ds106 – Digital Story Compilation

Hey guys! Above is my video compilation with most of my ds106 assignments. I had some trouble including the Color Walk Assignment but I probably could have recovered it more easily from Google Drive. Unsure. It’s really weird to finally be tackling this assignment as it sort of puts a close on the course and our wonderful class. It was fun reliving all the past assignments and all the processes I used to complete them. In the end, I made my video into a “Top 10” but it’s meant to go in chronological order with the rest of the assignments.

For this video, I utilized MovieMaker, a free program offered on PC systems. After organizing all my previous ds106 assignments, I only had to add each of the files to the program. I cut most of the clips to around 3-5 seconds to control the overall length. I made the initial title card in Word and took a screenshot to convert it more easily to an image before transitioning it into the video. I had a fun time completing this assignment and hope I can continue to practice similar creativity in the future. I hope you enjoy!


DS106 Assignment: Turn a GIF into a FIG

Recently, I was exposed to reverse-animated GIFs. I must say, some are hilarious. Find a video clip, or shoot one of yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.”

Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Since my last GIF was of me rollerblading I thought I’d continue the trend and make a “FIG” of me rollerblading. This is a simple 360 but it looks pretty cool backwards. I wish I was that good at skating backwards in real life!

To make this GIF, I downloaded a simple video reversing app on my phone, which made the video run backwards. From there, I just put it into GIPHY, edited the length, and voilà! A FIG was born.

Figuring out how to do this was a little frustrating. I thought it was going to be a lot harder than it was in the end. I’m pleased with the result!


DS106 GIF into FIG

This weeks gif assignment was to create a gif that is funny backwards. The original video, the frog obviously jumped forward and in this it looks like it is jumping backwards. I guess the gif itself isn’t all that funny, but the story behind it is. The other day while I was sitting for my other nanny child, we found this cute little frog, she’s nine so of course we played with it and brought it along with us to do fun things. The frogs name was then Todd. While Summer (the little girl) was walking outside, Todd did a jump onto the ground, probably seeing an opportunity to escape. Todd was rudely mistaken when he next found himself inside of Summer’s 11 year old French Bulldog’s mouth. Summer cried, I screamed. I finally did the adult thing, picked up the dog and fortunately she spit Todd out. Todd was very wet after and we let him hop peacefully away while we went inside. I was very unsure about Todd living and I didn’t need Summer to be traumatized even more, so we “let him go home”. We both ended up laughing about it in the end, but the whole experience was a whirlwind of emotions. So, here you have Summer and Todd, Todd is doing a little backwards jump.


Turn a GIF into a FIG

I honestly couldn’t figure this out but thankfully someone on the home page shared what they did and I followed that and it helped me so much! I took my video, uploaded it on YouTube so I could upload it to GifRun. Then I brought it to freegifmaker (which by the way my computer says is not a safe site so be careful I guess?) which has a reverse button. Their sizes are too large so I brought it over to GIF Maker and changed the width to 260px! Thank you to whoever posted these instructions because that helped me a lot!

So the story behind this is the fact that my dog can almost never catch treats. In this one it boops off his nose and onto the floor. I took a few videos in hopes maybe one would be pretty funny but sadly they were mainly all the same- sometimes he just opens his mouth and lets it bounce off his head. Nonetheless, it looks like the treats crawling towards him and then he tosses it to me and I’ve already sent it to a few of my friends because it looks funny! I love Achilles so much.


ds106 – GIF into a FIG

Video by; Cade Cabral + Dane Cabral

For the “GIF into FIG” assignment, I first wanted to use some visual from a TV show or movie. My plan was to use a clip from one of my favorite shows, “Battlebots.” There are a few machines in the show that are really good at launching their opposing bots. I thought capturing one of these flips, and reversing it, would offer a neat submission for the assignment. But after trying a few videos I found that the camera jumped around a lot, making it difficult to tell where the beginning & end of the GIF were. After tweaking with the idea I eventually scraped it as it posed too difficult and moved on to Plan B.

I instead relied on my second idea that I had created earlier in the day. Instead, I thought it would be cool to capture the stream of water from a hose, but in reverse. Therefore making it look like I’m removing the moisture from the land or something. As well as capturing the clear motion that’s needed for the assignment. I thought this would prove to be more creative as well as utilize videos from home. I had my youngest brother Dane hold the camera while I operated the hose. Team Effort!

The process to create this reverse GIF was a little hectic. I first ran my video through GIFRUN, after first uploading it on Youtube. Then I tried to place my GIF through the website “Freegifmaker” which had tools to reverse user made GIFs. Once I did this I found that the file size was too large to submit onto WordPress which provided another hurdle. I thought to instead submit my gif through IMGflip, to have more liberty with the resolution of the GIF as well as manipulate the overall size of the image. By doing this I cut the file size in half and made it functional for WordPress. What you see above is the final result. Hope you Enjoy!


DS106 Assignment: Home Video GIF

“For this assignment, you will need one thing that everyone has. A home video! Choose a video that you have filmed yourself and create a gif from that video.”

Rollerblading GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Most of my “home video” footage is of rollerblading so I figured it’d be fun to make a GIF of a grind. This is a simple backside on a downrail. This clip is a few years old and I had just figured out how to do this trick comfortably. In this clip my boyfriend is probably the person doing the filming.

I tried a backside on that downrail for the first time during a game of SKATE. SKATE is like HORSE but with, you know, skating. I was 100% sure I wasn’t going to be able to do it, and was really scared I’d fall and hurt myself. I was amazed when I actually did it first try. It was a huge boost in my skating confidence at the time.

This is still one of my favorite tricks to do because it’s not very scary and it’s reminiscent of the kind of skiing I used to do when I was a kid. I liked skiing in parks and hitting flat rails. I wasn’t very fancy about it, but it was a lot of fun. It’s nice to be able to get some of the same feelings of fun without having to ski, because skiing is very expensive and time consuming (and cold). While skiing is more of a once-in-a-while activity now that I’m older, rollerblading has been a cheaper and more accessible way for me to recreate the wonderful skiing memories I have, just on pavement.


Home Video GIF

fdfdSahara Desert ’18


This is probably one of my favorite videos to date! In 2018 I studied abroad in Morocco and this video was from my trip to the Sahara Desert (Merzouga), which is easily one of the best adventures of my life. This GIF is when our group of 54 students was dancing around the fire to traditional Moroccan music performed by members of the Merzouga village not too far from our campsite. The night was filled with dancing, so much laughter, and many unforgettable memories!


our campsite off in the distance


You know when you see pictures of something and you wonder “how could that be real?”, well this was my experience visiting the Sahara. I never in a million years thought miles and miles of sand dunes could be so beautiful. Not to mention how beautiful the star-filled sky was.


post camel ride

Before arriving at the desert I told myself I would NOT ride a camel to our camp. I have never really been a fan of riding horses, so I knew riding a camel would be a similar experience. Turns out I ended up riding the camel because I couldn’t pass up a once in a lifetime experience due to my own fears! (I was still afraid though I cannot lie)



Home Video GIF

I thought of this GoPro video I made with my friend after seeing Professor Cripps Example and decided to use it for this assignment.

This is me and my friend, it was the first day I started teaching her how to surf. We pretty much spent that entire summer out in the water and by the end, she was standing up on every wave she caught! This time has a special place in my heart. I love surfing but many friends from home did not partake or at least didn’t know how. Now, because of that awesome summer, I now have a surfing buddy whenever I come home.

This particular gif is from when we were both trying to catch the same wave. We did not notice it at first, so we ended up colliding with each other. This, although kind of painful, ended up making for a fun, light-hearted memory, and even better, we were able to catch it on camera!


ds106 – Home Video GIF

Winter “dogging” around

Didn’t quite know what I wanted to share for a “Home Video” but I knew I wanted it to be in the here and now. At first I was thinking of trying to capture me hosing the garden, but thought this wouldn’t pose as much of an image of home for this assignment. I finally was able to capture this image while spending some time outside. With the weather finally clearing up we get to see Winter act like his usual goofy self. He’s actually chasing a small chipmunk that lives under the basketball hoop and is very adamant about making friends. I’m glad I was able to capture his big ol’ smile in the way that I did. I want to cherish the time I have with my dog and am glad for these moments that I’ll be able to hold onto.

In order to capture this image as a GIF, I first posted my home video onto YouTube. I was going to keep the video private but found this complicated the transition between YouTube and Gifrun. I instead chose to make the video public and added a description for anyone wishing to see my goofy dog. Then I was able to shave a few seconds of the video and make this short GIF. Hope you guys enjoy!


DS106 Week 4 – Home Video GIF

I had a lot of fun scrolling through the videos from the last few months on my iPhone. Sure, I haven’t done anything super exciting due to quarantine, but home videos are most treasured and special to me when they show a funny, exciting, or important moment I share with my family. Like most people in quarantine, not being able to visit the hairdressers has caused some whacky, longer than normal haircuts! My dad’s hair has grown much longer than normal and sometimes he would jokingly put a hair tie at the top of his head to try and get it out of his eyes. We had just finished eating dinner and my dad was checking his phone. My mom said she was going to “style his hair” but she decided to play a little joke on him and get some scissors from the drawer and pretend to cut his “ponytail” off (she didnt actually cut any hair)! His reaction was priceless and I knew this moment in the video was perfect to be made into a GIF for this assignment! I used the site Giphy and decided to add a little caption with a fun animation that really added to the GIF.


Home Video GIF

This is a video of Casper, my albino male rat! I took this video back before I actually adopted Casper and he was still a lab rat for one of my courses, Animal, Learning and Behavior. The video was taken at the end of a work day, Casper had already been run for his lab session and I was sitting at the lab table typing up the results for the day. As I was doing this, I would usually have Casper in his cage with the top off so he could sniff around and interact with me. On this particular day, he got a little daring and sneaky, attempting to climb the edges of the cage before perching on the corner closest to me. I looked over and smirked, thinking to myself, “Is he going to climb out?” This is when I grabbed my phone and started recording. From Casper’s perspective, I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking: “Must…escape. Must…not…slip.” The full video of the GIF pictured at the left shows Casper giving up after he almost slips and just staring at me, like “I didn’t do anything wrong…”; no rats were harmed in the making of this video/GIF.

I decided to chose this GIF for my home video one because Casper is my pride and joy, and two because it was a funny video I wanted to caption and create into a GIF. When it comes to animals, we never really know what they’re thinking or why they do the things they do. Having a lot of experience with pet rats myself, I’ve noticed that these creatures tend to be sneaky and daring with stunts they pull, especially when they’re familiar with their owners. What I mean by this is that if you own a rat and have a close bond with it, they tend to do things they know will get them in trouble because they want to play with you. Casper somewhat knew he shouldn’t have tried climbing the sides of his cage from the many times I’ve told him no repeatedly; rats are able to learn words and understand what they mean, especially single-word phrases such as, “No.” I do let him get away with things, but sometimes it’s to see what he’s doing and what he’ll do if he accomplishes it, such as climbing out of his cage. This was a fun assignment to create and something I enjoyed doing, especially because it involved my little pet ghost.


Daily Create #tdc3072

If I were an animal I think I would want to be a whale. It always amazes me and also frightens me when I realize that something this big lives in our oceans. I have always considered the ocean to be a pretty powerful thing, but when you consider everything that lives in the ocean, including the unknown, I instantly become frightened.

I was actually reading an article the other day on the American astronaut Kathy Sullivan who was the first American woman to walk in space. Just this week she also became the first woman to dive to the deepest point in the ocean known as the Challenger Deep, which is 7 miles deep. I personally WOULD NOT and I repeat WOULD NOT do that. Imagine all the creatures that you are surrounded by that you don’t even know are there..no thank you.

Back to the whales though! I think I have always had a love for them because of my mother. When I was younger, my mom and brother would always go fishing (I didn’t like going because I never caught anything) and they would always see whales out in the bay. I remember how upset I was because I had never seen one before, although I was always on the lookout. It was not until 2018 when I went whale watching that I finally saw my first whale. We actually had one go right under our boat and I instantly thought it was going to breach and that would be it, but it didn’t thankfully 🙂


Turn a GIF into a FIG – Third Animated GIF

For the third animated GIF assignment, it was based off the “Turn a GIF into a FIG” assignment where students had to “Find a video clip, or shoot one of yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.” Looking through my camera roll for a good video to turn into a GIF and then reverse it, I found the one to the left of Casper when I had him as a lab rat. Have you ever seen a rat spin around backwards for a treat? The original video shows Casper spinning in a forward direction before he is rewarded with a treat for performing that behavior; something he is very good at, I might add! When I was reversing this video, it was quite hilarious to me because as hard as my group members tried in the lab course, we could never get Casper to spin in a backwards direction (i.e., this is a hard trick for a rat to learn spinning forwards). Now, I have my own personal video of Casper spinning backwards – hopefully no one will figure out it’s edited so it just looks like my rat is performing a cool trick!


Home Video GIF

This was taken last year but I still remember and laugh at this moment each time I look outside the window with my cat. If you look, there is a green cone there. That is to block squirrels from getting onto the bird feeder and it usually works! This boy though, he was smarter than the rest. He did this a few days in a row before we just stopped refilling the feeder, but he would knock a ton of seeds down so the others could grab some of them. It was funny watching him try to jump up and the amount of times he fell down, I think I had a few of those on video as well but I couldn’t resist making a GIF of him just hanging upside down on the bird feeder- he looks ridiculous but also kudos to him for actually achieving his goals! Thankfully we haven’t seen them doing this again this year, but who knows, apparently there are some super smart squirrels out there.


Daily Create #tdc3070

Who couldn’t relate to this?!

The Daily Create Challenge for June 8th, 2020, was to, “Add a GIF making funny faces! Let’s make it fun!” Brainstorming about what GIF I would chose, I went to Twitter to begin my post and typed “funny faces” into the GIF search bar. Scrolling through, I found the GIF pictured above and started hysterically laughing because of how relatable this face is! This face reminds me of the face a person usually makes when they’re really excited about something while looking at their phone; this is typically the reaction I produce when I get paid, which is where my post idea generated from. A pay schedule is usually pretty routine, with mine at the moment being weekly payments every Friday morning. Every Friday when I wake up, I go to my bank account app and always have a smile spread across my face when I see I’ve been paid, but who wouldn’t? Pay day is the day where you can relax a little more and take the time to sit in the moment, because being paid for the work you do is an overall good feeling. So, enjoy this lovely GIF of what my pay day experience is like!


Daily Create #tdc3070

I got a little nervous with this daily create as I struggled to make a gif earlier in one of our class assignments. (I think it is fixed now.) But I decided to give it a shot! I was scrolling through the replies and I saw someone used this site as it seemed very user friendly. I experimented with a few different doodles and it was super easy and actually really fun. I plan on using it for future assignments in this class if I can.


Daily Create #tdc3068

When approaching this assignment I was bit confused on how to handle the “remarkable fashion” that was needed for a post on bikes. I swore I had an old photo of a metal-work frog standing on a bikes handlebars but could not find such a thing in my albums. This Gif was actually a spur of the moment idea as I had just been reminded of the Bike flying seen from the movie “E.T.” I personally have mixed feelings on the movie and it’s wrinkly protagonist but I’ll leave things at that. I’m glad I was able to imagine something for this assignment with a fun and silly Gif! My original Tweet was going to have a caption, “What going 88 miles can achieve” similar to something from “Back to the Future” but I thought against it.

I used the webtool Gifrun in order to create the GIf of the bikes taking off. I linked the original Youtube video in my tweet but I’ll link it here as well. Hope you enjoy!


Bicycle Demo

I chose this gif to demonstrate riding a bike in a “remarkable” fashion because a lot of my friends used to send this to me saying they “found the perfect bike for me” because I’m short. Hilarious. All joking aside, that actually looks super hard to do and I have to give that man props! I think I can call that rather remarkable


Movie Gif

Growing up The Little Mermaid was my all time favorite movie! I think it actually may have kickstarted my obsession with the ocean. I chose this scene because my mother told me when I was a kid I used to try and brush my hair with a fork all the time. Unfortunately, I was never quite as successful in doing so as Ariel was. I am not so proud to say that since Disney + came about I have forced many friends to watch this classic with me. I made this gif using the suggested gif fun website. It took me a while to choose a “favorite” movie, because there are many I like, so I decided to use one from my childhood. This was a really fun assignment and I am happy to see that many others used movies from their childhood as well. Definitely brings some much needed nostalgia during difficult times.
