DS106 Color Walk Time Lines

Okay, so I’m not even going to pretend like I know how to work that “timeline JS Knightlab” excel spreadsheet thing. It’s not like I’m too lazy to figure it out, but I just don’t have the time to mess around with it. So, here is my own timeline:

I went for a lovely little walk with my little sister and she kindly chose the color purple:

We then walked down the drive way and into a neighbors garden, where we saw a few cool flowers which we couldn’t identify because, well, she’s 7, and I don’t know the first thing about flowers:

We then snuck into a grumpy old ladies yard because we thought we saw something purple, and we did: a couple chairs!

and finally, a fish flag, at the back entrance to our yard:

This DS106 assignment was a great way for me to hangout with my little sister, thank you! we didn’t learn much, but purple is kinda cool.. ds106assignment

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DS106 – Say it Like the Peanut Butter – GIF Assignment

Hey Guys! For this assignment I was quite excited that we get to show off one of our own favorite movies! In regards to making a Gif with limited movement, I chose the movie “Tenacious D & the Pick of Destiny” as it’s a fairly controlled movie. As well as a very funny one! It also poses as it’s own musical as Jack Black & Kyle Gass have gone and created their own full soundtrack for the movie. Personally I think this is one of the better movies around as it offers a lot of uniqueness with its music and characters.

The scene I chose is from the final part of the movie and is the beginning of their song “Beelzeboss”. At this point the characters have tracked down the “Pick of Destiny” only to have it recovered by the Devil himself. This leads to a battle of epic proportions as Jack & Kyle attempt to win through their rock!

At first I was going to use the website Imgflip as they offer a tool to create your own gifs online. After a few attempts I realized that the website will apply its own watermark to any of the gifs you create (unless you pay for pro). This lead me to try out GIFRUN as an alternative for the gif making process. The website was a little difficult initially but I was able to understand the settings that were being offered. As well as making a small gif that I’m proud of and can easily relate to. I hope you guys enjoy this gif I’ve made and hope that you can check out the Tenacious D movie when you have the chance!


Fish Out of Water – Or is it Mammal?

Hey guys! Apologies for the late submission. Here we have a rug that I found while moving furniture into my aunt/uncles house. I had originally found/was going to use a few memes I created from this website called InspiroBot. It’s a really funny tool that’s supposed to make inspirational quotes but usually makes some that are more deprecating. Check it out!

For this assignment, I instead utilized something of my own making and grabbed an old picture of mine. Then sending it through the website Imgflip for the Meme-like Lettering. Once I saw the photo in my album I knew exactly what I wanted to go for and utilized this fish out of water take. Hope you enjoy!


Green Walk in Belize

The “Color Walks Time Lines” assignment stated to “Choose a color and then take a 20 minute walk in which you take 5-8 pictures of the color as you encounter it. Then upload the photos to Flickr and create a time line using TimeLine JS.”

This is my timeline for the Color Walks Time Line assignment. I decided to pick the color green and use pictures from the travel course I took to Belize with UNE. Though I did not take a walk, these are pictures I wanted to share with people and give them a virtual experience of what Belize looks like and the beautiful things you can see here. These pictures are ones that remind me of all the amazing times I got to experience in Belize, from snorkeling and diving in the coral reefs to hiking through the mangrove forests. Belize is full of brilliant and bright colors, and green is something that definitely stood out to me during my trip, from the green iguanas basking in the sun, the bright green cabin I stayed in, to the greenish waters being illuminated by bright yellow lights to see the manta rays jump out of the water. I hope everyone enjoys my virtual tour of a green walk in Belize! You can also view my photos in my Flickr album as well.


Daily Create #tdc3064

“Describe your absolute experience with customer service…”

The Daily Create for Tuesday, June 2nd was to describe your absolute worst experience with customer service. At the end of April, I had ordered a 24-pack of Monster online from a company I had never ordered from, however, they seemed credible enough for me to place my order with them. I placed my order and waited for my order to ship; I was also aware that shipping might have taken longer due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. After about a week and a half, I received an email with a link to track my package; I checked the status of my order at least once everyday, and every time it said my order was processing. On top of this, the company had already taken my money for the order. I had been emailing the company off of their customer service “send in a request” message page, and had done this once a week for three weeks. After about a month of waiting, I went into my email to check the status of my order again, but the page was no longer loading and my internet browsing could not locate the webpage anymore; I tried going to the company’s original website as well and the same thing happened. This is when I realized I had been scammed, on top of the fact that my emails were never answered back and there was no phone number to contact the company. This is when I decided to call my bank and have them place a dispute with the payment the company had taken from me. Within a week, I received my money back and still never received my package of Monster… What I got out of this experience was the absolute worst customer service experience ever, considering I never was able to talk to anyone from the company about the status of my order and they shutdown they’re webpage altogether. In the future, I will always be cautious of the websites I use and only use ones I am familiar with so I do not get scammed again.


Demotivate Yourself – Second MEME

This meme idea was sparked from my blog topic about how roads impact wildlife. I was thinking of an idea for a meme and started looking up in Google Images, “wildlife and roads”. This is when I found this picture of a brown bear sitting in the road with a car pulled over to the side; my initial thought when I saw this was, “Huh. It looks like this bear is protesting the road by just plopping itself right in the road.” This is what began to spark my caption for the meme: wildlife don’t have a say when it comes to roads being placed into their environments; they’re expected to “deal with it” or “become accustomed” to it as our society continues to build upon the environment. Animals can’t fight back against humans or the infrastructures built on their land, meaning they become susceptible to mortality or harm when coming face to face with a car driving down a roadway. I chose the caption, “Protesting roads because killing wildlife with your car isn’t enough anymore” because this seems to be what the case is these days; wildlife are now constantly susceptible to mortality, vehicle collisions, or other factors from roads (i.e., destruction to habitat, pollution, erosion, etc.), and the only way that people would seem to start becoming aware of this issue is if the wildlife started protesting (if they could). However, the point of this meme is to become aware of the fact that wildlife may not be able talk about how they are affected by roads, but how they are being affected is what matters and what needs to cease.


Animated GIF Assignment #1

greys anatomy GIF by ABC Network
“I go a little dark and twisty…but then I come back.” – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy

I am a huge fan of Grey’s Anatomy, having watched it so many times now that I know most episodes by heart. For this GIF assignment, I decided to pick a scene from one of the episodes that I felt I related to the most. This GIF is from a scene where Meredith Grey (on the left – lighter hair) and Amelia Shepherd (on the right – darker hair) are discussing some tough times they’ve been through; Meredith just lost her husband, Derek Shepherd, who is also Amelia’s brother. As they’re talking, Meredith states, “I go a little dark and twisty… but then I come back.” What she means by this is that when things get tough for her, she escapes to her dark and twisty thoughts because she finds some sort of comfort in them; this is also while considering she’s been through a lot in her past as well: her mother almost killed herself in front of Meredith, Meredith drowned but was able to be revived, her husband was shot and then he was killed from a semi-truck months later, and so on. It reminds her of what she’s gone through and where she is now, how far she’s come in life and how much she’s survived. She always snaps out of those thoughts at some point because, as she also says, “Everything must go on.” I can relate to this GIF and what Meredith said because, sometimes, you need to bring yourself back to the dark and twisty times to remind you of where you’ve come from, where you are now, and how much you have left to go. Though it may seem disturbing or weird to some to do this, it’s something about reminding yourself of those times that makes you know you’ll be okay. Making it through something horrible in your past builds you up to be able to be brave, strong, and empowered by what you went through; it makes you remember how far you’ve come through everything in your life and snap you back into reality, prepared and stronger then ever.


DS106 Demotivate Yourself

Lemon Mayo

If you read the “About Me” section on my blog, you’d know that I made a joke about self-deprecation. Making jokes about it aides me to overcome it. It’s something an old therapist of mine suggested. Belittling the idea of self-deprecation is strengthening the fact that you don’t need to do it. As many of you know, doing something to the best of your ability is something that should be rewarded with both positivity and self-confidence. However, If you self-deprecate you allow yourself to diminish your accomplishments and take that feeling of achievement away. I’m sure I could have had a much better idea for this DS106 assignment, but whats the point in doing something if you don’t feel like you could have done better afterwords, am I right? ds106assignment

Daily Create Week 2 (2)

For todays daily create #tdc3060 I was asked to collaborate myself and my favorite book into a piece of art and what the title would be. I choose ‘Surf is Where you Find it’ by Gerry Lopez. A prominent figure in the shortboard revolution in 1970s and a teacher of yoga in Indonesia today. This book represents a collection of dream sessions stories from Gerry’s youth. I decided to incorporate myself into the book cover and title, hope it comes off somewhat humorous. ds106assignment

Selfie with My Pet!

Getting Casper to take a picture never goes well…

This is my male albino rat, Casper (the friendly ghost)! He is almost a year old – he will be on June 22nd, 2020 – and is one my first actual pets I have owned myself. Casper came into my life December 6, 2019. I adopted him from the rat lab conducted on campus involved with the animal behavior course Animal, Learning and Behavior. In this class, eight different groups were divided up with one rat per group, Casper being the rat in my group. We conditioned the rat’s in operant conditioning chambers – similar to what B.S. Skinner conducted in his studies – and trained our rats to press levers and retrieve a reinforcer for pressing the lever. This was done on multiple different levels, with Casper needing to press the lever once, twice, even five times, etc. to retrieve a reinforcer. Once this behavior was established, Casper was taught how to spin and receive a reinforcer for doing so. Once the class was completed, students had the opportunity to adopt rats to have as pets so they would not end up being euthanized. I felt an established bond with Casper while I was training him in class, and knew this was the rat for me to adopt. Casper definitely has grown and blossomed since I’ve had him, teaching me more about the bond between animals and humans too. Rats are able to bond with their humans through trusting them and eventually becoming accustomed to the way their human’s are and the way their human’s life is. Since I’ve adopted Casper, I’ve gained his trust and have been able to provide him a healthy and happy life, even teaching him some new tricks, too. Casper is definitely an animal I will always love, even after he’s gone, for the bond and connection I made with him.

Here’s a picture of Casp enjoying a banana chip!


DS106 Whats The Meme

Hopefully Its Relatable

A primary occupation of parents is to embarrass their children. Growing up, I didn’t have a father. So, that means the entirety of the job fell on my mothers shoulders, and she was bloody good at it. That was the spark of motivation for this meme. I remember sitting patiently on the couch whilst she vetted my friends and if she liked them, she would proceed to make sure they knew I wasn’t as cool as they thought I was through a process she called “Educational Embarrassment”. She claimed it taught my friends not to believe what was presented to them on the surface and she claimed it taught me how to deal with embarrassment and to be more comfortable with the real me. I would constantly get annoyed with her for doing it, but she said that it was a necessary evil. If I allowed her educational embarrassment, then she allowed me to stay out to whatever time I felt was a reasonable time to stay out until. I’d say that was a pretty fair deal. I’m sure everyone has been in this situation before, and it does not feel good. As much as you try to embarrass your parents, they always have a comeback, it’s like they know everything about you 😉 It was a nice memory to pop into my head because I don’t get to see my mother very often. I can’t wait until she meets my future wife, they’ll both gang up on me. ds106assignment

Daily Create #tdc3055

Thinking of mash-ups, there are some really great ones out there such as Post Malone songs being remixed with Khalid songs, One Direction with 5 Seconds of Summer, and so on. One of my favorite mash-ups made, however, is by Imagine Dragons and Khalid called Thunder / Young, Dumb, and Broke. I’ve always listened to these songs individually and never really thought about how they sounded together, until one day the song came up on one of my daily Spotify playlists. This mash-up though already made is an art form in and of itself as the music, lyrics, and even voices of the artists all collide to form an amazing creation. This is a song I listen to often, especially during summer with the windows rolled down and going on adventures with my friends to places like cliff jumping, the beach, and/or hiking; the mash-up is a perfect song to set the tune for a beautiful summer day.


What’s the MEME – First MEME

The face you make when you’re about to go off on someone but they go off on you instead…

I’ve always loved Avatar since I was little kid; I would consistently watch it on Nickelodeon as a child and watched it so much that I still know the opening theme song to do this day. Sokka was always one of my favorite characters, the one character who would overreact about everything and bring in some comic relief during clips of the show, even during fighting instances. I chose this image off of the Meme-able Images page on the course website. This image was one I immediately laughed at because I remember the episode it is from. Thinking of a MEME caption to put with it, I couldn’t help but think of Sokka about to go off at someone by yelling or screaming at them, only to realize he can’t stand up against someone going off at him and just has this comedic expression on his face like, “uhhhhh…”. I’ve never made a meme before, and have never been familiar with the meme world as it’s something I’m just not quite that into, however, time and time again I’ll see or find a funny one and hope that mine creates some humorous reaction out of it. Though memes may not be my strong suit currently, I’m hoping to learn more about creating memes and GIFS throughout the course to come up with some inspiring/creative ones of my own!
