DS106 – The Forest Gump Project

Here’s an Original Photo of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing (found here)
Here’s the Remix Version of the Apollo 11 photo

For this assignment, I debated on what “moment in history” I should try and capture. Scenes like the Martin Luther King Rally or other stupendous moments seemed too noisy and offered difficulty finding an inserted person. I decided to go with the idea of the moon landing and trying to capture myself as an astronaut. I thought it would be cool placing myself in this epic moment in history. The final photo is a bit crude but I had a good laugh.

Editing this photo, I used Indesign and found a photo that had been featured on the ABC 10 News Website. They had made a page featuring various photos of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing (Original post can be found here). If you have a chance definitely check out the post as the photos are quite clear and utilize great definition. I took a photo of myself and cropped/cut out my face and posed it over the astronaut’s helmet. I attempted to change the transparency element in Indesign choosing to try and create a better blend with the original photo. After some tweaking, I was able to get the remix to where it is now. Again, a little rough but I enjoyed how comical this assignment could be.

Did you guys know that in the original “Forest Gump” novel there’s a portion where Forest finds himself on a mission to space? Sadly this never made it to the final cut of the movie but is still interesting as it can tie with this theme of space travel.


ds106 – We’re the Brady Bunch!

What an awesome assignment! Apologies for not filling in the final and last square. I was going to include a picture of my house (or something of that liking) but decided to push the text and try to fill in the blank space. There was also the debate of including my brother’s girlfriend but I thought against it. I’m really glad this assignment got to focus on family & friends. Here I show off my own family as there’s a lot of us Cabrals. Not as much as the Brady Bunch, but certainly enough of us. I also included I picture of Winter as he deserves to be included in a family photo/collage. These are all photos taken by my mom, Kelly Cabral, and were pulled from her computer.

For this assignment, I got to try my hands at InDesign when making the Background & cropping images. I first included all my photos and then drew a big square that I used for my background. The layout options are really helpful when you can bring elements forward/back on the page. I threw the background to the back of the frame and then began to draw the lines for the frame. I sent those to the back and then one layer above the background. Giving the image a smooth look. Finally, I added the Text block that contained “The Cabrals” and was set on the Brady Bunch layout. I really enjoyed this assignment and was glad I could spotlight my big ol’ family.


ds106 – GIF into a FIG

Video by; Cade Cabral + Dane Cabral

For the “GIF into FIG” assignment, I first wanted to use some visual from a TV show or movie. My plan was to use a clip from one of my favorite shows, “Battlebots.” There are a few machines in the show that are really good at launching their opposing bots. I thought capturing one of these flips, and reversing it, would offer a neat submission for the assignment. But after trying a few videos I found that the camera jumped around a lot, making it difficult to tell where the beginning & end of the GIF were. After tweaking with the idea I eventually scraped it as it posed too difficult and moved on to Plan B.

I instead relied on my second idea that I had created earlier in the day. Instead, I thought it would be cool to capture the stream of water from a hose, but in reverse. Therefore making it look like I’m removing the moisture from the land or something. As well as capturing the clear motion that’s needed for the assignment. I thought this would prove to be more creative as well as utilize videos from home. I had my youngest brother Dane hold the camera while I operated the hose. Team Effort!

The process to create this reverse GIF was a little hectic. I first ran my video through GIFRUN, after first uploading it on Youtube. Then I tried to place my GIF through the website “Freegifmaker” which had tools to reverse user made GIFs. Once I did this I found that the file size was too large to submit onto WordPress which provided another hurdle. I thought to instead submit my gif through IMGflip, to have more liberty with the resolution of the GIF as well as manipulate the overall size of the image. By doing this I cut the file size in half and made it functional for WordPress. What you see above is the final result. Hope you Enjoy!
