Daily Create #tdc3088

Well it’s come to this point now. I don’t want to say this will be my final Daily Create but it sure has been fun making all these cool creations! I’ve learned a lot. I’m glad to have today’s prompt as it’s somewhat silly and easy to capture. I’m not that Earthy and don’t host that many plants in my room. I’ve actually been trying to keep up with gardening recently and have focused my green thumb in that area instead.

I’ve actually been sharing all my cool creations with my parents as we’ve all been living together. My mom’s an Art teacher and has been really interested in the ds106 content. I’m hoping that I can get her hooked so she could incorporate some of the prompts in her classes. As well as keep me up to date with the current ds106 news. Otherwise, I just wanted to say that I’m very grateful for this class and the wealth of knowledge it’s provided. I’ll be sure to promote this course in the future.


Daily Create #tdc3087

For this daily create I wanted to offer something that’s more emotional by making this poem/image for today’s prompt. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would try my hands at the prompt but decided it was too easy not too. I’m not one who shares their feelings all that much but I hope that what I wrote captures the emotion that’s there. It seems easy to compare your loved one to a flower. Then in comparison to the other side of the prompt which includes comparing them to a river. Perhaps how love ebbs and flows would be a good way to describe it…

For the image above I utilized Google Presentation and made a classic text-box for the wording. I tried to get the font, style, and size all together before I began to tackle the background. I used one box for the background (Red) and another for the foreground (Grey). Maybe a little too much Gray but I wanted to make sure that the wording was clearly visible and easy to read. All together this process took me around 15 minutes but took me another 5 just to find the heart icon in shapes. But that’s life.


Daily Create #tdc3084

For this daily create I was really interested in the prompt as I don’t often think about my foods in paste form. The picture they used of the Goya Guava Paste looked absolutely disgusting and I wondered how I could top that off. Once I started thinking about my favorite foods I was immediately drawn to a food that has a substance similar to paste. And I am talking about the granddaddy of all candies, “Necco” wafers. Which are these small circular disks of sugary chalk. I thought that if anything could be a paste it could be Necco wafers. After some discussion about my idea, I realized that I was essentially talking about eating sugary toothpaste. Which has resulted in the picture above.

For the created image, I took a picture I found of Necco wafers and sent it through GIMP. There I took another photo of a Crest toothpaste bottle and clipped the toothpaste lid (screw cap) off that image. Then placed it over the Necco wafer image as a separate layer. I used the paint tool / selector tool to try and copy the background of the image. Fairly rough patch-job but I think it gets the job done.


Daily Create #tdc3084

The Daily Create challenge for Monday, June 22nd was to tweet about what your favorite food would be if all food was in paste form. Thinking about this, a lot of food items came to mind for me, such as peanut butter or chocolate spreads (i.e., Nutella). I wanted to pick something that was widely available in its use, and not to be used for only specific things; this is when I thought of hummus! Being a vegetarian, hummus has to be by far one of my favorites food pastes because of how many flavors and uses it has. You can choose to dip your favorite veggies in a roasted red pepper flavored hummus, spread a everything flavored hummus on your bagel or sandwich, or use a chocolate flavored hummus for dip as a midnight snack. Hummus is very universal in its use and one of the more flavorful choices of food pastes out there currently. It’s one of my favorite foods and I eat it almost daily with snacks or meals. What’s your favorite food in food paste form?


Daily Create – #tdc3078

I’m a little behind on Daily Create(s) so I thought I would use the recent prompts to get a hold of that. Today’s daily create was a silly one as it asks the creators to tweet about their favorite time of day. Giving the example of “night time is the best time.” To me this is such an arbitrary idea but also posed some interest at the same time. I feel we get desensitized to the times of the day as we experience them so often. Yet some people do go out of their way to try and value these times such as the day, or night.

For my Tweet I chose to pick the time of dusk as I really enjoy all the crazy colors that occur. My family and I live up on a hill so we always get an awesome look of the sunset. My mom and I have managed to capture tons of amazing images from the sunsets we’ve seen. The idea of the sunset can be kinda symbolic as it points toward the end of the day/ the end of a cycle. We’ll eventually return to the sunset only for it to move on once again. It’s interesting how we may capture the sunset now but we’ll never be able to capture the same sunset ever again.


Daily Create #tdc3077

For this Daily Create I got to do another fun prompt that interlinked the use of animals. And what better animal to focus on than my favorite dog Winter. This photo is from last year when Winter was hanging out with my brothers and I. At this time, Winter was almost three-four years old and hasn’t reached the full growth that he’s achieved now. Winter is the second Bernese Mountain dog my family has owned as we previously had a female named “Della May Sunshine.”

The other day my neighbor talked to me about a Bernese Mountain Dog/ Poodle Mix he recently encountered. These dogs are super cute and they keep the poodle genetics of reaching much older ages than other dogs. We discussed how bigger dogs don’t have long to live as there’s a lot of stress being placed on their internal organs. This was definitely a scary discussion as I myself have a larger dog who I care for very much. But it makes me think that I don’t want take Winter for granted. I want to spend all the time that I can with my dog and make his life something special. I know one day he won’t be around anymore, but even if that’s the case, I know he’ll always be with me.


Daily Create #tdc3072

For this daily create, as soon as I saw the prompt was about animals, I knew I had to hop on. I actually took the time to check out what other people had already sent to the ds106 page, as the prompt was so interesting. I saw tons of different animals and all sorts of people participating. Even if it was a simple prompt, it allowed for a variety individuals to share their thoughts. It’s really interesting to learn how large the ds106 community is and all the creativity that is held within.

Once I saw that you had to pick an animal that best represents you, I had the exact creature I wanted to go for. The only problem was I don’t have an Owl readily available for photo-shoots. I decided instead to make a gif to help represent my choice for the daily create. I eventually decided on the Owl from the Tootise-Pop commercial as he’s a fairly known owl within the public eye. As well as being a funny commercial that has stuck around for quite a long time. I used the online tool Gifrun to create the gif of the commercial. The source of my gif can be found here; Hope you guys enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3071

For today’s daily create I was given the task to represent a word in morse code. I chose the word strength. It is not until we are faced with difficult circumstances that we reveal are our true strength. The strength many have had this year alone is remarkable. I can say that my own strength has been tested many times throughout this year and although it can be difficult to regain, the right company can serve as an added support.

The font used to create this is called Dominos St, which I found online. While I was working on this I imagined lining up dominos and creating a ripple effect by knocking one over and watching the rest fall. Although these dominos do fall, the strength then lies within the next domino to hold the previous domino up. Looking at this from the perspective of humans, when you ‘fall’ you are not necessarily alone. You will always be surrounded by loved ones and friends who will help you regain your strength to rise again.


Daily Create #tdc3070

Who couldn’t relate to this?!

The Daily Create Challenge for June 8th, 2020, was to, “Add a GIF making funny faces! Let’s make it fun!” Brainstorming about what GIF I would chose, I went to Twitter to begin my post and typed “funny faces” into the GIF search bar. Scrolling through, I found the GIF pictured above and started hysterically laughing because of how relatable this face is! This face reminds me of the face a person usually makes when they’re really excited about something while looking at their phone; this is typically the reaction I produce when I get paid, which is where my post idea generated from. A pay schedule is usually pretty routine, with mine at the moment being weekly payments every Friday morning. Every Friday when I wake up, I go to my bank account app and always have a smile spread across my face when I see I’ve been paid, but who wouldn’t? Pay day is the day where you can relax a little more and take the time to sit in the moment, because being paid for the work you do is an overall good feeling. So, enjoy this lovely GIF of what my pay day experience is like!


Daily Create #tdc3069

Image Credit: My Mother 🙂

I was not entirely sure how to go about making today’s daily create, as it was definitely up for interpretation! I decided to use an image taken in my backyard of a hummingbird for this assignment. I cannot take credit for the picture as my mother took it, but I did add the ’emotional coloring’ twist to the image. If you look closely you can see that the hummingbird is actually sticking out its tongue!

To add the emotional color effect to this picture I used an app called StoryArt. The app has a bunch of cool features like templates, effects, borders, etc., that can be used for both images and videos. I tried using a few different apps that I have on my phone, but I did not like the way things were coming out. For the final product, I ended up using the filter LO3 to create the light streak and tonal change on the picture.

Background Story on the Apple Tree

The apple tree pictured was actually not in our backyard 16 years ago when we first moved into our house. The original tree is actually a few houses over in my neighbors yard. When my brother and I were younger we use to take the apples from our neighbor’s tree and make ‘pies’ with them. One time we picked a bunch of apples, made our pies, and once we were done we dumped them down the cliff in our backyard. A few years later this apple tree appeared! Now the tree is so big that smaller surrounding apple trees are growing as well. It’s so fascinating to have watched this tree grow as my brother and I have over the years!


Daily Create #tdc3069

For this daily create I thought highlighting on Birds was really neat! Yet I thought the task of creating “emotional coloring” to a picture would pose challenging. I liked the post they highlighted on the Daily Create homepage with the Toucan. That’s quite a colorful bird and offers a spectrum of colors to choose from. My photo is actually one I had saved from my trip to Mexico. My group was visiting an old amphitheater that had built-in pools surrounding the stage. It hosted to tons of different creatures, now that it’s out of use. It is where I found this duck, which I’ve come to find out is the “Muscovy Duck.”

In order to try and capture an “emotional coloring” I utilized the program GIMP and tried my hands at image manipulation. My first thought was to grab the red-coloring of the bill and use that to try to add highlights to the duck. But that posed difficult as it would add quite drastic shades of red. I instead drew around the duck and attempted to manipulate the color settings of that particular part of the image. That was successful and allowed me to manipulate the hue of the image as well as the base colors such as red/blue/green. I also added some more red to the background in order to capture the effect. For a first time using GIMP I thought I did alright. Hope you enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3068

When approaching this assignment I was bit confused on how to handle the “remarkable fashion” that was needed for a post on bikes. I swore I had an old photo of a metal-work frog standing on a bikes handlebars but could not find such a thing in my albums. This Gif was actually a spur of the moment idea as I had just been reminded of the Bike flying seen from the movie “E.T.” I personally have mixed feelings on the movie and it’s wrinkly protagonist but I’ll leave things at that. I’m glad I was able to imagine something for this assignment with a fun and silly Gif! My original Tweet was going to have a caption, “What going 88 miles can achieve” similar to something from “Back to the Future” but I thought against it.

I used the webtool Gifrun in order to create the GIf of the bikes taking off. I linked the original Youtube video in my tweet but I’ll link it here as well. Hope you enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3063

For this daily create I thought the process was a little easier as I have a repertoire of poems at my disposal. My mom enjoys sending me poems and I enjoy keeping a hold of the better ones.

This particular poem resonated with me as it’s important to recognize that you can’t change what’s in the past so rather focus more on the present and build towards the future. This is an idea that can help our current world as we face all these challenges with health and well-being. It’s important to recognize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and there is some good that can come out of our situation.

Rather than posting the image my mother had sent me (found below). I decided that I would challenge myself and try to rearrange the poem/create it in a way so that it was my own. I first sent the words into a word doc and organized them to their best fit. Then sent them to Presentation where I was able to add the bordering as well as the background color. Very simple process but I was able to add some gradient coloring for effect.

I could have gone a little more in depth but didn’t want to add anything to the image that wasn’t previously created by me. I think it’s important to recognize our own creative abilities and how we may utilize them. I hope in the future I can continue to create products of my own making.

They must have taken the background pic from an old flip-phone racing game!
Here is the Updated Poem


Daily Create #tdc3063

This poem is one that I hold true to and for myself. I found the quote back in 2018, and ever since I’ve periodically read it to remind me of myself: where I’ve come from, where I am, and where I want to go. My past is full of things that tried to tear me down, become susceptible to the vulnerability of other’s and my own feelings, thoughts, and emotions, and eventually leading me to my lowest point. After years of working on myself, focusing on myself and what I value, I finally made it out of those dark times; I realized who I truly was, the person I used to be had come out of her shell and changed into the person I am today. This poem makes me reflect on the memories I have and want to have, the potential my future holds for me, the struggles I’ve faced and how I’ve overcome them, and for the beauty and self-love I’ve found in myself. This poem is for me, the person I used to be and the person I have become today, the person I want to keep aspiring to be and not conforming to what others want me to be.


Daily Create #tdc3059

For today’s daily create, I created a postcard from the area I am from. I’ve always loved where I grew up. The cranberry bogs, the medium-sized town feel (where you know people but not everyone), and the Southern Boston accent/Massachusetts tendencies (yes, the driving) are some of my favorite parts. We have a motto in my town that also makes me laugh and my friends and I always joke about it. We call ourselves the “Cranberry Capital of the World”. Even though Wisconson is technically the rightful owner of that title and Carver, Mass produces more cranberries, we still identify ourselves with that motto.

Many of my favorite memories happened in this town. Even though it holds a dear place in my heart, I plan on moving after graduation. I love this place and recognize it for all its charm/beauty and where I grew up but I don’t want to establish my life here. I would love to move to Maine or out West when I’m through with college and start the next chapter of my life there.


Daily Create #tdc3059

I thought today’s daily create was a special one as we as creators are able to put our own hometowns out on the spotlight. It’s good to acknowledge our roots and pay the respect that they deserve. Even if it’s in a fun quirky Postcard format. I enjoyed going out into my town trying to find a landmark that could pose as my postcard.

In the end, I chose to focus on my town’s main office as it’s a hot-spot for the Turner public. While taking the picture I did get a couple of funny looks but was quick to take the photo and assemble what I needed. I’m not sure if people are more irritable than usual since we’ve been dealing with all this heat and the corona business. The town office is certainly an interesting place as they cater to wide variety of things. My town is quite small so this town office definitely suites our little community.

While making this postcard I used Indesign and a photo I had taken earlier in the day. I used 4 boxes to create the green border around the original image and fit the main text underneath. All in all this took me about 15-20 minutes to complete the postcard.


Daily Create #tdc3056

Going onto the DS106DC Twitter page today, I saw the daily create challenge was to draw your foot; I instantly thought, “Ew… I hate feet…nope!” However, after pondering it for a bit, I realized that I had never taken on the challenge of drawing a part of the human anatomy before, not even a face, let alone a foot. So, I decided to draw my own foot. This was a relaxing and mindful activity for me to do, and I enjoyed being able to sketch again, which is something I haven’t done in a while. As I sat and angled my foot, I got to work with my pencil and sketch pad and started by outlining my big toe, following it done the inside arc of my foot to my heel, adding in some ankles and a leg, and back up the other side. I did the toes last because to me they felt like the most difficult aspect of sketching my foot. I’m pretty satisfied with how it turned out! Though it may be a rough sketch and not shaded or quite realistic, it’s as much of a foot as I would be able to draw!
