The Forrest Gump Project – Insert Yourself Into History

“Good ole’ Forrest Gump. He always manages to find himself at the center of history, and using photo editing software, so can you. Find a historic photograph and place yourself into the scene, just like Forrest Gump.” This is the objective of the assignment “The Forrest Gump Project”. To do this, I first downloaded Photoshop and got myself familiar with the app and software to prepare for adding myself into a picture from history. Once doing this, I chose a historical photo from “Girls From Woodstock 1969 Show The Origin Of Todays Fashion“. Once I had the photo, I went to Photoshop and began my editing process. The picture I chose of myself was one I took about a year ago from a sunflower festival as I was trying to chose the best photo of myself to insert into the Woodstock one. After playing around, the results I got are pictured on the left.

Though I have never used photoshop before or have inserted myself/other people into a picture, this was an overall fun assignment to create! It almost illustrates that the two girls dancing are being photographed by the photographer in the back of the picture, and I turned around just in time to flash a smile at the photographer behind me. The layering, cropping, and editing with hue and shadow coloring all added to create the final picture you see. Though it may be a rough photo, I am quite happy with how it turned out.


We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch – The OG Crew

“Whether your actual family or your close group of friends, make a collage mimicking the picture shown below. Be creative with the title. Make the title alliteration either with your last name or somesort of name you wish to call your group. In your post, explain why you chose the people you did in your collage.” This is the assignment for the second IMAGE assignment, “We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch

Reflecting on how to showcase this assignment, lately I’ve been reminiscing about my friend group from UNE and how much I miss them because together, we are a family. This is when I decided to create a collage with my friend-family group. Starting from the top left of the collage and working across the rows from left to right, the first person is Frank. Frank is a friend I’ve had since my freshman year at UNE, however, we did not close until our junior year when this entire friend group merged and he is now like a brother to me. The next person is Ben, being someone I met during the summer before our senior year. He is someone I’ve grown close with over this past year and someone I consider to be one of my best friends as he’s also like a brother to me. The next person starting the second row is Sara, who I’ve known since my freshman year as well. She lived down the hall from me in Assisi, and we never really became friends until we lived together our junior year with another friend showcased in the collage (someone I will discuss later). Sara shares my passion for wildlife and the environment and has been someone I’ve always loved to be around and have as a close friend in my life. The next person is myself, as I am a part of this friend group. The person next to me is Andrew, one of my absolute best friends. He was one of my first true friends at UNE, being someone I could lean on and go to for anything, and him being able to do the same with me. He’s had a huge impact on my life and is the person who I know I can go to with anything. The next person starting the last row is Anyssa, or Nyss as we call her. She has been a one of my best friends since we started living together junior year with Sara, and now I could not imagine not having her in my life. She’s the person who shares the same interest in music as I do (punk, metal, rock), as we plan to go a bunch of concerts together once this pandemic is over. She is also someone who I can go to with anything, a true friend to me. The last and final person – someone I specifically saved last – is my absolute best friend, Jillian. I met Jillian during the beginning of our junior year at UNE, as she was friends with Sara and Nyss first, and we instantly became best friends from the start. Not only do we share the same birthday, but we also have the same car, same personality, demeanor, and values for things. She is someone I know I will always have in my life, someone I can count on no matter what, because she’s my best friend.

Together, this friend group has become a family to me since we all came together our junior years. From the adventures to Salmon Falls in Hollis, ME, to go cliff jumping, to the endless nights of us all playing Super Smash Bros on Andrew and Frank’s couch at their house senior year, I will never forget the memories, laughter, and fun I’ve had with my friends. Though the pandemic currently going on makes it hard to see other people, we have still managed to all keep in touch and be a part of each other’s lives, and we’ll hopefully all be able to meet up once things are back to normal. We are the OG Crew, the people who stayed true to each other through everything that came our way.
