DS106 World Record


This assignment was actually kind of fun. I feel like my battery ran out of creative juices by the time I got to it though. I found this record by a little girl who found 166 four leaf clovers in one hour (top image). I then remixed it to try and be funny and act like she broke a record of kneeling in one spot for 23 hours (bottom image). I wanted to find a record by a kid, and when came across this one I thought it was so cute and innocent I couldn’t not choose it. I then kept scrolling and found she broke this record on my birthday, June 23, so I HAD to choose it. I don’t really have a funny story to go along with this but if you look at the image she really does look like she’s bored and kneeling in that one spot for per say 23 hours maybe…


Daily Create #tdc3082

I wanted to be creative with this daily create. I went through a few days where all I watched was “Naked and Afraid”, so a few weeks ago, my mom, my boyfriend and I had a discussion. On the show you’re allowed to bring one item with you for the 21 days of being naked and afraid. When I saw this daily create I thought of it in a similar way, I get to bring one item to help me survive on the moon. My answer was the same for naked and afraid as it was the moon. Everything but the Bagel Seasoning. I absolutely love this stuff. Being vegetarian, good seasonings are key, I put this on just about everything. I figured since I am a picky eater and this stuff tastes great on vegetables, I could probably survive off of this and some leaves. I figured the moon doesn’t have many options for food so why wouldn’t I bring along my seasoning to make things better?


DS106 Assignment: We’re The Real Brady Bunch!

“Most everyone has seen the infamous picture of The Brady Bunch where everyone in the family is showcased in their own personal box. Now it’s your turn!! Whether your actual family or your close group of friends, make a collage mimicking the picture shown below. Be creative with the title. Make the title alliteration either with your last name or somesort of name you wish to call your group. In your post, explain why you chose the people you did in your collage.”

“Molu’s Menage” a.k.a. “Molu’s Household”

This was quite the challenge (although it shouldn’t have been). Unfortunately, my laptop has decided to stop charging, so most of my photos were unavailable to me (hence the older, out of date photos). I used what I could find on my phone and on Instagram.

I created the collage on PicMonkey and realized you can only export the photos with a membership, so I had to screen shot it. The screenshot app I use on my computer is automatically set to open the photos in Google Chrome, which for some reason no longer works on this computer (still can’t figure out why). So I hit “Print Screen,” pasted the photo into a Word document, cropped it, and copied the image from there to paste in this blog post. Quite the work-around!

The last challenge was in picking the name of my gang, as there are no synonyms with the word “group” that start with an M or a D (for Daley). I went with “menage” which is French for “household,” I believe. Or housework? Oh well, I tried!

The people (and animals) featured (clockwise starting from the upper left):

  • My older brother, Joel
  • Me (in my license photo)
  • My boyfriend, Zach
  • My cat, Andy
  • My part-time dog, Nico (she is my boyfriend’s childhood dog; she lived with us when we had a bigger place but now we are in a small apartment, so she lives with Zach’s dad)
  • My nanny (and last living grandparent), Marjorie
  • My dad, Michael (you may recognize him as Professor Daley if you’ve taken micro)
  • My mom, Kimberly

I chose this group because they represent my closest family!


Daily Create #tdc3082

“What will you take to the moon?”

If I were going to the moon I’d take as many of these spiky things as they’d let me take. My brother and I used to have so much fun throwing these at each other in the living room I can’t imagine they wouldn’t be twice as fun in zero-gravity.

They’re perfect for bringing in a spacecraft because they’re really squishy and basically can’t break anything. You can throw them with little risk of harming important space equipment. Plus they’d look hilarious floating around.


Remix Guinness Book of World Records

So this was a bit hard to do, the X-Ray Goggles weren’t working for me, aka I couldn’t figure out what to do there so I decided to dive onto the internet and see how to edit a page temporarily. It took a bit of searching but I found this page which gave helpful step-by-step instructions! Just right clicking and clicking on Inspect brings up an Elements page where if you double click on anything there you can edit until you refresh the page!

With the record that I chose I didn’t edit too much of the page. I honestly found it funny that the first picture they chose made it look exactly like the tree was almost the exact same size as the large building. I understand that the perspective isn’t the best to make it work, but I couldn’t pass up on it, it seemed too funny to me! Anyways everyone, welcome to the tallest palm tree of the world, almost as tall as the tallest building!


Brady Bunch Collage

I figured the best way to do this assignment was by using my actual family bunch! This includes my mother, older brother, stepfather, grandmother, aunt, step-aunt, and my dog. The family members I decided to add are the ones that I can confidently say I see the most. We almost all have different last names. Ettore belongs to my mom and her side of the family, Barrow is my stepfather and his family’s last name, and Turner is my brother and I’s last name from our father. So I thought it would be fun to add all our names in the title, more like a modern family Brady Bunch.

My family and I are not very close with my father’s family so I pretty much just stuck with my moms and stepdads family. I used canva for this assignment and it was really fun to make! Going through all the photos of my family to find ones to use definitely put a smile on my face. Especially since there are a few family members on here that I haven’t been able to see lately because of COVID. So this was a nice way to keep us all close!


Brady Bunch Remix

I probably spent way too long on this for someone who has never seen Brady Bunch or That 70’s Show. I was going to try and get pictures of my friends but I didn’t have enough that wanted to let their faces be in this, and I was going to do animals but I didn’t know if my friends would let me take their animals faces either. So I had to do something I knew I had enough of that meant something to me especially during these times of quarantine and that would be video games! I sadly don’t get to play that often now, if I do play it’s playing Animal Crossing as soon as I wake up and right before I go to bed so I can try and relax at the start and end of the day. I’m a bigger fan of the older consoles, I still play a ton of Gamecube games now when I get the chance and I’m often playing my old Nintendogs or Pokemon games on my D.S. I did have a Gameboy but I think my brother took it when he wanted to play something last Summer and never brought it back so I couldn’t include that- so I included my laptop! My laptop means so much to me! Back in the dorms I didn’t have my Nintendo Switch set up at all, so the only games I would ever play would be Overwatch on my computer or Mario Kart with the roommates on the Wii- more often it was just Overwatch though.

I honestly had a lot of fun doing this. I love editing photos even though this isn’t the best example to show how much I enjoy editing photos! I also haven’t had any time to break out my drawing tablet in a while either because of the large amounts of homework in my multiple classes so it was just nice to use that again.


ds106 – We’re the Brady Bunch!

What an awesome assignment! Apologies for not filling in the final and last square. I was going to include a picture of my house (or something of that liking) but decided to push the text and try to fill in the blank space. There was also the debate of including my brother’s girlfriend but I thought against it. I’m really glad this assignment got to focus on family & friends. Here I show off my own family as there’s a lot of us Cabrals. Not as much as the Brady Bunch, but certainly enough of us. I also included I picture of Winter as he deserves to be included in a family photo/collage. These are all photos taken by my mom, Kelly Cabral, and were pulled from her computer.

For this assignment, I got to try my hands at InDesign when making the Background & cropping images. I first included all my photos and then drew a big square that I used for my background. The layout options are really helpful when you can bring elements forward/back on the page. I threw the background to the back of the frame and then began to draw the lines for the frame. I sent those to the back and then one layer above the background. Giving the image a smooth look. Finally, I added the Text block that contained “The Cabrals” and was set on the Brady Bunch layout. I really enjoyed this assignment and was glad I could spotlight my big ol’ family.


DS106 Brady Bunch

For this assignment, we were asked to create a Brady Bunch like collage. Instead of using family members or friends, I wanted to showcase everything I use on a daily basis in the life of a nanny. In order from the top to the right we have:

  • a fun little ring toy with beads which is a favorite right now because it makes a lot of noise
  • a food pouch with peaches, pears and apples, also a favorite because it involves peaches
  • a diaper because we need those a lot in one day
  • a teething toy ice cream, also a big hit right now especially after it sits in the fridge for a few minutes
  • nanny probs as my title in the middle of all of these pieces
  • a bottle, a not so favorite but still needing the nutrients!
  • Connor thinking I am so funny
  • peach puffs, he loves feeding himself and these are the easiest go to snack, also a favorite because they involve peach
  • Connor and I being silly

I took a little spin on this project and I am really happy with how it turned out. I edited these pictures on my phone using the app called “color tone” and then put them onto my computer and made a collage with the website “befunky” linked here.


DS106 Assignment: Turn a GIF into a FIG

Recently, I was exposed to reverse-animated GIFs. I must say, some are hilarious. Find a video clip, or shoot one of yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.”

Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Since my last GIF was of me rollerblading I thought I’d continue the trend and make a “FIG” of me rollerblading. This is a simple 360 but it looks pretty cool backwards. I wish I was that good at skating backwards in real life!

To make this GIF, I downloaded a simple video reversing app on my phone, which made the video run backwards. From there, I just put it into GIPHY, edited the length, and voilà! A FIG was born.

Figuring out how to do this was a little frustrating. I thought it was going to be a lot harder than it was in the end. I’m pleased with the result!


DS106 Week #4 – “What they might have done on social media”

I decided to choose the famous figure, Fred Rogers of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I recently watched the film “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” and it inspired me to complete this project about everyone’s favorite neighbor. I had trouble with the Facebook site and wasn’t able to save it, so I had to take a screenshot of my screen. After doing that, it still had elements of the building template, so I took the screenshot image into photoshop and covered up evidence of it being a work in progress so that it looked more polished like a real facebook page. I had fun coming up with a fake Twitter and sample tweet for him and decided to go with a current event that would have happened during his time. I thought it would be interesting to mention the moon landing and have Mr Rogers comment on how the neighborhood was growing bigger as the astronauts traveled to the moon and placed the American flag. He was such a happy and caring person, so I decided that his Facebook posts would all be inspirational, wholesome words, so I used some of his famous quotes as his Facebook posts.



This is from a video of my synchronized swim team in our second year competing in the Junior Olympics. We left that week with 2 Gold medals and 1 Silver.

This specific part of the video is of our first lift and I just thought it would look really cool backward. Sorry, it is a little blurry, after being put through editing apps it kind of lost some resolution.

For this assignment, I just used an editing app I already had on my phone and trimmed the part of the first lift from the full routine video.

Besides looking really cool, I decided to choose this because swimming and being part of such a successful team was a huge part of my life. Although it’s kind of a strange sport, I was extremely dedicated and passionate about it.

I wanted to pursue it further in my college career, and I even got offers from different Universities for it, but unfortunately, I was unable to continue. Over the years, the wear and tear the sport had on me, my knees especially, resulted in the development of a disease in my joints that have limited me greatly.

I was advised to quit before my last year of competition, but I refused and finished my last year as strong as I could. Now, there is very little I can do without the assistance of bulky knee braces, but it hasn’t stopped me from finding new athletic passions such as surfing. Although the pain is still very much present and I can no longer swim like I used to, I refuse to let it stop me from pursuing any new active adventures.


DS106 Week #5 – GIF to a FIG

Bird’s flying in reverse GIF – link: (via GIPHY)

I decided to use a slow-mo video I took this past winter of me feeding birds from my hand. I love slow mo videos of animals and birds in flight are fascinating to watch. I thought it would be kind of interesting to see birds flying backwards. I also like the beginning of the GIF where it looks like the seed is levitating into the nuthatches bill! I used an app on my phone called Reversevid to convert my original slow mo video into a reverse version, and then uploaded that reverse copy to GIPHY to complete my FIG where it is linked to above with the grayish-blue link.


DS106 GIF into FIG

This weeks gif assignment was to create a gif that is funny backwards. The original video, the frog obviously jumped forward and in this it looks like it is jumping backwards. I guess the gif itself isn’t all that funny, but the story behind it is. The other day while I was sitting for my other nanny child, we found this cute little frog, she’s nine so of course we played with it and brought it along with us to do fun things. The frogs name was then Todd. While Summer (the little girl) was walking outside, Todd did a jump onto the ground, probably seeing an opportunity to escape. Todd was rudely mistaken when he next found himself inside of Summer’s 11 year old French Bulldog’s mouth. Summer cried, I screamed. I finally did the adult thing, picked up the dog and fortunately she spit Todd out. Todd was very wet after and we let him hop peacefully away while we went inside. I was very unsure about Todd living and I didn’t need Summer to be traumatized even more, so we “let him go home”. We both ended up laughing about it in the end, but the whole experience was a whirlwind of emotions. So, here you have Summer and Todd, Todd is doing a little backwards jump.


Turn a GIF into a FIG

I honestly couldn’t figure this out but thankfully someone on the home page shared what they did and I followed that and it helped me so much! I took my video, uploaded it on YouTube so I could upload it to GifRun. Then I brought it to freegifmaker (which by the way my computer says is not a safe site so be careful I guess?) which has a reverse button. Their sizes are too large so I brought it over to GIF Maker and changed the width to 260px! Thank you to whoever posted these instructions because that helped me a lot!

So the story behind this is the fact that my dog can almost never catch treats. In this one it boops off his nose and onto the floor. I took a few videos in hopes maybe one would be pretty funny but sadly they were mainly all the same- sometimes he just opens his mouth and lets it bounce off his head. Nonetheless, it looks like the treats crawling towards him and then he tosses it to me and I’ve already sent it to a few of my friends because it looks funny! I love Achilles so much.


Daily Create #tdc3078

For today’s daily create assignment, it was, what’s your favorite part of the day? Now this seems like a pretty simple question, but I actually put a deep amount of thought into it. I feel like it completely changes with the seasons. In the winter, I love chilly mornings with fresh snow, but in the summer I love nights at a camp fire. So, since it’s summer I responded with “specifically 7-9pm”. I am such a campfire girl, I would love to have one every single night of the summer, just something about it is so relaxing for me. I chose to share this picture of me when I was obviously much younger, because I was wearing a cute little sweater and sitting by a fire one summer. I grew up camping though so maybe that sparked my love for fires… no pun intended. I just find this picture so funny, it’s ironic because I’ve even vegetarian now for about 10 years, but my parents tell me that when I was a kid, my favorite meal was shish ka bobs. I laugh and say this is the only image you’ll see of me eating meat. Well excuse me while I go flood my favorite time of the day with homework.


Daily Create #tdc3078

I can’t sleep at night, all my doctors say it’s from my anxiety but I’m not too sure about that. Even if my heart rate is slow and I feel at peace and know that I am very tired due to the four hours of sleep the night before- I still can’t find myself able to go to sleep!

However, I do love the night. If I can’t sleep, why not be creative? I draw my best works at night, I come up with my favorite character designs at night. Right now I’m surviving because of Animal Crossing New Horizons, and at night I come up with the best ideas on how to design my town! The sunset is just a beautiful way to lead into the darkness, and I honestly appreciate it. Heck, I’m usually up to see the sunrise too, but for now I think my focus is more on the sunset.


Daily Create – #tdc3078

I’m a little behind on Daily Create(s) so I thought I would use the recent prompts to get a hold of that. Today’s daily create was a silly one as it asks the creators to tweet about their favorite time of day. Giving the example of “night time is the best time.” To me this is such an arbitrary idea but also posed some interest at the same time. I feel we get desensitized to the times of the day as we experience them so often. Yet some people do go out of their way to try and value these times such as the day, or night.

For my Tweet I chose to pick the time of dusk as I really enjoy all the crazy colors that occur. My family and I live up on a hill so we always get an awesome look of the sunset. My mom and I have managed to capture tons of amazing images from the sunsets we’ve seen. The idea of the sunset can be kinda symbolic as it points toward the end of the day/ the end of a cycle. We’ll eventually return to the sunset only for it to move on once again. It’s interesting how we may capture the sunset now but we’ll never be able to capture the same sunset ever again.


ds106 – GIF into a FIG

Video by; Cade Cabral + Dane Cabral

For the “GIF into FIG” assignment, I first wanted to use some visual from a TV show or movie. My plan was to use a clip from one of my favorite shows, “Battlebots.” There are a few machines in the show that are really good at launching their opposing bots. I thought capturing one of these flips, and reversing it, would offer a neat submission for the assignment. But after trying a few videos I found that the camera jumped around a lot, making it difficult to tell where the beginning & end of the GIF were. After tweaking with the idea I eventually scraped it as it posed too difficult and moved on to Plan B.

I instead relied on my second idea that I had created earlier in the day. Instead, I thought it would be cool to capture the stream of water from a hose, but in reverse. Therefore making it look like I’m removing the moisture from the land or something. As well as capturing the clear motion that’s needed for the assignment. I thought this would prove to be more creative as well as utilize videos from home. I had my youngest brother Dane hold the camera while I operated the hose. Team Effort!

The process to create this reverse GIF was a little hectic. I first ran my video through GIFRUN, after first uploading it on Youtube. Then I tried to place my GIF through the website “Freegifmaker” which had tools to reverse user made GIFs. Once I did this I found that the file size was too large to submit onto WordPress which provided another hurdle. I thought to instead submit my gif through IMGflip, to have more liberty with the resolution of the GIF as well as manipulate the overall size of the image. By doing this I cut the file size in half and made it functional for WordPress. What you see above is the final result. Hope you Enjoy!
