DS106 Digital Story Compilation Top-5!

This is a link to my Youtube channel!

So, here it is, its the end of WRT304. Ill just list the assignment and tell you why I picked them.

#5 – The Guinness World Record assignment brought back a few memories from the old childhood, so that was good. It was quick and easy to complete and I had fun doing it.

#4 – The Color Walk assignment allowed me to spend some time with my little sister, which is always a headache, a good one, I swear. She found all the colors and took all the pictures and all I did was spoil a good walk, or is that golf?

#3 – The Brady Bunch Assignment needed to be said, and this gave me the idea and platform to execute it.

#2 – The Forrest Gump assignment really focused the lime light on Rocky haha. Damn, I love that film, and I love messing with Photoshop. I’m not at all good at it, but I get the job done.

#1 – GIF – The great Tony Montana said it best: “What you lookin’ at? You all a bunch of f***in’ assholes. You know why? You don’t have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your f***in’ fingers and say, “That’s the bad guy.” So… what that make you? Good? You’re not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don’t have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There’s a bad guy comin’ through! Better get outta his way!”


DS106 The Forrest Gump Project

Okay.. so.. this may not be an actual moment from history, but it’s a moment from MOVIE history. But, this is not just a movie, it is a SPORTS MASTERPIECE. In Rocky I, final fight, Rocky Balboa takes on Apollo Creed for the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship. Balboa, an amateur at the time, lost the match by split decision, but as Creed stated “I won, but I didn’t beat him” and my favorite line: “There ain’t goin be no rematch”. Which opens up a sequel, duh. As much as I would have liked to photoshop my face onto Rocky, I feel like it would have done him a great disservice for all the work he did for the world, for example; SINGLE-HANDEDLY WINNING THE COLD WAR (circa Rocky IV). ds106assignment

Daily Create #tdc3084

If I could only eat pureed food, like many of the patients I work with; I would eat pears for the rest of my life, maybe even for every meal. Throw a little cinnamon in there and BOOM, party in the mouth. I know for a fact that one of my patients HATES pureed pears, and all desserts for that matter, so.. sometimes I’ll ask them if I can steal their dessert and I’ll eat it behind the nurses station. O’Doyle Rules! ds106dc

DS106 Remix Guinness Book of World Records

This was actually a super fun assignment.. I simply changed the HTML on the Guinness Book of Wold Records Website. I used to do this to my buddies Facebook pages when I was like 12. Good Memories. ds106assignment

DS106 We’re The Real Life Brady Bunch

This is obviously not a joke and it’s something we all need to take very seriously. We, as adults, as students, as advocates, as future leaders, as HUMANS have the obligation and opportunity to stand up for our fellow friends and family in the black community, and other minority communities, that are enduring and have endured a lifetime of cruelty and discrimination. We must speak up and speak out, because their voices are not being heard. Their voices fall silent on the ears of the racist policy makers that run this country. Black Lives Matter. We will prevail together. ds106assignment

Daily Create #tdc3077

Sandy is a Miniature Schnauzer and enjoys barking, eating, sleeping, and pooping. He is a friendly dog and loves to be snuggled and eat chicken nuggets. He weights 7.4 lbs soaking wet. His hair grows really quickly and it needs to be trimmed weekly or his poop will stick to his bum. Other than this, Sandy is an easy going dog/puppy. He enjoys babies and children and will lick them from head to toe in order to show his affection. He is a good little doggo. ds106dc

Daily Create #tdc3076

Earlier in the semester; I had a professor, for thirty minutes, accidentally point the camera at his crotch during a zoom meeting. In the private chat, everyone laughed, but nobody said anything to the guy. This reminds me of a quote from my favorite author Christopher Hitchens: “Once I realized my god-given male member would give me no peace, I gave it no rest in return.”. Classic. ds106dc

DS106 What They Might Have Done In Social Media

This is the Fakebook post:

And this is the Twister post:

I am a huge fan of Charles Darwin and all the work he has done in the world of Naturism, Evolution, Geology, and Biology. However, in the modern world, he would have behaved like an absolute gangster. With an IQ of 165, a finch on one arm, and a voluptuous woman on the left, he’d be primed and ready to annihilate anything in his path. ds106assignment

Daily Create #tdc3074

I love candles. I use them a lot. I especially love this candle, and would use it all time. Happy, sad, angry, lazy, whatever the mood, i’m over it. This candle is a personification of my existence. This was an easy daily create, not much to it, not much to write about except my passion for disobedience and the word fuck. #byefelicia #ds106dc

DS106 Home Video GIF

So.. this was a GIF.. but now its a video? ugh, screw technology. Hopefully I’ll still get credit 😉

So, this GIF was last year on the 4th of July and my little sister wanted to try and hit an american football like a baseball, so I threw it at her face. It’s obviously not as cool as Dr. Cripps and his surfing GIF (not brown nosing, genuinely rad). The first thing I ever threw in my sisters face was a tater-tot and the last thing (last week) I threw in her face was a tangerine. It is my hobby. ds106assignment

DS106 The Big Caption

This photograph was taken straight from the Big Picture website for the Boston Globe. The Smashing Pumpkins are an “Alternative Rock” band from Chicago and were formed in 1988. This meme references one of their most popular songs, its called “1979”:

I remember taking way too much LSD and listening to this song. I remember wanting to beat the Americans to the moon and urging the launch of the Sputnik Satellite before the stroke of midnight. We filled a baby pool full of Coca Cola and dumped about 1000 mentos in their, oh, and a toy dinosaur. Thinking it would launch the dinosaur into space. This is the stuff you do when you are 16 in Scotland. ds106assignment

Daily Create #tdc3068

This brings me back to my rear peg grinds and my 360 tire taps and my barspins on the BMX track. The amount of bike related injuries I’ve actually had is worrying: dislocated jaw, broken nose, 12 stitches for my shin, 8 stitches for me knee, butterfly stitches for my chin, black eyes, road rash, hematomas etc. The ER knew me well growing up and I have the scars to prove it. Damn, now I really wish I had a BMX again, maybe I’ll look around and see what I can find 😉 ds106dc

DS106 Color Walk Time Lines

Okay, so I’m not even going to pretend like I know how to work that “timeline JS Knightlab” excel spreadsheet thing. It’s not like I’m too lazy to figure it out, but I just don’t have the time to mess around with it. So, here is my own timeline:

I went for a lovely little walk with my little sister and she kindly chose the color purple:

We then walked down the drive way and into a neighbors garden, where we saw a few cool flowers which we couldn’t identify because, well, she’s 7, and I don’t know the first thing about flowers:

We then snuck into a grumpy old ladies yard because we thought we saw something purple, and we did: a couple chairs!

and finally, a fish flag, at the back entrance to our yard:

This DS106 assignment was a great way for me to hangout with my little sister, thank you! we didn’t learn much, but purple is kinda cool.. ds106assignment

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DS106 Demotivate Yourself

Lemon Mayo

If you read the “About Me” section on my blog, you’d know that I made a joke about self-deprecation. Making jokes about it aides me to overcome it. It’s something an old therapist of mine suggested. Belittling the idea of self-deprecation is strengthening the fact that you don’t need to do it. As many of you know, doing something to the best of your ability is something that should be rewarded with both positivity and self-confidence. However, If you self-deprecate you allow yourself to diminish your accomplishments and take that feeling of achievement away. I’m sure I could have had a much better idea for this DS106 assignment, but whats the point in doing something if you don’t feel like you could have done better afterwords, am I right? ds106assignment

Daily Create #tdc3063

Reading “The Railway Man” taught me a lot about a lot of things. For instance, how to show love to someone you hate, how to maintain perseverance through difficult times, and how to practice positivity when there is no sight of a happy ending. All of these things can be applied to small and large situations in life. I struggle deeply with clinical depression and have had many problems with substance abuse, self-harm, alcoholism etc. However, writers like Lomax got me through. Writers like Lomax make your worries seem so minute and so irrelevant to leading a happy life that it helps you realize how bad it can really be. Writers like Lomax allow me to tell myself “You have it easy, so stop whatever the fuck it is that you are doing, idiot”. Writers like Lomax share a story that not many people have shared, and one that not many people can relate to, but it is one that many can take from, and better themselves with. ds106dc

Daily Create #tdc3060

Christopher Hitchens is one of my all time heroes. I read this book for the first time when I was a little 14 year old going to a strict protestant high school on the west coast of Scotland. It didn’t go down well with my teachers. They considered it “beyond my years” and “out of my scope of learning at this this time”. Hitchens, in general, helped shape my personality, but “God Is Not Great” helped me understand some important things about the personality of others. It is a tough read, and has no pictures (sadly), but Hitchens brings comic relief to a subject matter that really isn’t anything except scary. If you want to learn about Hitchens and his free thinking, philosophical, and loving approach to the criticism of organized religion, then this is your book. Here’s a couple quotes to get you juicing: ds106dc

“I leave it to the faithful to burn each other’s churches and mosques and synagogues, which they can be always relied upon to do” – C.H

“The essential principle of totalitarianism is to make laws that are impossible to obey.” C.H

“Violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and tribalism and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children: organized religion ought to have a great deal on its conscience.” C.H

DS106 Whats The Meme

Hopefully Its Relatable

A primary occupation of parents is to embarrass their children. Growing up, I didn’t have a father. So, that means the entirety of the job fell on my mothers shoulders, and she was bloody good at it. That was the spark of motivation for this meme. I remember sitting patiently on the couch whilst she vetted my friends and if she liked them, she would proceed to make sure they knew I wasn’t as cool as they thought I was through a process she called “Educational Embarrassment”. She claimed it taught my friends not to believe what was presented to them on the surface and she claimed it taught me how to deal with embarrassment and to be more comfortable with the real me. I would constantly get annoyed with her for doing it, but she said that it was a necessary evil. If I allowed her educational embarrassment, then she allowed me to stay out to whatever time I felt was a reasonable time to stay out until. I’d say that was a pretty fair deal. I’m sure everyone has been in this situation before, and it does not feel good. As much as you try to embarrass your parents, they always have a comeback, it’s like they know everything about you 😉 It was a nice memory to pop into my head because I don’t get to see my mother very often. I can’t wait until she meets my future wife, they’ll both gang up on me. ds106assignment

Daily Create #tdc3056

I love to LOOK at art. However, I myself am not very artistically inclined. I drew a few of my tattoos but that’s because I had ample motivation for both creation and perfection due to the fact that it was going to be on my body forever. This is actually my first attempt, and I was going to add a bunch of shading but I decided to go for the minimalist vibe, eat your heart out Donald Judd. I like to watch dumb TV shows like Bojack Horseman and Family Guy when I’m either bored or can’t sleep, so I guess that is where the subconscious motivation for a weird looking cartoon foot came from. ds106dc