ds106 – The Big Caption

After searching through the Boston Globe web-page. I came across this particular image which really resonated with me. I’m a big family sort of guy and it’s always nice to see wholesome posts like this. This photo was actually the top picked post for December 2019 by the Boston Globe staff. I really like how this picture can be seen out of context, as you can’t particularly tell when this photo was taken. Then, when adding my text, it gives the photo more of a message as well as emotion. With the text it kinda clicks for me in that it doesn’t have to be Christmas to feel like a family. It’s important to cherish the things we have and enjoy what life offers us.

For this Caption I used the website Imgflip to add the lettering/text effect. I was able to upload the image I had found on the Boston Globe website and then made the necessary adjustments. I wanted to go with a “Christmas-y” themed sort of photo, without actually inputting anything Christmas related. The only thing that should relate to the holiday is the man’s Santa suit. By limiting just to the Santa suit it gives the photo some ambiguity as to what is going on in the picture. I enjoyed giving this photo a little more depth and hope that I was able to capture the emotion that was held within.

Link to original Photo can be found here;


DS106- Say it Like The Peanut Butter

My all time favorite movie is How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. This is the original cartoon version. I remember watching it as a little kid on the couch with my family. Even though it is a Christmas movie, I still love watching it occasionally throughout the year just to get some happy emotions flowing. This moving gives me feelings of comfort. Doing this project was hard because I never have created a gif before but I loved the outcome and being able to figure it out. It definitely gave me some joy making this and brought back my memories of childhood. I liked getting to add filters onto the gif as well. I used the giphy website which made it very simple to create a gif. All I had to do was find a clip on youtube of the scene I wanted from the movie and the website helped with the rest.
