DS106 Third WEB Assignment: “Remix Guinness Book of World Records”



Goats are absolutely one of my favorite animals. If I had enough land, money, and time, I would raise baby goats! I also love yoga so this was the perfect record to remix. Instead of humans doing yoga with goats, I remixed it to have goats instructing humans! Funny right. Overall this was a pretty cool assignment, coding can be fun!


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Remix of Guinness World Record Book



This was an interesting assignment. I think the most difficult aspect was trying to choose a record to remix! I spent most of my time just trying to find a record that I wanted to use. At first, I was going to use a human-based record, but I decided not to because I came across this sheep! As soon as I saw this it reminded me of a big cotton ball. It also made me kind of sad too, because who knows how long it has been since this sheep had a haircut. I can imagine that the extra weight from the wool has been uncomfortable and not very good for its health. I really like that this assignment included the coding aspect. I loved being able to apply what I learned to create a new product.


Digital Story Compilation

Featured in this video are some of my favorite DS106 assignments. I used iMovie to make this and then unloaded it to Youtube to post it here, which did not work! The video format was not supported, most likely because the file was too large, but I was able to unload it to Twitter and share it this way!


We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch

At first I was not sure what direction I wanted to go in for this assignment. I started making a collage with some of my close friends, but then I decided to make one with my family instead.

Lola is my mother’s family name, which is where I got “The Lola Bunch” from. All of the grandkids pictured above my younger brother, niece, and I do not actually have the family’s last name. My brother and I have our father’s which is Veal and my niece also has her father’s which is Lacoote.

Top Left: Pictured here is my uncle Joseph, my mother’s younger brother

Top Middle: This is my mother!

Top Right: Pictured here is both of my grandparents, which breaks the one box per person, but my grandfather does not like taking pictures, so I had to really DIG for any picture with him.

Botton Left: This is my aunt, which is my ‘nieces’ mother.

Bottom Middle: Pictured here is my younger brother, although he looks like a giant!

Bottom Right: This is my niece! She’s technically not my niece, but I call her that anyway.

I really liked this assignment. Instead of using a website, I decided to use the app PicCollage on my phone, which was easy to use. The app itself is not free though, which is why you see the ugly watermark. The one complaint I would make about this app is that it does not allow you to choose how many boxes you would like, instead, you have to choose a pre-made template.

‘Back in the day’, I made collages all the time for friends for Facebook. You would post a status “Like my status for a collage” or something along those lines and you would then attempt to make one for every individual who liked you post. I am not entirely sure when this trend started, but that was the thing. I was always that person who would do every single one and I remember spending so much time on them!


Turn a GIF into a FIG

Animated GIF

As soon as I read the description for this assignment I knew exactly what video I wanted to use. Above is 16 year old Jaiden attempting to make funny content for Snapchat. After dinner, my friend and I were on our way back to the dorms (I went to a boarding high school) and we saw this pile of boxes. I do not really remember who came up with the idea for this original video, but we went through with it anyways.

The theme for this snap was “going through life like” and then you will see me trip on the boxes. This video was actually staged and I had no intention of actually tripping, but I did and luckily I caught myself before I fell! We definitely had a good laugh after this.

Creating the actual GIF was not difficult, but I also run into the issue of embedding this GIF into WordPress. I tried quite a few different ways but had no luck. I actually ended up copying the image on GIPHY and pasting it here on WordPress, which seemed to work.

After watching the GIF in reverse mode a few times, I still think the normal one is better so I will include that too.

Animated GIF


What They Might Have Done in Social Media

For this assignment, I chose to represent George Washington Carver on the social media platforms – Fakebook and Twister.

George Washington Carver was an agricultural scientist who invented hundreds of different products using peanuts. Carver was born a slave just one year before slavery was outlawed. At a young age, Carver left home to attend college at Iowa State University where we earned a master’s in agricultural science

Black inventors have been overlooked in history and even in current times, which is why my focus was on Carver. An interesting fact that I did not know is, although Carver invented hundreds of products using peanuts like milk, Worcestershire sauce, punches, cooking oil, etc. BUT NOT PEANUT BUTTER. This was something I actually did not know!

Creating this assignment was pretty simple. I thought the Fakebook portion of this assignment would be more difficult, but everything was user-friendly and easy to follow. When I went to add Carver’s information in, his profile picture came up, so I did not have to add that. When I went in to add his ‘friends’ I chose other black inventors. All of the profiles I chose of men came up with their corresponding images, but not the women…which I thought was interesting. I did have a formatting issue with the cover photo at first because I used a normal image, but I was able to quickly resolve this.

I had trouble embedding both the Fakebook and Twister, so I included a screenshot of the Twister page and the link below to the Fakebook.

Fakebook Link: https://www.classtools.net/FB/1767-3HViCY



This is the only plant I have around my room, it was a peony from our garden outside. They are my favorite kind of flower, but unfortunately I don’t have much of a green thumb so it died rather quickly.

I have always been really bad at properly maintaining flowers, or any plant life really. I’m the kind of person that can kill a succulent. Oops. So I don’t often have plant life in my room, but even dried out I think the peony still looks rather pretty?

Daily Create #tdc3088

Well it’s come to this point now. I don’t want to say this will be my final Daily Create but it sure has been fun making all these cool creations! I’ve learned a lot. I’m glad to have today’s prompt as it’s somewhat silly and easy to capture. I’m not that Earthy and don’t host that many plants in my room. I’ve actually been trying to keep up with gardening recently and have focused my green thumb in that area instead.

I’ve actually been sharing all my cool creations with my parents as we’ve all been living together. My mom’s an Art teacher and has been really interested in the ds106 content. I’m hoping that I can get her hooked so she could incorporate some of the prompts in her classes. As well as keep me up to date with the current ds106 news. Otherwise, I just wanted to say that I’m very grateful for this class and the wealth of knowledge it’s provided. I’ll be sure to promote this course in the future.


ds106 – Digital Story Compilation

Hey guys! Above is my video compilation with most of my ds106 assignments. I had some trouble including the Color Walk Assignment but I probably could have recovered it more easily from Google Drive. Unsure. It’s really weird to finally be tackling this assignment as it sort of puts a close on the course and our wonderful class. It was fun reliving all the past assignments and all the processes I used to complete them. In the end, I made my video into a “Top 10” but it’s meant to go in chronological order with the rest of the assignments.

For this video, I utilized MovieMaker, a free program offered on PC systems. After organizing all my previous ds106 assignments, I only had to add each of the files to the program. I cut most of the clips to around 3-5 seconds to control the overall length. I made the initial title card in Word and took a screenshot to convert it more easily to an image before transitioning it into the video. I had a fun time completing this assignment and hope I can continue to practice similar creativity in the future. I hope you enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3087

For this daily create I wanted to offer something that’s more emotional by making this poem/image for today’s prompt. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would try my hands at the prompt but decided it was too easy not too. I’m not one who shares their feelings all that much but I hope that what I wrote captures the emotion that’s there. It seems easy to compare your loved one to a flower. Then in comparison to the other side of the prompt which includes comparing them to a river. Perhaps how love ebbs and flows would be a good way to describe it…

For the image above I utilized Google Presentation and made a classic text-box for the wording. I tried to get the font, style, and size all together before I began to tackle the background. I used one box for the background (Red) and another for the foreground (Grey). Maybe a little too much Gray but I wanted to make sure that the wording was clearly visible and easy to read. All together this process took me around 15 minutes but took me another 5 just to find the heart icon in shapes. But that’s life.


Forest Gump Project

This is a photo of the first submarine expedition to the North Pole in 1930. Led by Hubert Wilkins with commander Vilhjalmur Stefansson while aboard the Nautilus. I always found original marine expeditions so intriguing. I like this one in particular because it was one of the first successful ventures to the North Pole in a submarine.

For this assignment, I used canva to photoshop myself into the original image. I used a picture of myself my family took while I was helping my mother shovel out the pathway to her store. Then I just removed the background and put a filter to best match the depth of the original photo.


DS106 Assignment: The Forrest Gump Project

“Good ole’ Forrest Gump. He always manages to find himself at the center of history, and using photo editing software, so can you. Find a historic photograph and place yourself into the scene, just like Forrest Gump.”

Image source: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/06/trump-campaign-demands-story-retractions-tear-gas-200603110259366.html

Though this image wasn’t taken very long ago I think it counts as historic. It’s a photo a protestors in DC being “dispersed” by police and trying to avoid the tear gas by running away. This is one of many photos, sadly, of the excessive force that protesters have faced throughout the past several weeks. Tear gas, rubber bullets, shoving, beating. One clip even shows a police car driving into a crowd. It’s sadly ironic that these overwhelmingly peaceful protests spurred by police brutality, are being so forcefully “dispersed.”

I struggled with deciding whether or not to use an image like this because it feels slightly disrespectful. I didn’t want it to look like a joke. In the image of Forrest, he looks scared (which fits the photo, the other protests are clearly terrified), and considering Forrest Gump’s character, I have a feeling if he were around today he’d be protesting against police brutality and trying to protect those they target most. So, in this mashup, Forrest is running away from tear gas with fellow protestors, thrown by an impending police line in full riot gear.


Digital Story Compilation

I made this with Clideo which didn’t take me too long to figure out which was very nice. So I only chose the images that I liked from our assignments to be completely honest, it said on the assignment page to only do our favorite ones so that’s exactly what I did! I also included Africa by Toto as the song for it because it makes me think back to the first time I tried to do one of these types of assignments at the start of the semester and had a breakdown trying to figure out what music to mix with another sound. I thought that was a creative little addition to it. These assignments were pretty fun most of the time, I liked making the GIFs and the FIGs the most I think because that felt personal with the home videos. I think the one I’m the most proud of is The Big Caption assignment, I feel like when one looks at the image they could probably feel what I was going for with it.

I had a good time sharing memes with everyone and seeing what everyone else was posting! Hope you all have a good Summer!


The Forrest Gump Project

I found the image from here.

So my friend suggesting the addition to me in a forced Native American school really meant a lot to both of us, especially right now. My best friend is a Native American, no I’m not talking about those white people that go “I’m 1/30th Native American!” because that annoys the heck out of her and now me as well! She is literally half native, her mother being full. She had always been a fan of her history in the past, but recently she has really been getting closer to her native culture and trying to interact with her small tribe more often. Recently I watched a Netflix series called Anne With an E, and in it the main character named Anne happily accepts a Native American girl while that kind of thing was heavily frowned upon. It broke my heart to see that little native girl sent off to a school that tortured her and tried to force her into a new religion. I brought this up to my best friend and we talked about how horrible it was for the adults and the children of the time and it honestly makes me mad! History really sucks. What sucks even more is Native Americans still get treated poorly today! With the BLM movement happening I’m hearing stories from her cousins being called dirty because they have brown skin- I already heard these types of stories before but now it’s getting worse. There’s this YouTube video going around that made me laugh of a white woman trying to kick a Native American out of a store and the people around standing up for the poor girl getting yelled at.

Nonetheless this makes me sad, it makes me very mad as well, and I really hope people can change sooner rather than later.


DS106 – The Forest Gump Project

Here’s an Original Photo of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing (found here)
Here’s the Remix Version of the Apollo 11 photo

For this assignment, I debated on what “moment in history” I should try and capture. Scenes like the Martin Luther King Rally or other stupendous moments seemed too noisy and offered difficulty finding an inserted person. I decided to go with the idea of the moon landing and trying to capture myself as an astronaut. I thought it would be cool placing myself in this epic moment in history. The final photo is a bit crude but I had a good laugh.

Editing this photo, I used Indesign and found a photo that had been featured on the ABC 10 News Website. They had made a page featuring various photos of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing (Original post can be found here). If you have a chance definitely check out the post as the photos are quite clear and utilize great definition. I took a photo of myself and cropped/cut out my face and posed it over the astronaut’s helmet. I attempted to change the transparency element in Indesign choosing to try and create a better blend with the original photo. After some tweaking, I was able to get the remix to where it is now. Again, a little rough but I enjoyed how comical this assignment could be.

Did you guys know that in the original “Forest Gump” novel there’s a portion where Forest finds himself on a mission to space? Sadly this never made it to the final cut of the movie but is still interesting as it can tie with this theme of space travel.


DS106 Week #6 – Forrest Gump Project

Heres a before and after side-by-side comparison! (Before on left, after on right)
Edited photo with me watching the Apollo 11 launch!

I was pretty intrigued and excited when I read this assignment! My approach for the project was to think about an important historical event that I wish I was alive for and able to observe/take part in. I have been really interested in and inspired by NASA space exploration since I was pretty young. I never wanted to be an astronaut, but I always found space exploration to be an exciting part of our countries history. The amount of people it takes to get the astronauts safely into space and to their destination is unimaginable to me. I’m especially in awe of the people behind the scenes who have to do the calculations and crunch the numbers to figure out how to build the shuttles, how to launch them, and all that comes with shooting a space shuttle into space.

By the way, little side-note, if you too find space exploration fascinating, I highly suggest the film Hidden Figures! It tells the story of three brilliant African-American women at NASA who were the brains behind the operation of sending astronaut John Glenn into orbit in the early 1960s.

So, if I had to pick a historical event to be present for, I would choose the Apollo 11 launch! This photo I found is of a crowd in Central Park, NY watching Neil Armstrong take man’s first steps on the moon on large television screens. I downloaded the photo to Photoshop. I then took a selfie where I am looking in the general direction of everyone in the crowd. I imported that selfie into photoshop and used the select and mask tool to cut myself out of the photo and paste it to the original photo. I placed it at a good spot in the crowd where there was a bit of dead space, and then I turned down the opacity on my selfie layer so I could erase parts of my photo to make it look like I am behind the people in front of me. I’m overall happy with it, but I wish both my selfie and the original photo looked the same resolution wise.

Credit for original photo is NASA via the following article: https://tucson.com/moon-memories/article_5c3aa65c-e930-5cde-a2ad-8ef283d55504.html


DS106 World Record Remix

Original World Record (found here)
My World Record Remix

So this assignment was wicked easy and super fun! I was having some trouble at first as the X-ray website wouldn’t load up the other night. I tried once again after finishing up my Codecademy stuff and was able to get it to work. After some tinkering, I found it was quite easy to manipulate the Guinness website and make my own record. I chose the image above as I’m quite fond of owls and it was one of the better photos found on the Guinness Record page. I actually had most of this stuff ready last night but my access to the X-ray page really obstructed me from getting this assignment done. Until now!

At first, I was gonna do something like “world’s most ornery owl” but I thought I could display the image better by utilizing the signpost in some particular way. I think posing the owl as a guide offers a bit of story as you can think about how this owl may lead hikers down safe mountain trails. Maybe flying just below the treeline to allow people a clear view of his whereabouts. It’s a rather intimidating owl but he’s only there to keep you safe!


Daily Create #tdc3084

For this daily create I was really interested in the prompt as I don’t often think about my foods in paste form. The picture they used of the Goya Guava Paste looked absolutely disgusting and I wondered how I could top that off. Once I started thinking about my favorite foods I was immediately drawn to a food that has a substance similar to paste. And I am talking about the granddaddy of all candies, “Necco” wafers. Which are these small circular disks of sugary chalk. I thought that if anything could be a paste it could be Necco wafers. After some discussion about my idea, I realized that I was essentially talking about eating sugary toothpaste. Which has resulted in the picture above.

For the created image, I took a picture I found of Necco wafers and sent it through GIMP. There I took another photo of a Crest toothpaste bottle and clipped the toothpaste lid (screw cap) off that image. Then placed it over the Necco wafer image as a separate layer. I used the paint tool / selector tool to try and copy the background of the image. Fairly rough patch-job but I think it gets the job done.


Daily Create #tdc3084

Back when nutella first came out I thought it was okay, I don’t remember what I ate it with but I know I got sick of it very quickly. It was back in a time that now seems unreal, back when we were still allowed to go to college in person! Down at the pub after class I would get myself a salad and a muffin because I don’t eat breakfast and needed something to hold me until dinner, and I noticed they had a fridge full of fruits and such! One thing that caught my eye was the beautiful snack pack! Strawberries AND pineapples? Two of my favorite fruits? Plus pretzels and grapes but I wasn’t too interested in those along with the nutella… Until I tried it. I quickly found out that the pretzels and nutella were amazing! Yes the nutella was good with the fruit too but I was happy enough saving the dip just for the pretzels! It wasn’t too long after when we came home and I bought myself nutella and pretzels that I now eat as a snack when I’m not feeling good. Honestly nutella goes good with so many things and I cannot believe I actually enjoy it this much.
