DS106 Assignment: Say it Like the Peanut Butter

Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

The instructions for this DS106 assignment were to create a GIF from your favorite (or least favorite) movie with little movement. Jaws is neither my favorite or least favorite movie but I did watch it today so I figured, why not.

This is always the most exciting and horrifying part of the movie to me, or the part that comes immediately after. Even though the shark is kinda goofy compared to the advanced CGI monsters you see in movies today, I can understand how this scared the s%$# out of everyone in the 70s.

Using GIPHY was a good experience. I’ve never used it to make gifs before.


DS106 First Gif

For this assignment I wanted to use my favorite movie, Matilda. This is my all time favorite especially from my childhood, but I still get excited to put it on today. When I was younger, my mom told me, I used to pretend I was moving things with my eyes like Matilda. If you’ve never seen this movie, you’re missing out, but to get this gif, it’s an iconic scene of Matilda getting ahold of her powers of moving things with her eyes. For this gif, I used the website Giphy and took a youtube like of this scene and cut it shorter. I thought this would be way harder than what it was. I am excited to now actually create my own Gifs and brag about it.


Swim! Down!

When I first saw this assignment I was definitely intimidated. HOW was I supposed to fit a PIVOTAL scene of my FAVORITE movie into a GIF with LIMITED movement?

But then I figured it out. 

Also, is it pronounced “jif” or “gif”? Asking for a friend. 

This is a scene from my all-time favorite movie – Finding Nemo. If you haven’t seen it please stop your summer work and go on Disney+ to watch it I will literally give you my login information. Anyways if you haven’t seen Finding Nemo it is about a young clownfish, Nemo, who was kidnapped by a diver/dentist, P. Sherman, and his father’s, Marlin, trek to find his clownfish son and bring him home with the help of a ditsy but kind blue tang, Dory.

The gif I chose to make is from a scene towards the end of the movie. Nemo, Dory, and Marlin are at the fishing grounds together after FINALLY reuniting – spoiler alert. At the fishing grounds, a large net scoops up a bunch of fish. Nemo decides that he can’t let any fish get kidnapped like how he was. He jumps in the net along with Dory and encourages them all to “SWIM DOWN.” Marlin swims alongside the net also chanting “SWIM DOWN.” 




DS106 – Say it Like the Peanut Butter – GIF Assignment

Hey Guys! For this assignment I was quite excited that we get to show off one of our own favorite movies! In regards to making a Gif with limited movement, I chose the movie “Tenacious D & the Pick of Destiny” as it’s a fairly controlled movie. As well as a very funny one! It also poses as it’s own musical as Jack Black & Kyle Gass have gone and created their own full soundtrack for the movie. Personally I think this is one of the better movies around as it offers a lot of uniqueness with its music and characters.

The scene I chose is from the final part of the movie and is the beginning of their song “Beelzeboss”. At this point the characters have tracked down the “Pick of Destiny” only to have it recovered by the Devil himself. This leads to a battle of epic proportions as Jack & Kyle attempt to win through their rock!

At first I was going to use the website Imgflip as they offer a tool to create your own gifs online. After a few attempts I realized that the website will apply its own watermark to any of the gifs you create (unless you pay for pro). This lead me to try out GIFRUN as an alternative for the gif making process. The website was a little difficult initially but I was able to understand the settings that were being offered. As well as making a small gif that I’m proud of and can easily relate to. I hope you guys enjoy this gif I’ve made and hope that you can check out the Tenacious D movie when you have the chance!


DS106 Week #3 – Movie GIF

I am a big movie fan so it was tough to just pick one movie scene to make a GIF from. I used the website Gifrun and it was a lot quicker and easier to do than I thought it would be. I am not only a fan of live action films, but also animated films. Not the cheap budget, low creativity made only for kids animated films, but the smart, beautifully animated, wonderfully scored films that offer kids and adults alike an experience. One movie that fits those categories for me is the How to Train your Dragon trilogy which is (in my opinion) the best animated trilogy to date. It’s characters are well developed, the animation is ground breaking and beautiful, especially lighting and the environment in films 2 and 3. I love this film trilogy most of all for the relationship between the main viking protagonist Hiccup, and the main dragon protagonist, Toothless. It is one of the best human-animal relationships I have seen in a film and its made even more engaging due to the fantasy element of dragons living among humans. There is such a beautiful arc for the two main characters. Hiccup starts as a young viking that is taught to kill dragons since they set viking villages on fire and steal their livestock. However, Hiccup is unable to commit this act against another living creature and ends up forming an unbreakable bond with the deadliest dragon species the vikings know of, the Night Fury. By the end of the trilogy, every viking has their own dragon companion and they must say goodbye to their dragons in order to protect them from other vikings who are still set in their ancient belief of dragons being vermin that need to be eradicated. Not only does the film boast beautiful animation, storytelling and characters, but it also has one of my favorite film scores ever, by composer John Powell. I chose a very important scene from the first film for my GIF, when Hiccup works up the courage to try and touch Toothless for the first time, and Toothless is learning that Hiccup means him no harm and could possibly be a friend. If anyone hasn’t seen the trilogy yet, look up How to Train your Dragon Forbidden Friendship scene on youtube and watch the (approx. 5 minute) video for a wonderful scene from the first film!


Say it Like the Peanutbutter

Spiderman Far From Home Ending

So Spiderman has always been one of my favorite heroes, I think it might be because he is relatable in a lot of ways and I find that so is Tom Holland. This scene is probably one of my favorites, my best friends and I went to the movies together and one of them is also a web head so she had already seen the movie probably three times before we went to see it together. I just remember at the end of the movie being super shocked, seeing J.J. and suddenly this surprise! I remember just leaning over to look at my friend with just shock on my face as she nodded because she knew the emotions I was going through. I loved this movie so much though, I can’t wait to see what they have in store for future movies but nonetheless I loved this scene and it’s one I remember when thinking of this movie.


Animated GIF Assignment #1

greys anatomy GIF by ABC Network
“I go a little dark and twisty…but then I come back.” – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy

I am a huge fan of Grey’s Anatomy, having watched it so many times now that I know most episodes by heart. For this GIF assignment, I decided to pick a scene from one of the episodes that I felt I related to the most. This GIF is from a scene where Meredith Grey (on the left – lighter hair) and Amelia Shepherd (on the right – darker hair) are discussing some tough times they’ve been through; Meredith just lost her husband, Derek Shepherd, who is also Amelia’s brother. As they’re talking, Meredith states, “I go a little dark and twisty… but then I come back.” What she means by this is that when things get tough for her, she escapes to her dark and twisty thoughts because she finds some sort of comfort in them; this is also while considering she’s been through a lot in her past as well: her mother almost killed herself in front of Meredith, Meredith drowned but was able to be revived, her husband was shot and then he was killed from a semi-truck months later, and so on. It reminds her of what she’s gone through and where she is now, how far she’s come in life and how much she’s survived. She always snaps out of those thoughts at some point because, as she also says, “Everything must go on.” I can relate to this GIF and what Meredith said because, sometimes, you need to bring yourself back to the dark and twisty times to remind you of where you’ve come from, where you are now, and how much you have left to go. Though it may seem disturbing or weird to some to do this, it’s something about reminding yourself of those times that makes you know you’ll be okay. Making it through something horrible in your past builds you up to be able to be brave, strong, and empowered by what you went through; it makes you remember how far you’ve come through everything in your life and snap you back into reality, prepared and stronger then ever.
