Daily Create #tdc3078

The Daily Create challenge for June 16th, 2020, was to upload a picture of your favorite part of the day. My favorite time of the day is sunset, closing the day with a beautiful display of the sun’s last rays touching the Earth, casting it’s shadow far and wide until it slowly recedes into the darkness. Sunset has always been a time of day I find peace and mindfulness in, especially at the ocean. For example, when I was going to school at UNE, I would take many trips – as I’m sure many did – to Fortune’s Rocks Beach; this beach is one I love and went to quite often, sitting on the rocky-wall shoreline and watching the waves crash to and fro on the shore. When the sun sets along the horizon of the ocean, it’s one of the most beautiful things from nature I’ve ever seen. The way the sun reflects and glistens on the surface of the water, replacing it’s full spherical shape by slipping what seems like beneath the waves and into the ocean’s abyss. The colors at sunset are also a breathtaking sight to see, from the pinks and purples twirling around that make the clouds look cotton candy-like, to the oranges and yellows of the sun’s rays mixing with the blue sky, all the vanish within a few minutes. Sunset is my favorite time of day, what’s yours?


Daily Create #tdc3077

This is Boomer, our loyal boxer whose personality is like an old man. He’d probably say something like, “I love my family (even when they dress me up in weird costumes) because they love and care for me and saved me from a family who treated me poorly” #tdc3077 pic.twitter.com/VJSxCcMYly— MorganaQ_UNE (@MorganaqUne) June 15, 2020

Since my mom and I are both photographers, our pets are all common subjects in our photos when we are not photographing wildlife. Boxers are known for their expressive and emotive faces, and this is one of my favorite photos I have taken of Boomer. He is a very loyal and well behaved pup and puts up with whatever outfits or costumes he might be dressed up in for photos. I was doing an emulate a photographer assignment for a photography class at CCV, my previous college before UNE, and I was emulating William Wegmen who photographs his Weimaraner dogs in different poses and outfits. I just love his face in this photo. He put up with the many costume changes but this one is towards the end and it just looks like he is totally over it and done with being the subject of my photos. If Boomer could talk, I think his attitude and voice would be similar to the main character Carl from Up. Carl is a cranky old man but has a really loyal and soft side and this is very similar to how I think Boomer would be if he was a human or if he could talk at least. If he could speak, I think he would say that he loves his family as he is very attached to us and doesn’t trust strangers, only the close members of his family that he knows well. He was mistreated in his previous home so he is happy to be with us where he is loved and very well cared for.


Daily Create #tdc3077

For this Daily Create I got to do another fun prompt that interlinked the use of animals. And what better animal to focus on than my favorite dog Winter. This photo is from last year when Winter was hanging out with my brothers and I. At this time, Winter was almost three-four years old and hasn’t reached the full growth that he’s achieved now. Winter is the second Bernese Mountain dog my family has owned as we previously had a female named “Della May Sunshine.”

The other day my neighbor talked to me about a Bernese Mountain Dog/ Poodle Mix he recently encountered. These dogs are super cute and they keep the poodle genetics of reaching much older ages than other dogs. We discussed how bigger dogs don’t have long to live as there’s a lot of stress being placed on their internal organs. This was definitely a scary discussion as I myself have a larger dog who I care for very much. But it makes me think that I don’t want take Winter for granted. I want to spend all the time that I can with my dog and make his life something special. I know one day he won’t be around anymore, but even if that’s the case, I know he’ll always be with me.


Daily Create #tdc3073

I honestly got into painting because of Bob. I saw his art and thought to myself “I could never do something beautiful like that!” and got the courage up and actually tried! And it really wasn’t bad! I was so proud I debated on giving it to my grandparents but instead it went up in the college dorm and is now in the college stuff in storage. However, he really was the reason I painted for my art final that was meant to go into a gallery, and one of the comments I got back on my final was to stray away from Bob’s works. I don’t quite understand why artists dislike him. I don’t even want to research why. I just want to live with my happy little trees and enjoy painting. He really has helped me improve. I don’t think I would be where I am right now in my art if it weren’t for him and helping me and I’m sure others accept their mistakes and see it as a good thing instead of something bad.


Daily Create #tdc3077

The Daily Create challenge for June 15th, 2020, was to introduce your pet in a tweet and tweet something they would say if they could talk. Many of you have probably been introduced to my pet from my other posts and pages, but this is my pet male albino rat, Casper! He is almost one year old, he will be on June 22nd, 2020. Casper is very expressive and playful rat, always wanting to socialize and be loved by myself or anyone who will interact with him. When thinking about what Casper would say, I felt the caption above in my Tweet really captures who Casper is: “Hi! My name is Casper! My favorite things to do are running around in my ball, eating all the treats I can (especially banana chips), and snuggling/annoying my mom!”

Casper loves running around his ball; when I work out in the morning, as I’m getting ready, he’ll start jumping around his cage and getting excited because he knows it’s his ball time. He is also trained to get a treat after he’s been out and plays with people, with his favorites being banana chips, flavored fruit yogies (like little chocolate chips, but flavored with fruit and yogurt), and orange-cranberry cookies. Casper is quite playful and loves to be snuggled, especially when I have him out on my bed while watching TV or doing homework; he’ll crawl up right beside me and snuggle right up, wanting to be pet and loved. He can also be quite the sneak, sometimes trying to climb on things he shouldn’t or hide behind things. Casper is a pet I am lucky to have as I’ve never owned a rat who’s been so expressive and loving in his personality, especially towards people. Casper is definitely my pride and joy, and is a pet I will always love and cherish because of the strong bond I have with him.

DS106 Web Assignment “What They Might Have Done in Social Media”

I thought it would be interesting to make a profile for Gautama Buddha. Although I am not Buddhist, I have always been interested in this type of practice. I would consider myself a spiritual person and I would find it fascinating if he had social media. I imagine he would tweet and post quotes about the meanings of life. The Buddha is always on the path to enlightenment and encourages his followers to live a life of fulfillment.

*For some reason, my computer wouldn’t allow me to save this the way I wanted to so I had to screenshot this. The program giving me a virus so I had to improvise!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


ds106 – What They Might Have Done

For this assignment I had some trouble figuring out the link between the portion on Fakebook and Twister web applications. I had fun creating the Fakebook and easily picked a character of history that I wanted to focus on. I’ve always been interested in Murphy’s Law and wondered who the original creator was. I got to do some digging and found some interesting information and history. As well as a few other quotes which had also been attributed to Murphy.

Once it came to the Twister portion of the assignment I had some trouble figuring out how to link the image I uploaded to Fakebook to Twister. Later I found that I was using too much of Murphy’s full name (middle and also status as Jr.). Once I shortened his name within Twister I was able to load a post with a profile picture. I realize that the picture has some sort of History Channel Tag but I’m not sure how to switch the image of the attributed character. Twister is an interesting site and one that I haven’t been accustomed too.


DS106 What They Might Have Done In Social Media

This assignment made me think back to my history classes. I had no idea which historical figure to chose! I ended up going with good old Thomas Jefferson! Here is the link to his Facebook profile. I had a hard time thinking of good posts that he would have made. I liked this idea of what would it be like if internet/social media were around in those times. It was interesting to think about.

#DS106 #ThomasJefferson


The Forrest Gump Project – Insert Yourself Into History

“Good ole’ Forrest Gump. He always manages to find himself at the center of history, and using photo editing software, so can you. Find a historic photograph and place yourself into the scene, just like Forrest Gump.” This is the objective of the assignment “The Forrest Gump Project”. To do this, I first downloaded Photoshop and got myself familiar with the app and software to prepare for adding myself into a picture from history. Once doing this, I chose a historical photo from “Girls From Woodstock 1969 Show The Origin Of Todays Fashion“. Once I had the photo, I went to Photoshop and began my editing process. The picture I chose of myself was one I took about a year ago from a sunflower festival as I was trying to chose the best photo of myself to insert into the Woodstock one. After playing around, the results I got are pictured on the left.

Though I have never used photoshop before or have inserted myself/other people into a picture, this was an overall fun assignment to create! It almost illustrates that the two girls dancing are being photographed by the photographer in the back of the picture, and I turned around just in time to flash a smile at the photographer behind me. The layering, cropping, and editing with hue and shadow coloring all added to create the final picture you see. Though it may be a rough photo, I am quite happy with how it turned out.


Digital Story Compilation

This is a DS106 Assignment known as a “Digital Story Compilation”, with the objective being to, “Create a video compilation of some of your favorite things you’ve made in ds106.” Looking at all of the assignments I have made for my DS106 Work, I picked out eleven of the assignments I did and compiled their elements into a video (i.e., either the image, GIF, or web-based image for the assignment) to showcase my favorite assignments I did.

The first assignment in the video is for the first Animated GIF assignment, “Say It Like the Peanut Butter”; the objective of this assignment was to, “Make an animated gif from your favorite/least favorite movie capturing the essence of a key scene. Make sure the movement is minimal but essential.” I chose one of my favorite scenes from Grey’s Anatomy and wrote about why I chose this scene and how I connected to it.

The second assignment I chose was the “What’s the Meme” assignment where you had to, “Take any picture and caption it with a meme, whether common or uncommon. Or come up with a personalized meme.” Choosing from one of the meme-able images from out course website, I chose the one of Sokka from Avatar. This was a fun MEME to create as I grew up watching Avatar and it is still one of my favorite shows to this day.

The third assignment I chose was the “Selfie with Your Pet!“, where students in the course took a picture with their pet – or with their multiple pets – and discussed about their pets. For this assignment, I talked about my pet male albino rat, Casper, how I adopted him, and the life he has with me now.

The fourth assignment I chose was based off a Daily Create I made for the Daily Create #tdc3069 assignment for June 8th, 2020. This assignment was to “Design a postmodern birdie with an emotional color.” For this assignment, I chose a picture of a bird I had from my travels to Belize and edited shadowing and hue colors to enhance the emotions of the bird I felt best suited it’s behavior. I also did the same for my pet rat, Casper, adding specific hues and shadow colorings to enhance his behavior as well.

The fifth assignment I chose was the “Home Video GIF” assignment. “For this assignment, you will need one thing that eveyone has. A home video! Choose a video that you have filmed yourself and create a gif from that video. Instructions for how to complete this assignment are linked to this page!” The video I chose was of my rat Casper being sneaky by trying to escape out of his cage. This was a very fun assignment to create as Casper is always full of hilarious surprises!

The sixth assignment I chose was the “Turn a GIF into a FIG” by finding “a video clip, or shoot one of yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.” This assignment was fun to do as well because I had a video of Casper spinning in a forwards direction and decided to reverse it so it looked like he was spinning backwards… Something I taught him myself! (I only wish this was true).

The seventh assignment I chose was “Demotivate Yourself“, where students were required to create a demotivational poster. I chose a picture of a bear sitting in the middle of the road and liked doing this assignment because I also connected it to my blog topic, How Roads Impact Wildlife.

The eighth assignment I chose was the “Color Walk Time Lines”, where students needed to, “Choose a color and then take 20 minute walk in which you take a 5-8 pictures of the color as you encounter it. Then upload the photos to Flickr and create a time line using TimeLine JS.” I chose the color green and chose to display pictures from my travels to Belize, titling it a “Green Walk in Belize“.

The ninth assignment I chose was “The Big Caption”, where “In the spirit of  http://thebigcaption.com/ take any photo featured on The Big Picture (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/) and add typographical text elements in a way that changes the message.” I chose a picture from the February 2020 pictures by the Boston Globe and titled it to interpret a different meaning then what the original picture relayed. This was a great assignment to create as it was reinterpreting the meaning of something so it could be understood in a different way; this is similar to how people have different opinions about one thing.

The tenth assignment I chose was “We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch” where “Whether your actual family or your close group of friends, make a collage mimicking the picture shown below. Be creative with the title. Make the title alliteration either with your last name or somesort of name you wish to call your group. In your post, explain why you chose the people you did in your collage.” This was another fun assignment to create because it allowed me to showcase my “family”, or friend group from being at UNE, people I still consider to be close to me like family because of everything we’ve been through together.

The last and final assignment I chose to display was “Remix Guinness Book of World Records” through remixing “a Guinness Book of World records web page. Pick any record you want and somehow remix it. Try and connect it to a story, and add some background inspiration into your idea for inspiration. Maybe it was the record you always wanted to set, or break. Or maybe it fits perfectly into a story you are creating. How ever it fits be creativ and have fun with it.” This was a great assignment to do as I could recreate a record holder for something – I chose the Loudest land animal – and spice it up a little by adding in some funny elements and altering other elements to make the page my own.

All of these DS106 assignments I have decided to showcase in this Digital Story Compilation have all been assignments I’ve enjoyed creating as I have been able to learn how to embed images into pages, create GIF’s and FIG’s from scratch, and showcase all of my hard work to my peers and the audience my ePortfolio attracts. This is work I am proud to have made, and found meaning in doing with each and everyone.


Daily Create- #tdc3075

Tea for breakfast? No way!! This New Yorker drinks coffee with her breakfast! Today I had a cup of coffee (said with a Long Island accent) with a bowl of fruit, and a cup of juice. My blood sugar rocketed earlier and I am totally okay with that as I LOVE fruit!! I tend to always have fruit at least once a day. I also have at least two cups of coffee everyday to help me stay awake for my long work hours and to push through the last bits of schoolwork I have left. Today’s daily create was a piece of cake! Not literally…although I wish!! #tdc3075 #ds106 #coffee #NoTeaForMe


What Rosa Parks Might’ve Done in Social Media –

When thinking about a historical figure for the “What They Might’ve Done in Social Media” DS106 Assignment, Rosa Parks instantly came to my mind; she is a strong historical figure, and with all that is currently going on with the “Black Lives Matters” protests, I found this fitting for the point our society is currently in.

Thinking about who Rosa Parks was, she sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott by refusing to surrender her seat to a white passenger, and this was caused all based off of the color of her skin. From her refusal to give up her seat, her act was what lead to the end of racial segregation in public places and facilities. Without Rosa Parks standing up in this way, we could still be dealing with the racial segregation that haunted her times; however, all it takes is one act to start a movement, and her act definitely did such a thing.

If social media was around during Rosa Parks’ time, I would assume her posts would look similar to what is pictured above; this is a Twister post I created for Rosa Parks back on March 5, 1954, before the Montgomery Bus Boycott movement started. It places her back in her time when people of different color had to give up their seats for those of white privilege, something she faced all too much during her time, all for a seat on the bus.

I feel if social media was around during Rosa Parks’ time, she would have started the boycott a lot sooner than 1955; this is due to the power social media has. Social media gives individuals the ability to post something they chose, and that content can be liked, shared, or commented on by as many people that wish to. With power like that given to an individual, the awareness for racial segregation back during Parks’ times would have received a lot of attention I feel, especially if majority of people were showing this was an issue and needed to be resolved quickly.


DS106 Assignment: Home Video GIF

“For this assignment, you will need one thing that everyone has. A home video! Choose a video that you have filmed yourself and create a gif from that video.”

Rollerblading GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Most of my “home video” footage is of rollerblading so I figured it’d be fun to make a GIF of a grind. This is a simple backside on a downrail. This clip is a few years old and I had just figured out how to do this trick comfortably. In this clip my boyfriend is probably the person doing the filming.

I tried a backside on that downrail for the first time during a game of SKATE. SKATE is like HORSE but with, you know, skating. I was 100% sure I wasn’t going to be able to do it, and was really scared I’d fall and hurt myself. I was amazed when I actually did it first try. It was a huge boost in my skating confidence at the time.

This is still one of my favorite tricks to do because it’s not very scary and it’s reminiscent of the kind of skiing I used to do when I was a kid. I liked skiing in parks and hitting flat rails. I wasn’t very fancy about it, but it was a lot of fun. It’s nice to be able to get some of the same feelings of fun without having to ski, because skiing is very expensive and time consuming (and cold). While skiing is more of a once-in-a-while activity now that I’m older, rollerblading has been a cheaper and more accessible way for me to recreate the wonderful skiing memories I have, just on pavement.


DS106 Week 4: Second GIF “Home Video GIF”

Here’s a video of me enjoying my birthday celebration at a winery last year! I just turned 21 so I was super excited to (legally) consume first drink, too bad they didn’t ask for my ID. I had my family and my mom close friends celebrate with me. It was a beautiful, hot summer day. My two best friends from high school joined me and we truly had an amazing time! I miss being this happy and carefree. As my birthday is approaching next month, I am interested to see where we will end up considering the country is mostly shut down. Thankfully, winery’s are in fact open!


Home Video GIF

fdfdSahara Desert ’18


This is probably one of my favorite videos to date! In 2018 I studied abroad in Morocco and this video was from my trip to the Sahara Desert (Merzouga), which is easily one of the best adventures of my life. This GIF is when our group of 54 students was dancing around the fire to traditional Moroccan music performed by members of the Merzouga village not too far from our campsite. The night was filled with dancing, so much laughter, and many unforgettable memories!


our campsite off in the distance


You know when you see pictures of something and you wonder “how could that be real?”, well this was my experience visiting the Sahara. I never in a million years thought miles and miles of sand dunes could be so beautiful. Not to mention how beautiful the star-filled sky was.


post camel ride

Before arriving at the desert I told myself I would NOT ride a camel to our camp. I have never really been a fan of riding horses, so I knew riding a camel would be a similar experience. Turns out I ended up riding the camel because I couldn’t pass up a once in a lifetime experience due to my own fears! (I was still afraid though I cannot lie)



Home Video GIF

I thought of this GoPro video I made with my friend after seeing Professor Cripps Example and decided to use it for this assignment.

This is me and my friend, it was the first day I started teaching her how to surf. We pretty much spent that entire summer out in the water and by the end, she was standing up on every wave she caught! This time has a special place in my heart. I love surfing but many friends from home did not partake or at least didn’t know how. Now, because of that awesome summer, I now have a surfing buddy whenever I come home.

This particular gif is from when we were both trying to catch the same wave. We did not notice it at first, so we ended up colliding with each other. This, although kind of painful, ended up making for a fun, light-hearted memory, and even better, we were able to catch it on camera!


ds106 – Home Video GIF

Winter “dogging” around

Didn’t quite know what I wanted to share for a “Home Video” but I knew I wanted it to be in the here and now. At first I was thinking of trying to capture me hosing the garden, but thought this wouldn’t pose as much of an image of home for this assignment. I finally was able to capture this image while spending some time outside. With the weather finally clearing up we get to see Winter act like his usual goofy self. He’s actually chasing a small chipmunk that lives under the basketball hoop and is very adamant about making friends. I’m glad I was able to capture his big ol’ smile in the way that I did. I want to cherish the time I have with my dog and am glad for these moments that I’ll be able to hold onto.

In order to capture this image as a GIF, I first posted my home video onto YouTube. I was going to keep the video private but found this complicated the transition between YouTube and Gifrun. I instead chose to make the video public and added a description for anyone wishing to see my goofy dog. Then I was able to shave a few seconds of the video and make this short GIF. Hope you guys enjoy!


DS106 Week 4 – Home Video GIF

I had a lot of fun scrolling through the videos from the last few months on my iPhone. Sure, I haven’t done anything super exciting due to quarantine, but home videos are most treasured and special to me when they show a funny, exciting, or important moment I share with my family. Like most people in quarantine, not being able to visit the hairdressers has caused some whacky, longer than normal haircuts! My dad’s hair has grown much longer than normal and sometimes he would jokingly put a hair tie at the top of his head to try and get it out of his eyes. We had just finished eating dinner and my dad was checking his phone. My mom said she was going to “style his hair” but she decided to play a little joke on him and get some scissors from the drawer and pretend to cut his “ponytail” off (she didnt actually cut any hair)! His reaction was priceless and I knew this moment in the video was perfect to be made into a GIF for this assignment! I used the site Giphy and decided to add a little caption with a fun animation that really added to the GIF.


Home Video GIF

This is a video of Casper, my albino male rat! I took this video back before I actually adopted Casper and he was still a lab rat for one of my courses, Animal, Learning and Behavior. The video was taken at the end of a work day, Casper had already been run for his lab session and I was sitting at the lab table typing up the results for the day. As I was doing this, I would usually have Casper in his cage with the top off so he could sniff around and interact with me. On this particular day, he got a little daring and sneaky, attempting to climb the edges of the cage before perching on the corner closest to me. I looked over and smirked, thinking to myself, “Is he going to climb out?” This is when I grabbed my phone and started recording. From Casper’s perspective, I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking: “Must…escape. Must…not…slip.” The full video of the GIF pictured at the left shows Casper giving up after he almost slips and just staring at me, like “I didn’t do anything wrong…”; no rats were harmed in the making of this video/GIF.

I decided to chose this GIF for my home video one because Casper is my pride and joy, and two because it was a funny video I wanted to caption and create into a GIF. When it comes to animals, we never really know what they’re thinking or why they do the things they do. Having a lot of experience with pet rats myself, I’ve noticed that these creatures tend to be sneaky and daring with stunts they pull, especially when they’re familiar with their owners. What I mean by this is that if you own a rat and have a close bond with it, they tend to do things they know will get them in trouble because they want to play with you. Casper somewhat knew he shouldn’t have tried climbing the sides of his cage from the many times I’ve told him no repeatedly; rats are able to learn words and understand what they mean, especially single-word phrases such as, “No.” I do let him get away with things, but sometimes it’s to see what he’s doing and what he’ll do if he accomplishes it, such as climbing out of his cage. This was a fun assignment to create and something I enjoyed doing, especially because it involved my little pet ghost.


Daily Create #tdc3072

For this daily create, as soon as I saw the prompt was about animals, I knew I had to hop on. I actually took the time to check out what other people had already sent to the ds106 page, as the prompt was so interesting. I saw tons of different animals and all sorts of people participating. Even if it was a simple prompt, it allowed for a variety individuals to share their thoughts. It’s really interesting to learn how large the ds106 community is and all the creativity that is held within.

Once I saw that you had to pick an animal that best represents you, I had the exact creature I wanted to go for. The only problem was I don’t have an Owl readily available for photo-shoots. I decided instead to make a gif to help represent my choice for the daily create. I eventually decided on the Owl from the Tootise-Pop commercial as he’s a fairly known owl within the public eye. As well as being a funny commercial that has stuck around for quite a long time. I used the online tool Gifrun to create the gif of the commercial. The source of my gif can be found here; Hope you guys enjoy!
