid-19 broke my heart. I originally wanted to answer the prompt with a story about how the teacher can’t teach for the rest of the year because of the virus. As I went through the thread some other people had done that so I wanted to put a twist on it and tie in the Black Lives Matter movement. This is a movement that is rippling throughout the nation and even the world. I find it incredibly important so I wanted to address it in my Daily Create.


Swim! Down!

When I first saw this assignment I was definitely intimidated. HOW was I supposed to fit a PIVOTAL scene of my FAVORITE movie into a GIF with LIMITED movement?

But then I figured it out. 

Also, is it pronounced “jif” or “gif”? Asking for a friend. 

This is a scene from my all-time favorite movie – Finding Nemo. If you haven’t seen it please stop your summer work and go on Disney+ to watch it I will literally give you my login information. Anyways if you haven’t seen Finding Nemo it is about a young clownfish, Nemo, who was kidnapped by a diver/dentist, P. Sherman, and his father’s, Marlin, trek to find his clownfish son and bring him home with the help of a ditsy but kind blue tang, Dory.

The gif I chose to make is from a scene towards the end of the movie. Nemo, Dory, and Marlin are at the fishing grounds together after FINALLY reuniting – spoiler alert. At the fishing grounds, a large net scoops up a bunch of fish. Nemo decides that he can’t let any fish get kidnapped like how he was. He jumps in the net along with Dory and encourages them all to “SWIM DOWN.” Marlin swims alongside the net also chanting “SWIM DOWN.” 




Sometimes You Aren’t Good Enough – And That’s Not Okay

And here we have – my lovely baby brother. This picture was taken roughly 12 years ago when my big little brother, Jack, played baseball. He has always been really determined when it comes to something he enjoyed (as you can see on his face and stance). My mom’s dad took this picture over a decade ago but we only discovered this gem 2 or 3 years ago. Ever since then the entire family has used it as a meme. When I saw this assignment – I couldn’t resist. 



Daily Create #tdc3059

For this daily create I decided to call my home – Carver, Massachusetts – Bog City. It started out as the name of our fan section during high school sports games and it just sort of stuck. We call it that because most of Carver is cranberry bogs. Everyone has a bog in either their front yard or back yard and that is NOT an exaggeration. If you ever purchase any Ocean Spray products, sometimes our small town of Carver is mentioned on the back! When I say small, I mean SMALL. My graduating class only had 80 kids. Anyways, sending my love from Bog City to all of you today!


Daily Create #tdc3058

My story was a short one but I made myself laugh. At first I was gonna write a brief piece about how Pinocchio was the greatest spear fisherman (get it?) in his small town. While I was browsing the internet looking for a spear fisherman cartoon to photoshop Pinocchio on to, I came across these cute narwhal images. I thought it would be funny since the two of them have such similar features. Pinocchio always wanted to be a real boy, maybe its good news that he finds out he isn’t a narwhal after all? 


A Sunburn Worse Than Carole Baskin

It was a beautiful day in Carver, Massachusetts today. Of course I took this as an opportunity to lay out in the sun and even do a lot of my work for my summer classes by the pool. Now listen, I have very fair skin. I’m almost 100% Irish and German. But luckily my dad gave me some of his French and Italian genes so after a crisp base burn I tend to tan nicely. Today was NOT one of those days. I was expecting to be a little pink today as my skin has not seen sunlight in who knows how long. Little did I know how quickly that pink would turn into a nice Maine lobster red. I can’t move. I’m the color of Joe Exotic’s cape and throne. I truly have a sunburn worse than Carole Baskin.



Daily Create #tdc3055

For my first daily create I decided to mash up the sounds Cake By The Ocean and Uptown Funk. I originally tried to mash up The Office theme song with another song but nothing really fit well. I was going through all of my “liked” songs from my old Spotify and these two popped up. I haven’t listened to either of these songs in a long time but mixing them together made for a really fun summer party song. This daily create took a lot of trial and error but I wanted to be happy with the final result (which I am).

