Daily Create #tdc3086

Today’s daily create task was to create a text you would want to wear on a t-shirt. I thought this one would be fun to put my educator spin on it. I love this quote from Dr. Seuss. I love the idea that children may be small, but they can make a huge impact on your life. I know this for a fact! I also am a firm believer that we learn a lot from children, whether it be their love for life, their sense of innocence, or they’re spontaneous personalities. I know Dr. Seuss can sometimes be controversial to some people, but this will always be one of my favorite quotes, children truly are the best teachers in this world, we should all step back and see what we can learn from them.


Daily Create #tdc3082

I wanted to be creative with this daily create. I went through a few days where all I watched was “Naked and Afraid”, so a few weeks ago, my mom, my boyfriend and I had a discussion. On the show you’re allowed to bring one item with you for the 21 days of being naked and afraid. When I saw this daily create I thought of it in a similar way, I get to bring one item to help me survive on the moon. My answer was the same for naked and afraid as it was the moon. Everything but the Bagel Seasoning. I absolutely love this stuff. Being vegetarian, good seasonings are key, I put this on just about everything. I figured since I am a picky eater and this stuff tastes great on vegetables, I could probably survive off of this and some leaves. I figured the moon doesn’t have many options for food so why wouldn’t I bring along my seasoning to make things better?


Daily Create #tdc3078

For today’s daily create assignment, it was, what’s your favorite part of the day? Now this seems like a pretty simple question, but I actually put a deep amount of thought into it. I feel like it completely changes with the seasons. In the winter, I love chilly mornings with fresh snow, but in the summer I love nights at a camp fire. So, since it’s summer I responded with “specifically 7-9pm”. I am such a campfire girl, I would love to have one every single night of the summer, just something about it is so relaxing for me. I chose to share this picture of me when I was obviously much younger, because I was wearing a cute little sweater and sitting by a fire one summer. I grew up camping though so maybe that sparked my love for fires… no pun intended. I just find this picture so funny, it’s ironic because I’ve even vegetarian now for about 10 years, but my parents tell me that when I was a kid, my favorite meal was shish ka bobs. I laugh and say this is the only image you’ll see of me eating meat. Well excuse me while I go flood my favorite time of the day with homework.


Daily Create #tdc3072

Image linked here.

Today’s daily create instruction was to share if you could be any animal what would you be and why? I feel like this is a super cheesy ice breaker question, but I’m here for it. I chose a humpback whale, one of my favorite whales. Since I was born, I have been a full blown ocean lover, I have grown up one mile away from the beach, spent my days in the salty sea and soaking up the sun in the sand. When I was in high school I had to do a research project that grew my love for whales. Since then, I have chosen to do research on whales every chance I get, have been on multiple whale watches and even got a permanent tattoo of a killer whale. I think what I love most about them is that they are so free in the ocean, they are massive but nothing compared to their home. They are adventurous and travel during migration, stay in pods, raise their young and seem so free spirited. So there you have it, if I was any animal, I would be a big blubbery whale swimming in the ocean.


Daily Create #tdc3071

For today’s daily create, it was assigned to create a word in morse code. I did a little phrase saying “life is love”. I used stars and dashes because I thought it would look cool. I chose that phrase because today, I feel a little down about the world, I feel like I don’t know what I can believe on social media, I don’t know where to go from here. I don’t know what is the “right” thing to do anymore, and I don’t want to disappoint anyone if I do post something on social media or if I don’t. I created this as a reminder to love, love yourself, love others and love the world around you. I used a google slide to create this and a morse code translator.


Daily Create #tdc3069

At my work there is two bird nests with baby birds in them. One of the nests is a Finch nest and it is in a smaller bush that is accessible to look at. Today I was able to snap some close up photos of the newly hatched babies! Above you can see the before photo before coloring and the after photo with coloring. At first I imagined making the nest rainbow colored but I did have some trouble figuring that out. I finally downloaded a photo editing application and I got these colors on which made me really satisfied. Now I have designed a postmodern birdie (or birdies) with emotional coloring! I hope everyone enjoys!

#dailycreate #ds106 #BirdIsTheWord


Daily Create #tdc3068

Okay this daily create was difficult for me, I tried to be creative but also involve my theme of children. Unfortunately this isn’t my best one. But, I had to do a daily create because I’ve had an extremely busy week and have barely had the time to do the work due that day. I wish I knew how to edit this better, it’s blurry and the “transparent” bike picture has lines through it, but that’s learning right? I thought this actually came out hilarious, the position Connor is in is perfect, he actually looks like he’s riding a bike, I figured this was the best usage of a bike in a remarkable fashion, a baby riding a bike! I used google slides to create this by just overlapping the pictures and sending them backwards.


Daily Create #tdc3055

For my first daily create I decided to mash up the sounds Cake By The Ocean and Uptown Funk. I originally tried to mash up The Office theme song with another song but nothing really fit well. I was going through all of my “liked” songs from my old Spotify and these two popped up. I haven’t listened to either of these songs in a long time but mixing them together made for a really fun summer party song. This daily create took a lot of trial and error but I wanted to be happy with the final result (which I am).

