Color Walk #ecc8f5


For my color walk, I decided to utilize a random color generator and also my boyfriend’s backyard.

4:14 PM The random color generator gave me a pinkish-lavenderish color called #ecc8f5.

4:16 PM The first thing I found that matched this color was a flower growing in a bush by the outdoor fire pit. It was the lightest of the bunch and stood out from the hot pink ones surrounding it. 

4:17 PM After I snapped the picture of the flower I was making my way up the deck when I saw this glass flower. The pink “swirlies” fit pretty well with the color scheme I was going for. I liked the real flower better.

4:18 PM Once I was back on the deck I saw my 2020 planner (kind of useless now huh?) laying on the bar. I think the cover of my planner matches the #ecc8f5 perfectly

4:19 PM Now I am sitting at the bar looking for the next place to walk around the yard when I saw the top of the ladder that my boyfriend’s dad, Dave, used to take down the “Happy 50th Birthday!” banner that was hanging up this morning. Although I believe the top of the ladder started out red, it has faded to a nice light pink. Perfect for my use in this case. 

4:20 PM Resting beside the ladder was a worn down empty flower part with painted on flowers that I imagine ALSO used to be red. I decided to snap a picture and make that the last photo on my timeline!

I made my timeline using Google Drawing. I wasn’t able to figure out how to use it on Flickr. 


DS106 Color Walk Timeline

For the Color Walk Timeline I used a color generator to randomly assign me a color. Of course the color that it picked was red. I say of course because red happens to be everywhere I turned! I was surprised at how many red objects I came across including red front doors on houses, red cars (which I did not get pictures of because I figured people would want their license plate numbers to be kept private), and red parking signs. Alongside signs which were very common, many houses and buildings in my neighborhood in Portland were also red brick. I tried to keep it minimal with the amount of sidewalk pictures and building pictures I took. I had a hard time at first figuring out how to create this timeline but in the end the results came out great! I am happy with the completion of my final results.

#ds106assignment #ColorWalk #Red
