Selfie With My Pet!

This is Achilles. I have many outtakes of this photo and a lot of dog slobber on my face.
This is Anubis. Mom was holding a treat in the kitchen for him.
This is Jack-o-Lantern. He lets me pick him up whenever but that doesn’t mean he’s happy about it…
This is Charm. I disturbed her nap… Oopies!

So, I don’t really care if this was meant to be only one pet, I couldn’t help but show off my babies. I will however start this off with Jack, considering he is the oldest at either nine or ten years old, at this point I can’t remember. He is the first indoor cat we have ever had, my mom grew up with only outdoor cats so this was a big change! However, he does go outside on his leash from time to time, and he loves going on car rides with his sister, Charm! I got Jack the day after Halloween, which is why his name is Jack-o-Lantern (I know, very cheesy) , which we only use when we scold him. When we got him, he could easily fit in my ten year old hand, and he was very sick. We almost thought he wouldn’t make it, and yet here he is, causing trouble by teasing the dogs on the daily!

Jack and Charm enjoying the car ride.

The second oldest would be Charm, even if she is the smallest one in the family only weighing around nine pounds. We got her only a few months after we got Jack and she’s been glued to me ever since. We got her around St. Patrick’s day, so I named her Charm because I always considered her my lucky charm. She doesn’t like the dogs very much, so sadly in the Summer she tends to live with my grand parents, but during the school year which sadly got turned into online, she lives with me in the dorm as my anxiety pet. Ever since I got her registered to the school my grades have gone up and so has my mood!

Charm at my grandparents house

Next would be my baby boy, Achilles! Of course, all of my animals are my babies, but Achilles is my baby boy. He is a four year old mix breed. His mother was a full German Shepard while he has multiple other breeds of dads, such as tree walking coon hound, retriever, and much more that I cannot remember. We were glued to each other the day I started taking care of him while volunteering at my aunts farm, The Live and Let Live Farm. His name is Achilles because of the one white paw he has on his front foot, and I could not resist that opportunity. He is currently four years old and he hates it when I go to college, this epidemic has most likely been his favorite thing ever. He’s so spoiled that he even gets to sleep in the same bed as me, although I’m not surprised, we’ve been taking naps together ever since he got adopted.

Jack kicking Achilles off the dog bed… which Achilles no longer sleeps on because of Jack.

Anubis is the youngest at three years old. We have always had German Shepard’s in our lives because we live in a log cabin in the middle of the woods and when strangers come down our private property to try and tell us to go to their church it can be a bit scary- so why not have a scary dog to help protect you? Anubis is very smart, probably one of the smartest Shepard’s I have ever had. He learns tricks so easily and has figured out how to open many dog doors and many dog gates. However, he is very much a wild child, meanwhile Achilles is actually very lazy. Anubis may be smart, but he is off the walls and never calms down. He is always on alert to chase the cats which is the exact reason Charm now hates dogs. Jack however clearly enjoys the chase, so there’s not much we can do about that.

Anubis and Achilles at the state capital enjoying a walk (before we weren’t allowed outside).

There’s a lot of pictures and a lot of information, but all in all I care much about my animals. I have grown up surrounded by dogs and cats, and have gone to many animal training classes because of it. It was actually around senior year of high school and during freshmen year of college that my two previous German Shepard’s passed away, Rocket and Starlight. It feels like I had known them my whole life, thirteen years for each is a long time and a lot of memories can be made during it. So I hope that during these years that I have with my pets now I can make many more memories and take many more selfies with these dorks.


Selfie with My Pet!

Getting Casper to take a picture never goes well…

This is my male albino rat, Casper (the friendly ghost)! He is almost a year old – he will be on June 22nd, 2020 – and is one my first actual pets I have owned myself. Casper came into my life December 6, 2019. I adopted him from the rat lab conducted on campus involved with the animal behavior course Animal, Learning and Behavior. In this class, eight different groups were divided up with one rat per group, Casper being the rat in my group. We conditioned the rat’s in operant conditioning chambers – similar to what B.S. Skinner conducted in his studies – and trained our rats to press levers and retrieve a reinforcer for pressing the lever. This was done on multiple different levels, with Casper needing to press the lever once, twice, even five times, etc. to retrieve a reinforcer. Once this behavior was established, Casper was taught how to spin and receive a reinforcer for doing so. Once the class was completed, students had the opportunity to adopt rats to have as pets so they would not end up being euthanized. I felt an established bond with Casper while I was training him in class, and knew this was the rat for me to adopt. Casper definitely has grown and blossomed since I’ve had him, teaching me more about the bond between animals and humans too. Rats are able to bond with their humans through trusting them and eventually becoming accustomed to the way their human’s are and the way their human’s life is. Since I’ve adopted Casper, I’ve gained his trust and have been able to provide him a healthy and happy life, even teaching him some new tricks, too. Casper is definitely an animal I will always love, even after he’s gone, for the bond and connection I made with him.

Here’s a picture of Casp enjoying a banana chip!


Daily Create #tdc3056

Going onto the DS106DC Twitter page today, I saw the daily create challenge was to draw your foot; I instantly thought, “Ew… I hate feet…nope!” However, after pondering it for a bit, I realized that I had never taken on the challenge of drawing a part of the human anatomy before, not even a face, let alone a foot. So, I decided to draw my own foot. This was a relaxing and mindful activity for me to do, and I enjoyed being able to sketch again, which is something I haven’t done in a while. As I sat and angled my foot, I got to work with my pencil and sketch pad and started by outlining my big toe, following it done the inside arc of my foot to my heel, adding in some ankles and a leg, and back up the other side. I did the toes last because to me they felt like the most difficult aspect of sketching my foot. I’m pretty satisfied with how it turned out! Though it may be a rough sketch and not shaded or quite realistic, it’s as much of a foot as I would be able to draw!


Daily Create #tdc3055

Thinking of mash-ups, there are some really great ones out there such as Post Malone songs being remixed with Khalid songs, One Direction with 5 Seconds of Summer, and so on. One of my favorite mash-ups made, however, is by Imagine Dragons and Khalid called Thunder / Young, Dumb, and Broke. I’ve always listened to these songs individually and never really thought about how they sounded together, until one day the song came up on one of my daily Spotify playlists. This mash-up though already made is an art form in and of itself as the music, lyrics, and even voices of the artists all collide to form an amazing creation. This is a song I listen to often, especially during summer with the windows rolled down and going on adventures with my friends to places like cliff jumping, the beach, and/or hiking; the mash-up is a perfect song to set the tune for a beautiful summer day.


What’s the MEME – First MEME

The face you make when you’re about to go off on someone but they go off on you instead…

I’ve always loved Avatar since I was little kid; I would consistently watch it on Nickelodeon as a child and watched it so much that I still know the opening theme song to do this day. Sokka was always one of my favorite characters, the one character who would overreact about everything and bring in some comic relief during clips of the show, even during fighting instances. I chose this image off of the Meme-able Images page on the course website. This image was one I immediately laughed at because I remember the episode it is from. Thinking of a MEME caption to put with it, I couldn’t help but think of Sokka about to go off at someone by yelling or screaming at them, only to realize he can’t stand up against someone going off at him and just has this comedic expression on his face like, “uhhhhh…”. I’ve never made a meme before, and have never been familiar with the meme world as it’s something I’m just not quite that into, however, time and time again I’ll see or find a funny one and hope that mine creates some humorous reaction out of it. Though memes may not be my strong suit currently, I’m hoping to learn more about creating memes and GIFS throughout the course to come up with some inspiring/creative ones of my own!
