ds106 – Digital Story Compilation

Hey guys! Above is my video compilation with most of my ds106 assignments. I had some trouble including the Color Walk Assignment but I probably could have recovered it more easily from Google Drive. Unsure. It’s really weird to finally be tackling this assignment as it sort of puts a close on the course and our wonderful class. It was fun reliving all the past assignments and all the processes I used to complete them. In the end, I made my video into a “Top 10” but it’s meant to go in chronological order with the rest of the assignments.

For this video, I utilized MovieMaker, a free program offered on PC systems. After organizing all my previous ds106 assignments, I only had to add each of the files to the program. I cut most of the clips to around 3-5 seconds to control the overall length. I made the initial title card in Word and took a screenshot to convert it more easily to an image before transitioning it into the video. I had a fun time completing this assignment and hope I can continue to practice similar creativity in the future. I hope you enjoy!


DS106 – The Forest Gump Project

Here’s an Original Photo of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing (found here)
Here’s the Remix Version of the Apollo 11 photo

For this assignment, I debated on what “moment in history” I should try and capture. Scenes like the Martin Luther King Rally or other stupendous moments seemed too noisy and offered difficulty finding an inserted person. I decided to go with the idea of the moon landing and trying to capture myself as an astronaut. I thought it would be cool placing myself in this epic moment in history. The final photo is a bit crude but I had a good laugh.

Editing this photo, I used Indesign and found a photo that had been featured on the ABC 10 News Website. They had made a page featuring various photos of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing (Original post can be found here). If you have a chance definitely check out the post as the photos are quite clear and utilize great definition. I took a photo of myself and cropped/cut out my face and posed it over the astronaut’s helmet. I attempted to change the transparency element in Indesign choosing to try and create a better blend with the original photo. After some tweaking, I was able to get the remix to where it is now. Again, a little rough but I enjoyed how comical this assignment could be.

Did you guys know that in the original “Forest Gump” novel there’s a portion where Forest finds himself on a mission to space? Sadly this never made it to the final cut of the movie but is still interesting as it can tie with this theme of space travel.


DS106 World Record Remix

Original World Record (found here)
My World Record Remix

So this assignment was wicked easy and super fun! I was having some trouble at first as the X-ray website wouldn’t load up the other night. I tried once again after finishing up my Codecademy stuff and was able to get it to work. After some tinkering, I found it was quite easy to manipulate the Guinness website and make my own record. I chose the image above as I’m quite fond of owls and it was one of the better photos found on the Guinness Record page. I actually had most of this stuff ready last night but my access to the X-ray page really obstructed me from getting this assignment done. Until now!

At first, I was gonna do something like “world’s most ornery owl” but I thought I could display the image better by utilizing the signpost in some particular way. I think posing the owl as a guide offers a bit of story as you can think about how this owl may lead hikers down safe mountain trails. Maybe flying just below the treeline to allow people a clear view of his whereabouts. It’s a rather intimidating owl but he’s only there to keep you safe!


ds106 – We’re the Brady Bunch!

What an awesome assignment! Apologies for not filling in the final and last square. I was going to include a picture of my house (or something of that liking) but decided to push the text and try to fill in the blank space. There was also the debate of including my brother’s girlfriend but I thought against it. I’m really glad this assignment got to focus on family & friends. Here I show off my own family as there’s a lot of us Cabrals. Not as much as the Brady Bunch, but certainly enough of us. I also included I picture of Winter as he deserves to be included in a family photo/collage. These are all photos taken by my mom, Kelly Cabral, and were pulled from her computer.

For this assignment, I got to try my hands at InDesign when making the Background & cropping images. I first included all my photos and then drew a big square that I used for my background. The layout options are really helpful when you can bring elements forward/back on the page. I threw the background to the back of the frame and then began to draw the lines for the frame. I sent those to the back and then one layer above the background. Giving the image a smooth look. Finally, I added the Text block that contained “The Cabrals” and was set on the Brady Bunch layout. I really enjoyed this assignment and was glad I could spotlight my big ol’ family.


ds106 – GIF into a FIG

Video by; Cade Cabral + Dane Cabral

For the “GIF into FIG” assignment, I first wanted to use some visual from a TV show or movie. My plan was to use a clip from one of my favorite shows, “Battlebots.” There are a few machines in the show that are really good at launching their opposing bots. I thought capturing one of these flips, and reversing it, would offer a neat submission for the assignment. But after trying a few videos I found that the camera jumped around a lot, making it difficult to tell where the beginning & end of the GIF were. After tweaking with the idea I eventually scraped it as it posed too difficult and moved on to Plan B.

I instead relied on my second idea that I had created earlier in the day. Instead, I thought it would be cool to capture the stream of water from a hose, but in reverse. Therefore making it look like I’m removing the moisture from the land or something. As well as capturing the clear motion that’s needed for the assignment. I thought this would prove to be more creative as well as utilize videos from home. I had my youngest brother Dane hold the camera while I operated the hose. Team Effort!

The process to create this reverse GIF was a little hectic. I first ran my video through GIFRUN, after first uploading it on Youtube. Then I tried to place my GIF through the website “Freegifmaker” which had tools to reverse user made GIFs. Once I did this I found that the file size was too large to submit onto WordPress which provided another hurdle. I thought to instead submit my gif through IMGflip, to have more liberty with the resolution of the GIF as well as manipulate the overall size of the image. By doing this I cut the file size in half and made it functional for WordPress. What you see above is the final result. Hope you Enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3078

The Daily Create challenge for June 16th, 2020, was to upload a picture of your favorite part of the day. My favorite time of the day is sunset, closing the day with a beautiful display of the sun’s last rays touching the Earth, casting it’s shadow far and wide until it slowly recedes into the darkness. Sunset has always been a time of day I find peace and mindfulness in, especially at the ocean. For example, when I was going to school at UNE, I would take many trips – as I’m sure many did – to Fortune’s Rocks Beach; this beach is one I love and went to quite often, sitting on the rocky-wall shoreline and watching the waves crash to and fro on the shore. When the sun sets along the horizon of the ocean, it’s one of the most beautiful things from nature I’ve ever seen. The way the sun reflects and glistens on the surface of the water, replacing it’s full spherical shape by slipping what seems like beneath the waves and into the ocean’s abyss. The colors at sunset are also a breathtaking sight to see, from the pinks and purples twirling around that make the clouds look cotton candy-like, to the oranges and yellows of the sun’s rays mixing with the blue sky, all the vanish within a few minutes. Sunset is my favorite time of day, what’s yours?


Daily Create #tdc3077

The Daily Create challenge for June 15th, 2020, was to introduce your pet in a tweet and tweet something they would say if they could talk. Many of you have probably been introduced to my pet from my other posts and pages, but this is my pet male albino rat, Casper! He is almost one year old, he will be on June 22nd, 2020. Casper is very expressive and playful rat, always wanting to socialize and be loved by myself or anyone who will interact with him. When thinking about what Casper would say, I felt the caption above in my Tweet really captures who Casper is: “Hi! My name is Casper! My favorite things to do are running around in my ball, eating all the treats I can (especially banana chips), and snuggling/annoying my mom!”

Casper loves running around his ball; when I work out in the morning, as I’m getting ready, he’ll start jumping around his cage and getting excited because he knows it’s his ball time. He is also trained to get a treat after he’s been out and plays with people, with his favorites being banana chips, flavored fruit yogies (like little chocolate chips, but flavored with fruit and yogurt), and orange-cranberry cookies. Casper is quite playful and loves to be snuggled, especially when I have him out on my bed while watching TV or doing homework; he’ll crawl up right beside me and snuggle right up, wanting to be pet and loved. He can also be quite the sneak, sometimes trying to climb on things he shouldn’t or hide behind things. Casper is a pet I am lucky to have as I’ve never owned a rat who’s been so expressive and loving in his personality, especially towards people. Casper is definitely my pride and joy, and is a pet I will always love and cherish because of the strong bond I have with him.

ds106 – What They Might Have Done

For this assignment I had some trouble figuring out the link between the portion on Fakebook and Twister web applications. I had fun creating the Fakebook and easily picked a character of history that I wanted to focus on. I’ve always been interested in Murphy’s Law and wondered who the original creator was. I got to do some digging and found some interesting information and history. As well as a few other quotes which had also been attributed to Murphy.

Once it came to the Twister portion of the assignment I had some trouble figuring out how to link the image I uploaded to Fakebook to Twister. Later I found that I was using too much of Murphy’s full name (middle and also status as Jr.). Once I shortened his name within Twister I was able to load a post with a profile picture. I realize that the picture has some sort of History Channel Tag but I’m not sure how to switch the image of the attributed character. Twister is an interesting site and one that I haven’t been accustomed too.


The Forrest Gump Project – Insert Yourself Into History

“Good ole’ Forrest Gump. He always manages to find himself at the center of history, and using photo editing software, so can you. Find a historic photograph and place yourself into the scene, just like Forrest Gump.” This is the objective of the assignment “The Forrest Gump Project”. To do this, I first downloaded Photoshop and got myself familiar with the app and software to prepare for adding myself into a picture from history. Once doing this, I chose a historical photo from “Girls From Woodstock 1969 Show The Origin Of Todays Fashion“. Once I had the photo, I went to Photoshop and began my editing process. The picture I chose of myself was one I took about a year ago from a sunflower festival as I was trying to chose the best photo of myself to insert into the Woodstock one. After playing around, the results I got are pictured on the left.

Though I have never used photoshop before or have inserted myself/other people into a picture, this was an overall fun assignment to create! It almost illustrates that the two girls dancing are being photographed by the photographer in the back of the picture, and I turned around just in time to flash a smile at the photographer behind me. The layering, cropping, and editing with hue and shadow coloring all added to create the final picture you see. Though it may be a rough photo, I am quite happy with how it turned out.


Digital Story Compilation

This is a DS106 Assignment known as a “Digital Story Compilation”, with the objective being to, “Create a video compilation of some of your favorite things you’ve made in ds106.” Looking at all of the assignments I have made for my DS106 Work, I picked out eleven of the assignments I did and compiled their elements into a video (i.e., either the image, GIF, or web-based image for the assignment) to showcase my favorite assignments I did.

The first assignment in the video is for the first Animated GIF assignment, “Say It Like the Peanut Butter”; the objective of this assignment was to, “Make an animated gif from your favorite/least favorite movie capturing the essence of a key scene. Make sure the movement is minimal but essential.” I chose one of my favorite scenes from Grey’s Anatomy and wrote about why I chose this scene and how I connected to it.

The second assignment I chose was the “What’s the Meme” assignment where you had to, “Take any picture and caption it with a meme, whether common or uncommon. Or come up with a personalized meme.” Choosing from one of the meme-able images from out course website, I chose the one of Sokka from Avatar. This was a fun MEME to create as I grew up watching Avatar and it is still one of my favorite shows to this day.

The third assignment I chose was the “Selfie with Your Pet!“, where students in the course took a picture with their pet – or with their multiple pets – and discussed about their pets. For this assignment, I talked about my pet male albino rat, Casper, how I adopted him, and the life he has with me now.

The fourth assignment I chose was based off a Daily Create I made for the Daily Create #tdc3069 assignment for June 8th, 2020. This assignment was to “Design a postmodern birdie with an emotional color.” For this assignment, I chose a picture of a bird I had from my travels to Belize and edited shadowing and hue colors to enhance the emotions of the bird I felt best suited it’s behavior. I also did the same for my pet rat, Casper, adding specific hues and shadow colorings to enhance his behavior as well.

The fifth assignment I chose was the “Home Video GIF” assignment. “For this assignment, you will need one thing that eveyone has. A home video! Choose a video that you have filmed yourself and create a gif from that video. Instructions for how to complete this assignment are linked to this page!” The video I chose was of my rat Casper being sneaky by trying to escape out of his cage. This was a very fun assignment to create as Casper is always full of hilarious surprises!

The sixth assignment I chose was the “Turn a GIF into a FIG” by finding “a video clip, or shoot one of yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.” This assignment was fun to do as well because I had a video of Casper spinning in a forwards direction and decided to reverse it so it looked like he was spinning backwards… Something I taught him myself! (I only wish this was true).

The seventh assignment I chose was “Demotivate Yourself“, where students were required to create a demotivational poster. I chose a picture of a bear sitting in the middle of the road and liked doing this assignment because I also connected it to my blog topic, How Roads Impact Wildlife.

The eighth assignment I chose was the “Color Walk Time Lines”, where students needed to, “Choose a color and then take 20 minute walk in which you take a 5-8 pictures of the color as you encounter it. Then upload the photos to Flickr and create a time line using TimeLine JS.” I chose the color green and chose to display pictures from my travels to Belize, titling it a “Green Walk in Belize“.

The ninth assignment I chose was “The Big Caption”, where “In the spirit of  http://thebigcaption.com/ take any photo featured on The Big Picture (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/) and add typographical text elements in a way that changes the message.” I chose a picture from the February 2020 pictures by the Boston Globe and titled it to interpret a different meaning then what the original picture relayed. This was a great assignment to create as it was reinterpreting the meaning of something so it could be understood in a different way; this is similar to how people have different opinions about one thing.

The tenth assignment I chose was “We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch” where “Whether your actual family or your close group of friends, make a collage mimicking the picture shown below. Be creative with the title. Make the title alliteration either with your last name or somesort of name you wish to call your group. In your post, explain why you chose the people you did in your collage.” This was another fun assignment to create because it allowed me to showcase my “family”, or friend group from being at UNE, people I still consider to be close to me like family because of everything we’ve been through together.

The last and final assignment I chose to display was “Remix Guinness Book of World Records” through remixing “a Guinness Book of World records web page. Pick any record you want and somehow remix it. Try and connect it to a story, and add some background inspiration into your idea for inspiration. Maybe it was the record you always wanted to set, or break. Or maybe it fits perfectly into a story you are creating. How ever it fits be creativ and have fun with it.” This was a great assignment to do as I could recreate a record holder for something – I chose the Loudest land animal – and spice it up a little by adding in some funny elements and altering other elements to make the page my own.

All of these DS106 assignments I have decided to showcase in this Digital Story Compilation have all been assignments I’ve enjoyed creating as I have been able to learn how to embed images into pages, create GIF’s and FIG’s from scratch, and showcase all of my hard work to my peers and the audience my ePortfolio attracts. This is work I am proud to have made, and found meaning in doing with each and everyone.


What Rosa Parks Might’ve Done in Social Media –

When thinking about a historical figure for the “What They Might’ve Done in Social Media” DS106 Assignment, Rosa Parks instantly came to my mind; she is a strong historical figure, and with all that is currently going on with the “Black Lives Matters” protests, I found this fitting for the point our society is currently in.

Thinking about who Rosa Parks was, she sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott by refusing to surrender her seat to a white passenger, and this was caused all based off of the color of her skin. From her refusal to give up her seat, her act was what lead to the end of racial segregation in public places and facilities. Without Rosa Parks standing up in this way, we could still be dealing with the racial segregation that haunted her times; however, all it takes is one act to start a movement, and her act definitely did such a thing.

If social media was around during Rosa Parks’ time, I would assume her posts would look similar to what is pictured above; this is a Twister post I created for Rosa Parks back on March 5, 1954, before the Montgomery Bus Boycott movement started. It places her back in her time when people of different color had to give up their seats for those of white privilege, something she faced all too much during her time, all for a seat on the bus.

I feel if social media was around during Rosa Parks’ time, she would have started the boycott a lot sooner than 1955; this is due to the power social media has. Social media gives individuals the ability to post something they chose, and that content can be liked, shared, or commented on by as many people that wish to. With power like that given to an individual, the awareness for racial segregation back during Parks’ times would have received a lot of attention I feel, especially if majority of people were showing this was an issue and needed to be resolved quickly.


ds106 – Home Video GIF

Winter “dogging” around

Didn’t quite know what I wanted to share for a “Home Video” but I knew I wanted it to be in the here and now. At first I was thinking of trying to capture me hosing the garden, but thought this wouldn’t pose as much of an image of home for this assignment. I finally was able to capture this image while spending some time outside. With the weather finally clearing up we get to see Winter act like his usual goofy self. He’s actually chasing a small chipmunk that lives under the basketball hoop and is very adamant about making friends. I’m glad I was able to capture his big ol’ smile in the way that I did. I want to cherish the time I have with my dog and am glad for these moments that I’ll be able to hold onto.

In order to capture this image as a GIF, I first posted my home video onto YouTube. I was going to keep the video private but found this complicated the transition between YouTube and Gifrun. I instead chose to make the video public and added a description for anyone wishing to see my goofy dog. Then I was able to shave a few seconds of the video and make this short GIF. Hope you guys enjoy!


Home Video GIF

This is a video of Casper, my albino male rat! I took this video back before I actually adopted Casper and he was still a lab rat for one of my courses, Animal, Learning and Behavior. The video was taken at the end of a work day, Casper had already been run for his lab session and I was sitting at the lab table typing up the results for the day. As I was doing this, I would usually have Casper in his cage with the top off so he could sniff around and interact with me. On this particular day, he got a little daring and sneaky, attempting to climb the edges of the cage before perching on the corner closest to me. I looked over and smirked, thinking to myself, “Is he going to climb out?” This is when I grabbed my phone and started recording. From Casper’s perspective, I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking: “Must…escape. Must…not…slip.” The full video of the GIF pictured at the left shows Casper giving up after he almost slips and just staring at me, like “I didn’t do anything wrong…”; no rats were harmed in the making of this video/GIF.

I decided to chose this GIF for my home video one because Casper is my pride and joy, and two because it was a funny video I wanted to caption and create into a GIF. When it comes to animals, we never really know what they’re thinking or why they do the things they do. Having a lot of experience with pet rats myself, I’ve noticed that these creatures tend to be sneaky and daring with stunts they pull, especially when they’re familiar with their owners. What I mean by this is that if you own a rat and have a close bond with it, they tend to do things they know will get them in trouble because they want to play with you. Casper somewhat knew he shouldn’t have tried climbing the sides of his cage from the many times I’ve told him no repeatedly; rats are able to learn words and understand what they mean, especially single-word phrases such as, “No.” I do let him get away with things, but sometimes it’s to see what he’s doing and what he’ll do if he accomplishes it, such as climbing out of his cage. This was a fun assignment to create and something I enjoyed doing, especially because it involved my little pet ghost.


Remix Guinness Book of World Records

The third WEB assignment is to “Remix Guinness Book of World Records” by following the indicated directions: “Remix a Guinness Book of World records web page. Pick any record you want and somehow remix it. Try and connect it to a story, and add some background inspiration into your idea for inspiration. Maybe it was the record you always wanted to set, or break. Or maybe it fits perfectly into a story you are creating. However it fits be creative and have fun with it.” This is when I directed myself to the Original Guinness Records wesbite and stumbled upon a record I wanted remix: the Noisiest Land Animal.

The noisiest land animal in the world is the Howler Monkey (Alouatta), with a full vocal production able to be heard up to 3 miles away! I chose this Guinness Record to remix with X-Ray Goggles because I have seen these monkeys in the wild before and have heard their howling screams.

During my second semester of my junior year at UNE, I took the Costa Rica travel course where over spring break, students traveled to San José and Palo Verde, Costa Rica, to learn more about the rainforests and dry forests. In the rainforest, students would hike upwards of 10 miles a day into the jungle, sometimes being able to see different types of species (i.e., iguanas, sloths, bats, birds, etc.). One of the favorite species among the class was the Howler Monkey; when we would walk through the jungle, we would start to hear the low rumbles of the howler’s screams when thunderstorms or rainstorms were approaching. We could also hear their howls early in the morning as the sun rose, greeting each day with a welcoming howl.

To remix the original webpage, I started off my adding a picture of a Howler Monkey, as the original page did not have this. I chose this picture because it pictures a beautiful male howling with all his might in a treetop branch. I also played around with the “Where” aspect of the page and changed it from the “United Kingdom” to “Screams can be Heard for Miles (Costa Rica)”, as this is this connects to the story behind why I chose this record to remix; I also chose this as the “Where” aspect because their screams can be heard for miles, rumbling through the rainforest and making you question whether it’s a Howler calling or a thunderstorm rolling through.

I also remixed the description aspect of the page; I kept the original text, as this is factual information about the animal, and added the two sentences at the end: “Their screams can be heard for miles through the rainforest! Better wear your soundproof headphones just incase.” This added a fun element to the description by cautioning people how loud these animals are; soundproof headphones are strongly encouraged if you are in close proximity to these animals in the jungle! Along with these elements I changed, I also altered the title of the page from “Noisiest land animal” to “Loudest scream ever produced by an animal”, as I felt this was a twist on the original title of the page. This was an overall fun assignment and I enjoyed employing X-Ray Goggles to understand what I learned from my Codecademy lessons on HTML and CSS.


We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch – The OG Crew

“Whether your actual family or your close group of friends, make a collage mimicking the picture shown below. Be creative with the title. Make the title alliteration either with your last name or somesort of name you wish to call your group. In your post, explain why you chose the people you did in your collage.” This is the assignment for the second IMAGE assignment, “We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch

Reflecting on how to showcase this assignment, lately I’ve been reminiscing about my friend group from UNE and how much I miss them because together, we are a family. This is when I decided to create a collage with my friend-family group. Starting from the top left of the collage and working across the rows from left to right, the first person is Frank. Frank is a friend I’ve had since my freshman year at UNE, however, we did not close until our junior year when this entire friend group merged and he is now like a brother to me. The next person is Ben, being someone I met during the summer before our senior year. He is someone I’ve grown close with over this past year and someone I consider to be one of my best friends as he’s also like a brother to me. The next person starting the second row is Sara, who I’ve known since my freshman year as well. She lived down the hall from me in Assisi, and we never really became friends until we lived together our junior year with another friend showcased in the collage (someone I will discuss later). Sara shares my passion for wildlife and the environment and has been someone I’ve always loved to be around and have as a close friend in my life. The next person is myself, as I am a part of this friend group. The person next to me is Andrew, one of my absolute best friends. He was one of my first true friends at UNE, being someone I could lean on and go to for anything, and him being able to do the same with me. He’s had a huge impact on my life and is the person who I know I can go to with anything. The next person starting the last row is Anyssa, or Nyss as we call her. She has been a one of my best friends since we started living together junior year with Sara, and now I could not imagine not having her in my life. She’s the person who shares the same interest in music as I do (punk, metal, rock), as we plan to go a bunch of concerts together once this pandemic is over. She is also someone who I can go to with anything, a true friend to me. The last and final person – someone I specifically saved last – is my absolute best friend, Jillian. I met Jillian during the beginning of our junior year at UNE, as she was friends with Sara and Nyss first, and we instantly became best friends from the start. Not only do we share the same birthday, but we also have the same car, same personality, demeanor, and values for things. She is someone I know I will always have in my life, someone I can count on no matter what, because she’s my best friend.

Together, this friend group has become a family to me since we all came together our junior years. From the adventures to Salmon Falls in Hollis, ME, to go cliff jumping, to the endless nights of us all playing Super Smash Bros on Andrew and Frank’s couch at their house senior year, I will never forget the memories, laughter, and fun I’ve had with my friends. Though the pandemic currently going on makes it hard to see other people, we have still managed to all keep in touch and be a part of each other’s lives, and we’ll hopefully all be able to meet up once things are back to normal. We are the OG Crew, the people who stayed true to each other through everything that came our way.


Turn a GIF into a FIG – Third Animated GIF

For the third animated GIF assignment, it was based off the “Turn a GIF into a FIG” assignment where students had to “Find a video clip, or shoot one of yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.” Looking through my camera roll for a good video to turn into a GIF and then reverse it, I found the one to the left of Casper when I had him as a lab rat. Have you ever seen a rat spin around backwards for a treat? The original video shows Casper spinning in a forward direction before he is rewarded with a treat for performing that behavior; something he is very good at, I might add! When I was reversing this video, it was quite hilarious to me because as hard as my group members tried in the lab course, we could never get Casper to spin in a backwards direction (i.e., this is a hard trick for a rat to learn spinning forwards). Now, I have my own personal video of Casper spinning backwards – hopefully no one will figure out it’s edited so it just looks like my rat is performing a cool trick!


The Big Idea – Third MEME

Looking at the image above, what pops into your mind? Possibly a little girl just having fun, minding her own business. The story behind this image is about Rylee Mehung, seven years old at the time, making the best out of her boredom while she’s waiting for Senator Elizabeth Warren to rally with her supporters at Manchester Community College in NH. But what if Rylee really just wanted the attention on her, taking the camera’s attention away from Warren and snapshotting her creative boredom strategies?

This assignment is about capturing “The Big Idea”, or finding an image off of the “The Big Picture” by The Boston Globe and adding typographical text to change the message or meaning the picture actually delivers. This image is from the “Globe staff photos of the month, February 2020“, with some of the best photographs by Globe photographers for the month of February in 2020. The first image on this page is of Rylee making the best out of her boredom. When I saw this, I pictured a seven year old girl just minding her own business while Warren was rallying with supporters; however, the whole point of “The Big Idea” is the change the message of the picture. Below, you will find the way I interpreted the picture after finding the message:

This typographical text along with the image now frames Rylee as a little girl trying to come up with creative ways to turn the photographers attention away from Warren and onto her, because who wouldn’t want the star of the show to be a little girl? She almost looks like a princess, dressed in her green tutu and blue headband, or “crown”, stepping across a bridge onto her next journey. Doing this assignment was interesting because after you know the meaning of a message behind a picture, it’s almost difficult to interpret it any other way. However, with some creative thinking and original ideas, I thought back to when I was a seven year old and how when at family gatherings, I would always try to be in the pictures because I thought it was so much fun (and of course, the attention was turned onto me). This is how I created this MEME and changed the message of the picture.


ds106 – The Big Caption

After searching through the Boston Globe web-page. I came across this particular image which really resonated with me. I’m a big family sort of guy and it’s always nice to see wholesome posts like this. This photo was actually the top picked post for December 2019 by the Boston Globe staff. I really like how this picture can be seen out of context, as you can’t particularly tell when this photo was taken. Then, when adding my text, it gives the photo more of a message as well as emotion. With the text it kinda clicks for me in that it doesn’t have to be Christmas to feel like a family. It’s important to cherish the things we have and enjoy what life offers us.

For this Caption I used the website Imgflip to add the lettering/text effect. I was able to upload the image I had found on the Boston Globe website and then made the necessary adjustments. I wanted to go with a “Christmas-y” themed sort of photo, without actually inputting anything Christmas related. The only thing that should relate to the holiday is the man’s Santa suit. By limiting just to the Santa suit it gives the photo some ambiguity as to what is going on in the picture. I enjoyed giving this photo a little more depth and hope that I was able to capture the emotion that was held within.

Link to original Photo can be found here;


ds106 – Color Walk Timeline

Hey guys! Had some crappy weather over the weekend so thought I’d go and take care of the Color Walk Assignment today. But! Instead of a color Walk assignment, I did a color “kayak” assignment in it’s place.

Me and my mom were able to escape the house while I was able to take care of this project. We went over to Pleasant Pond which is where my grandparents have their camp. Once we arrived I decided I would start the “Walk” from the beginning of my grandparents property. That’s where you will see the Red Mailbox in the First Image. I’ll detail the remainder of my journey from here;

3:34 – Initial Arrival – I ran up to the start of the driveway and snagged a picture of the mailbox. Then continuing down the road where I got the photos of the Red Brick & Red Trailer. Both the Red Flowers were also taken around that time as my grandmother had just recently been planting

3:36 – Setting off – Once we were all set with life jackets we grabbed a kayak from their compartment and took off into the pond.

3:45 – High Winds – We mostly stuck to the side of the pond as it was particularly windy today. I was able to snag a few photos of nearby canoes as well as those chairs that had been placed in an interesting upside-down fashion.

3:52 – Red Sailor – Once we made it past the boat with the Red lining we decided to cut across the pond and head back. The wind wasn’t working in our favor and my mom was getting sick of it. We attempted to cut right back to the house but we encountered some very turbulent waves. At one point, I got splashed big time. So I decided to try and shift my weight to the side opposite of the waves and that seemed to help out.

4:07 – Return Home – After our windy encounter, my mom and I decided to head back to the beach. Once we made it back I decided to take a picture of my grandparents red birdhouse and their “Pleasant Pond” sign. Kinda like an advertisement for all of the things this pond has to offer as well as cementing the journey so far.

Making this sure was a dozy. I was able to use/ semi understand the Timeline JS program. Once I had all my photos added to Flickr the process became relatively simple. I wasn’t sure if you necessarily had to post the spreadsheet to the web or not (website was showing weird errors) but I was able to submit my photos accordingly. Hope you guys enjoy!
