Home Video GIF

fdfdSahara Desert ’18


This is probably one of my favorite videos to date! In 2018 I studied abroad in Morocco and this video was from my trip to the Sahara Desert (Merzouga), which is easily one of the best adventures of my life. This GIF is when our group of 54 students was dancing around the fire to traditional Moroccan music performed by members of the Merzouga village not too far from our campsite. The night was filled with dancing, so much laughter, and many unforgettable memories!


our campsite off in the distance


You know when you see pictures of something and you wonder “how could that be real?”, well this was my experience visiting the Sahara. I never in a million years thought miles and miles of sand dunes could be so beautiful. Not to mention how beautiful the star-filled sky was.


post camel ride

Before arriving at the desert I told myself I would NOT ride a camel to our camp. I have never really been a fan of riding horses, so I knew riding a camel would be a similar experience. Turns out I ended up riding the camel because I couldn’t pass up a once in a lifetime experience due to my own fears! (I was still afraid though I cannot lie)



ds106 – Home Video GIF

Winter “dogging” around

Didn’t quite know what I wanted to share for a “Home Video” but I knew I wanted it to be in the here and now. At first I was thinking of trying to capture me hosing the garden, but thought this wouldn’t pose as much of an image of home for this assignment. I finally was able to capture this image while spending some time outside. With the weather finally clearing up we get to see Winter act like his usual goofy self. He’s actually chasing a small chipmunk that lives under the basketball hoop and is very adamant about making friends. I’m glad I was able to capture his big ol’ smile in the way that I did. I want to cherish the time I have with my dog and am glad for these moments that I’ll be able to hold onto.

In order to capture this image as a GIF, I first posted my home video onto YouTube. I was going to keep the video private but found this complicated the transition between YouTube and Gifrun. I instead chose to make the video public and added a description for anyone wishing to see my goofy dog. Then I was able to shave a few seconds of the video and make this short GIF. Hope you guys enjoy!
