Animated GIF Assignment #1

greys anatomy GIF by ABC Network
“I go a little dark and twisty…but then I come back.” – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy

I am a huge fan of Grey’s Anatomy, having watched it so many times now that I know most episodes by heart. For this GIF assignment, I decided to pick a scene from one of the episodes that I felt I related to the most. This GIF is from a scene where Meredith Grey (on the left – lighter hair) and Amelia Shepherd (on the right – darker hair) are discussing some tough times they’ve been through; Meredith just lost her husband, Derek Shepherd, who is also Amelia’s brother. As they’re talking, Meredith states, “I go a little dark and twisty… but then I come back.” What she means by this is that when things get tough for her, she escapes to her dark and twisty thoughts because she finds some sort of comfort in them; this is also while considering she’s been through a lot in her past as well: her mother almost killed herself in front of Meredith, Meredith drowned but was able to be revived, her husband was shot and then he was killed from a semi-truck months later, and so on. It reminds her of what she’s gone through and where she is now, how far she’s come in life and how much she’s survived. She always snaps out of those thoughts at some point because, as she also says, “Everything must go on.” I can relate to this GIF and what Meredith said because, sometimes, you need to bring yourself back to the dark and twisty times to remind you of where you’ve come from, where you are now, and how much you have left to go. Though it may seem disturbing or weird to some to do this, it’s something about reminding yourself of those times that makes you know you’ll be okay. Making it through something horrible in your past builds you up to be able to be brave, strong, and empowered by what you went through; it makes you remember how far you’ve come through everything in your life and snap you back into reality, prepared and stronger then ever.


Daily Create #tdc3063

This poem is one that I hold true to and for myself. I found the quote back in 2018, and ever since I’ve periodically read it to remind me of myself: where I’ve come from, where I am, and where I want to go. My past is full of things that tried to tear me down, become susceptible to the vulnerability of other’s and my own feelings, thoughts, and emotions, and eventually leading me to my lowest point. After years of working on myself, focusing on myself and what I value, I finally made it out of those dark times; I realized who I truly was, the person I used to be had come out of her shell and changed into the person I am today. This poem makes me reflect on the memories I have and want to have, the potential my future holds for me, the struggles I’ve faced and how I’ve overcome them, and for the beauty and self-love I’ve found in myself. This poem is for me, the person I used to be and the person I have become today, the person I want to keep aspiring to be and not conforming to what others want me to be.


Demotivate Yourself

Photo From:

I get nervous about when I write my homework assignments on whether I’m actually answering the questions correctly or not, so I often either read ahead and write my answers in Google Docs and wait until someone posts to be sure if I’m correct, or I avoid the assignment until someone else posts first. Not being too sure about yourself isn’t the healthiest thing when it comes to homework, but when it comes to me and anxiety, anxiety goes first. No questions asked, better keep this Summer less stressful than it needs to be. So, Monkey See Monkey Do, don’t copy their answers but just be sure that your answer isn’t utterly ridiculous even if they may be wrong as well, at least someone went first and not you. I also see this exactly like not wanting to be first for a presentation but happily being second for the presentation. You saw how the first person did so then you can get up there and have it done and over with.


Daily Create #tdc3062

For this daily create I was challenged to come up with a ghostly collage. After some thought, I wanted to connect it to children and teaching since that it was I relate a lot of my creations to for this class. I remembered seeing a lot of families posting on Facebook of their children, quite often children who I have babysat for, in face masks. The sight of it makes me cringe because I can’t help but wonder what this is doing to the minds of the children. Since I didn’t want to use any of the pictures of people I actually know, I looked up google pictures of children wearing face masks (I do not own the rights to any of these pictures). I then used the website called BeFunky to create the collage, I had used it before to mess around so it was easy to figure out. I wanted to make it black and white but I had to pay for that feature on BeFunky, so I just downloaded it to my computer and used the filter tool in my Photos app. I am happy with how this turned out because I think it really gets you thinking and it is definitely a deep meaningful “ghostly” collage. This is very unlike what you usually see from me, but I hope you still enjoy!


DS106 Week #2 – Selfie with Your Pet(s)

Our family has always had Boxer dogs since I was born. We currently have boxer #5 and #6 still living with us, Boomer and Hazel. I am also including a selfie with our recently departed Daisy that I took with her the day she had to be euthanized (April 28th). She was the sweetest tank of a dog I have ever had the pleasure of loving, and our family misses her every day.

Daisy, my brother and I the day we had to have her euthanized due to thyroid tumors
Boomer and I today

This handsome boy is Boomer, our 6 year old Boxer. Our family adopted him when he was 2 years old. A family in Connecticut had to move to Florida and they already had four boxers and didnt want to take the four dogs with them. I feel bad that Boomer was the one they decided they didnt want out of the four dogs. I don’t really agree with people giving up dogs unless absolutely necessary and their logic that four dogs was too many to move to a new state with doesn’t seem like a good enough excuse to me, but Boomer was all that mattered and he needed a home, so we adopted him.

The family drove him to our home in Vermont and dropped Boomer off days before they planned to move to Florida. Since we got Boomer as a 2 year old, we didnt truly know what his personality or behavior would be like. He was extremely shy and nervous for a good month after his owners dropped him off. We had Daisy at the time and they became inseparable within a few days. As we got to know Boomer, we noticed aspects of his behavior that pointed to neglect/abuse in his previous home. He was very distrustful of men and in the four years we’ve had him, he has tried to nip at certain men when they come on our property. He didnt cause any harm of course, just small little nips where no skin was broken, but he clearly had something happen with a man or men in his past home that made him distrustful of them. He is also extremely scared of loud noises. He’s a very sweet old soul, one one of the smallest most petite boxers we have ever seen or owned. He is very loyal to our family and even though he has his quirks, we love him very much.

Hazel our 2 year old Boxer today with a derpy look on her face because she had just woken up from a nap

This big sweetie is Hazel, our 2 year old Boxer. Yep, she’s bigger than Boomer and only 2 years old 🙂 I told you Boomer was a tiny Boxer! Of the 6 Boxers we have owned, two have been purchased as puppies from breeders, and 4 have been rescues from different situations. One was a rescue pup from Hurricane Katrina, another was an elderly boxer with cancer who’s owners left him at a Vet’s office late at night who we had for 10 months before he needed to be euthanized, and then Daisy was rescued after her owner passed of Cancer. Our first boxer, Baran, and now our most recent addition, Hazel, were purchased from a reliable breeder as puppies. And, because I can’t resist, here is a photo of cute little Hazel with my dad a few weeks before we brought her home from the breeder.

Hazel as a puppy!

Hazel is definitely the most loving and cuddly of the boxers we have had. She doesn’t know how big she is (like most big dog breeds) and would be content to sit on your lap and get scratched and pet all day long! Her and Boomer have become very good friends, but since she is sort of in her early teenage years, she likes to annoy him sometimes. Boomer will be sleeping, minding his own business, and if she is bored and wants to play, she will literally come and sit on his head until he gets up and starts playing with her. It’s the funniest thing!

She definitely has provided plenty of entertainment for me and my brother who are both home from our respective colleges during the pandemic. I think she especially enjoys us being home all day so she can go outside and play whenever she pleases. She loves being outside in all weather and especially loves playing in the snow! Even as a young puppy when we were potty training her, she wouldn’t want to go inside even if her little paws were getting cold. When she started shivering, we would bring her inside and she would cry and paw at the front door begging to go back outside and play in the snow! It is so interesting how unique each dog’s personality can be especially since they are the same breed. I can’t imagine life without both of them in it, and I know quarantine wouldn’t be nearly as bearable without them!


DS106 Week 2: Second Meme “Selfie With Your Pet”

Since I have been going back and forth from New York to Connecticut, I had to improvise for this assignment since I couldn’t find a selfie with him. Meet Max! He is an 11-year-old miniature schnauzer but is still a puppy at heart. We brought max home with he was just a few months old. I had my mom send me pictures with him, so here’s 10 year old me with my fluffy bundle of joy. When he was younger, we used to take him everywhere. My mom would carry him in her purse when we would go shopping or out to eat. This was when he barely barked, now he barks at everything and everyone! Max has been my only pet, I grew up with him. He is friendly with some dogs, but most of the time he just wants to play. He thinks he’s bigger than he is. Weighing only 13 lbs, he barks and wags his tail at big dogs. His cousins are bull mastiffs, a very large type of breed that loves to drool. Whenever we come back home from our cousin’s house we always have to give him a bath because he is covered in it! Max is our fur bundle of joy. He is a part of our family and we hope he still has a few years left with us! 


DS106 Assignment: Selfie with Pet

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He love me

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I couldn’t figure out how to upload this video directly, so had to embed an old Instagram post. This is my cat Anderson (Andy). I’ve had him for almost a year now. I found him last August when I was buying a can of paint with my boyfriend at True Value. He was hanging out in the cage in the front ready for adoption and he was so precious we really couldn’t help but adopt him. The woman who runs the store told me she’d homed over 100 cats just that year! I guess a lot of people go there looking for a hammer or some screws and leave with a cat.

When I put him in the carrier to take him home he meowed SO LOUDLY that a couple all the way across the parking lot heard him. He meowed the whole way home and literally lost his voice and didn’t meow again for almost a month. Now he’s one of the most vocal cats I’ve ever met. He usually responds to you with some kind of meow or chirp when you talk to him.

He’s a short-haired tiger cat but the vet thinks he might be part Siamese, which I agree with because of his nose and his meow. He gives great head-butts, is a strong climber, never scratches, and loves sitting on laps. Overall a really good guy!

P.S. There are a lot more Andy pictures on my Instagram.


DS106: Selfie With Pet

This is a picture of me and my dog Charlie, a soft coated Wheaton Terrier. He was going for a sleepover at my aunt’s house because my family and I were traveling to California for one of my synchro competitions. He was all ready to go with his backpack of essentials!

Sadly, I could not exactly take a selfie with him because he passed away two summers ago. This is one of the few pictures I have with him, I mostly just have pictures of him. He was our family’s first dog, we got him when I was 7, and it was really hard to have to say goodbye, but we were blessed with him for many years and it was just his time to go. We miss him very much, but I think we are all ready for another dog and are currently starting the process. It will be nice to have a furry friend around the house again, especially in times like these.


ds106 – Selfie w/ Pet

Winter and I enjoying the Outdoor Sunshine

This mound of fluff is my dog “Winter.” Winter is a Bernese Mountain dog and turned five years old around the beginning of May. He is a big cuddler and enjoys tons of attention. Although he may look like a goofball I think he is one of the smartest dogs around. Winter is a really good listener and I swear he can understand the things we say to him. It’s only a matter of time before he starts talking back!

Winter was sort of a surprise for my family as just before we had him we had a female Bernese Mountain dog named Della. Della passed away during the end of my first-year of college. A short while after her passing my mother went out and picked up this big guy. Winter was the mutt of his litter but that didn’t stop his unique shine.

When originally picking up Winter, he had actually fallen through a nearby barn’s floorboards. Where the owners then had to fish him out from under the barn. Once they brought him up to the surface he was covered in dust and debris. But still just being a enjoyable little puppy he didn’t care nonetheless.

With the recent stay-at-home order it’s given me plenty of time to connect with Winter. I enjoy bringing him outside and soaking up this wonderful weather we’ve been having. It’s been good to get out and enjoy some sunshine while also playing with my dog. Although Winter does give me some trouble I think he’s a really good friend.


Selfie With Your Pet

After looking at my photos, I realized I didn’t have many selfies with my animals. The pup is too rambunctious to sit still for a picture and my cats are “loner” type cats. However, I was able to snap the first two photos a couple of days ago with my pup, Sky. She is almost two and quite a character. She is part Husky and part German Shepard and loves to talk and cuddle. She also loves her toys and knows many tricks and still learning more! She is definitely something else. As I am typing this post, she is currently running around with her toy pig, doing her husky talk, trying to get someone to play with her.

I found the other photos of my cats from when I facetimed a family member while I was at UNE and they were showing me what my cats were up too. These technically aren’t selfies but they are only photos I have of them as selfie like photos. The first cat is named Brady and the other is Mini. They are about 6-7 years old. We don’t entirely know how old they are because we adopted them from a family friend but they are around that age. They love the sun, sleeping, and cuddling on their own terms. Mini LOVES to pretend shes a parrot by sitting on your shoulders as you are working. Brady LOVES to hide and play tag with the pup as well as his treats.

Overall, I’m very glad and lucky to have the pets I do. Though they have very big personalities and are somewhat crazy sometimes, they are love bugs and always by your side. ds106assignment

Selfie With My Pet

After I scroll though my phone for quite some time I found an actual selfie with an animal. I don’t often take selfies, usually someone takes a picture of me but I figured in order for this to be correct it must be a “selfie”. I don’t have any pets, but I do hangout with my boyfriend’s dogs a lot. I just couldn’t find a selfie with them! So here you have it, me and a random cow from the Fryeburg Fair last fall. We can call him Buddy. I actually love cows, I have been vegetarian for at least 9 years now, so whenever I visit this fair every fall I have to go see the cows! They’re actually really cool. Once you meet a cow as cool as Buddy, you just might become vegetarian too.


Daily Create #tdc3059

For this daily create I decided to call my home – Carver, Massachusetts – Bog City. It started out as the name of our fan section during high school sports games and it just sort of stuck. We call it that because most of Carver is cranberry bogs. Everyone has a bog in either their front yard or back yard and that is NOT an exaggeration. If you ever purchase any Ocean Spray products, sometimes our small town of Carver is mentioned on the back! When I say small, I mean SMALL. My graduating class only had 80 kids. Anyways, sending my love from Bog City to all of you today!


What’s the Meme?

As I was going through the list of meme-able images and I came across the image of Jessica from Love is Blind, I knew I had to make a meme about her. I finished the show about a month or two ago and I am still not entirely sure how I feel about it. Normally I stay clear from reality TV shows, but my friend roped me in this time around. The overall concept of falling in love with someone that you have never met or seen before is very interesting, but I am still kind of skeptical about the whole process as far as making the show.

To give those who may not have seen the show some context on my meme, Jessica was one of the women involved in the experiment to determine whether love truly is blind. In the beginning, the blind dates she and Barnett were on went well, but towards the end of that segment they both ended up choosing someone else. Jessica was pretty indecisive from the beginning and I think a lot of that had to do with her self-image and confidence. She ended up engaged to another member of the show named Mark. The relationship they had was pretty rocky and in my opinion, Jessica is at fault. She was never 100% committed to the relationship that they shared, which was pretty obvious from the viewers’ perspective. In the end, she made the decision on their wedding day not to marry him. Jessica was probably my least favorite members of the show, which is why I am ‘throwing shade’ as one would say.

The process to make my meme was pretty simple actually. I ended up using Professor Cripps’ digital creation tool box to find the name of the specific font that is used for memes. I then used a word doc to place the text on my image, took a screen shot, and violà!


A Sunburn Worse Than Carole Baskin

It was a beautiful day in Carver, Massachusetts today. Of course I took this as an opportunity to lay out in the sun and even do a lot of my work for my summer classes by the pool. Now listen, I have very fair skin. I’m almost 100% Irish and German. But luckily my dad gave me some of his French and Italian genes so after a crisp base burn I tend to tan nicely. Today was NOT one of those days. I was expecting to be a little pink today as my skin has not seen sunlight in who knows how long. Little did I know how quickly that pink would turn into a nice Maine lobster red. I can’t move. I’m the color of Joe Exotic’s cape and throne. I truly have a sunburn worse than Carole Baskin.



DS106 Week 2, First MEME

Wrong Missy ( Lauren Lapkus & David Spade)

“I haven’t seen this show, but it’s screaming for memes. (Personally, I’m getting a Love is Blind vibe. But that’s none of my business.)” – Professor Cripps

When I saw Professor Cripps list of meme-able images, I wanted to pick something that I could easily relate to. I thought, “Perfect! She’s on a plane going to some unknown destination. Just what I wish I was doing rather than being stuck in quarantine during this pandemic—traveling.” Since I have never seen this show, I’m assume she has some humor in her. If I were to guess, just looks like the type of woman coming onto the plane at the very last second before the gates closed. Of course, I am speaking from personal experience. I remember how excited I was to have the whole row to myself. At the last second, the person boarded the plane and was assigned the window seat. Just my luck! I keep thinking about how much traveling I did before this pandemic and how our lives have been completely altered. Not being able to travel isn’t the worst thing in world. I know people are struggling with real life problems like losing their jobs, not being able to pay rent, or feed their families. But, something as simple as traveling and airlines shutting down is something I never expected to happen. I never thought I would see JFK, a humungous international airport being nearly empty. I never thought I would have to take extra precautions to wear a mask at the airport, wash my hands or sanitize every so often, and even wear gloves. Life used to be so simple. We look advantage of having the luxury to go shopping, or out to eat with out friends and family, or simply go to the movies. So here I am, creating this meme reminiscing on ~Life Before Quarantine.


DS106 What’s The Meme?

This DS106 assignment had me searching for answers! I was so confused when I went to the link for the assignment. At first I was unsure of what the instructions even were for the assignment. It was kind of difficult finding instructions on how to even add the text on my image itself.

After figuring out how to create my meme, I looked at my Instagram feed for some inspiration. I saw the meme title above and could not relate more with it! I hate when people have stinky breath. It is always so hard to tell them that their breath is stinky that I usually will just avoid them. This image matched my meme perfectly. I think for my future meme projects I would like to learn how to frame the image in a white border so that I can add the text in the border instead of on the image itself.


What’s The Meme

I’ve seen so many youtubers make this joke

I haven’t really ever made memes before, I know what they look like, but I never know how to style them probably so that was a bit frustrating. I also found this meme funny though, for I’ve never seen the Tiger King, maybe clips, but I know that this man is constantly hugging tigers and so on. I don’t know of Joe would really follow social distancing rules, but the fact that the tiger looks sad that it’s almost six feet away and not being hugged by him made sense to me. I’ve also seen a lot of youtubers make this joke before, when their cats or dogs come close to them they scream something about social distancing at their pets as if the animals even know what that is. I wish I could format memes better though, I think this would have turned out more like it is in my head but it at least gives off the general idea of what I was trying to display so with that I’m pretty pleased with the results.


DS106 Assignment: What’s the Meme

Can anyone else relate? I was inspired by the picture of Sokka to do an Avatar meme, but Appa is my favorite character so I felt obliged to find a screencap of him. I found this one after coming inside from sitting in the sun for a 15 minutes and felt like I could really relate to Appa in this picture!

I’m a true Mainer, never lived anywhere else, and it’s always been hard for me to transition to summer heat, especially when it’s humid. Halfway through the day I’ll end up on the floor like Appa. Once mid-January comes around however, I’m whining that theres no sun and no warmth and too much wind. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side…

I hadn’t seen any episodes of Avatar since I was a kid, and I was really excited to see it on Netflix. My boyfriend and I watched it all the way through. It’s his favorite show of all time, and I’ve got to admit, it’s high up on my list too! There are very few kids shows that could pull off such a complicated and difficult theme and story with such grace. The art is amazing and I think there are so many valuable lessons to be learned from Avatar. I can’t wait to show it to my own kids someday.


What’s the Meme?

When I scrolled through the assortment of meme-able images provided by Professor Cripps, I knew I had to choose Sokka! For some reason, Avatar was never one of the shows I watched regularly as a kid. However, I have fellow geek/nerd friends who watched the show growing up and informed me that it was now on Netflix and that I needed to binge it. So…. thats what I’m currently doing in my free time between classwork. Being an animal lover, of course Appa and Momo, along with the creative animal mashup species like the Otter penguins and Fire ferrets, are my favorite characters. However, as far as humans go, Sokka is definitely a favorite! He brings comic relief in his exaggerated movements and reactions to the sticky situations he gets himself into on the regular. His look of disdain and confusion on his face in this screen cap just begged me to make it into a meme. I then thought of things that I have heard or seen on the internet recently that cause me to make a Sokka face. One of these things is the conspiracy theories around the Coronavirus. Not only do I think these theories are idiotic and disrespectful to the thousands of people who have lost their lives or their loved ones, but they are just downright jaw dropping. How could someone believe these lies when we have science and doctors? One theory that is really out there in terms of plausibility is the idea that the virus can be caused by the radiation coming from 5G and our cell phones. This ridiculous claim seemed to fit perfectly with this image, so a meme was born. This theory also gave me an idea for a pandemic horror film… What if viruses actually were spread through cell phones and technology? I think a large part of the world just couldn’t resist the temptation to be on their devices and would contract the virus pretty rapidly. Anyway, I have never created a meme before and look forward to see what other meme-able images are laid before us for the picking.


Dead to Meme

I just finished watching the show Dead to Me on Netflix so when I saw this picture come up as an option, I was all for it. The look on the guy’s face is pure disgust and I just had to include my blog topic of the baby. Today I went to go change his diaper and when I opened it I saw there was poop and this was the exact face I made. When I start to hold my breath and rush to not get peed on or poop everywhere I wonder what baby Connor is thinking. Did he do this out of spite? Or was he giving me a present? Poopy diapers will forever be my worst enemy and this meme describes my daily life as a caregiver perfectly. There are a lot of poopy diapers out there who wait to be changed, paired with caregivers gagging and plugging their noses.

The process I used to create this was saving the image to my computer and then using the “preview” part of my MacBook, and inserting a box that I filled in and then added text to. I am sure I can find a more intense tool for meme creating, but for now, this works well for me because I knew how to use it.
