This is from a video of my synchronized swim team in our second year competing in the Junior Olympics. We left that week with 2 Gold medals and 1 Silver.

This specific part of the video is of our first lift and I just thought it would look really cool backward. Sorry, it is a little blurry, after being put through editing apps it kind of lost some resolution.

For this assignment, I just used an editing app I already had on my phone and trimmed the part of the first lift from the full routine video.

Besides looking really cool, I decided to choose this because swimming and being part of such a successful team was a huge part of my life. Although it’s kind of a strange sport, I was extremely dedicated and passionate about it.

I wanted to pursue it further in my college career, and I even got offers from different Universities for it, but unfortunately, I was unable to continue. Over the years, the wear and tear the sport had on me, my knees especially, resulted in the development of a disease in my joints that have limited me greatly.

I was advised to quit before my last year of competition, but I refused and finished my last year as strong as I could. Now, there is very little I can do without the assistance of bulky knee braces, but it hasn’t stopped me from finding new athletic passions such as surfing. Although the pain is still very much present and I can no longer swim like I used to, I refuse to let it stop me from pursuing any new active adventures.


DS106 GIF into FIG

This weeks gif assignment was to create a gif that is funny backwards. The original video, the frog obviously jumped forward and in this it looks like it is jumping backwards. I guess the gif itself isn’t all that funny, but the story behind it is. The other day while I was sitting for my other nanny child, we found this cute little frog, she’s nine so of course we played with it and brought it along with us to do fun things. The frogs name was then Todd. While Summer (the little girl) was walking outside, Todd did a jump onto the ground, probably seeing an opportunity to escape. Todd was rudely mistaken when he next found himself inside of Summer’s 11 year old French Bulldog’s mouth. Summer cried, I screamed. I finally did the adult thing, picked up the dog and fortunately she spit Todd out. Todd was very wet after and we let him hop peacefully away while we went inside. I was very unsure about Todd living and I didn’t need Summer to be traumatized even more, so we “let him go home”. We both ended up laughing about it in the end, but the whole experience was a whirlwind of emotions. So, here you have Summer and Todd, Todd is doing a little backwards jump.


Turn a GIF into a FIG

I honestly couldn’t figure this out but thankfully someone on the home page shared what they did and I followed that and it helped me so much! I took my video, uploaded it on YouTube so I could upload it to GifRun. Then I brought it to freegifmaker (which by the way my computer says is not a safe site so be careful I guess?) which has a reverse button. Their sizes are too large so I brought it over to GIF Maker and changed the width to 260px! Thank you to whoever posted these instructions because that helped me a lot!

So the story behind this is the fact that my dog can almost never catch treats. In this one it boops off his nose and onto the floor. I took a few videos in hopes maybe one would be pretty funny but sadly they were mainly all the same- sometimes he just opens his mouth and lets it bounce off his head. Nonetheless, it looks like the treats crawling towards him and then he tosses it to me and I’ve already sent it to a few of my friends because it looks funny! I love Achilles so much.


Turn a GIF into a FIG – Third Animated GIF

For the third animated GIF assignment, it was based off the “Turn a GIF into a FIG” assignment where students had to “Find a video clip, or shoot one of yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.” Looking through my camera roll for a good video to turn into a GIF and then reverse it, I found the one to the left of Casper when I had him as a lab rat. Have you ever seen a rat spin around backwards for a treat? The original video shows Casper spinning in a forward direction before he is rewarded with a treat for performing that behavior; something he is very good at, I might add! When I was reversing this video, it was quite hilarious to me because as hard as my group members tried in the lab course, we could never get Casper to spin in a backwards direction (i.e., this is a hard trick for a rat to learn spinning forwards). Now, I have my own personal video of Casper spinning backwards – hopefully no one will figure out it’s edited so it just looks like my rat is performing a cool trick!
