Daily Create #tdc3087

For this daily create I wanted to offer something that’s more emotional by making this poem/image for today’s prompt. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would try my hands at the prompt but decided it was too easy not too. I’m not one who shares their feelings all that much but I hope that what I wrote captures the emotion that’s there. It seems easy to compare your loved one to a flower. Then in comparison to the other side of the prompt which includes comparing them to a river. Perhaps how love ebbs and flows would be a good way to describe it…

For the image above I utilized Google Presentation and made a classic text-box for the wording. I tried to get the font, style, and size all together before I began to tackle the background. I used one box for the background (Red) and another for the foreground (Grey). Maybe a little too much Gray but I wanted to make sure that the wording was clearly visible and easy to read. All together this process took me around 15 minutes but took me another 5 just to find the heart icon in shapes. But that’s life.


Daily Create #tdc3071

For today’s daily create, it was assigned to create a word in morse code. I did a little phrase saying “life is love”. I used stars and dashes because I thought it would look cool. I chose that phrase because today, I feel a little down about the world, I feel like I don’t know what I can believe on social media, I don’t know where to go from here. I don’t know what is the “right” thing to do anymore, and I don’t want to disappoint anyone if I do post something on social media or if I don’t. I created this as a reminder to love, love yourself, love others and love the world around you. I used a google slide to create this and a morse code translator.


Daily Create #tdc3063

Reading “The Railway Man” taught me a lot about a lot of things. For instance, how to show love to someone you hate, how to maintain perseverance through difficult times, and how to practice positivity when there is no sight of a happy ending. All of these things can be applied to small and large situations in life. I struggle deeply with clinical depression and have had many problems with substance abuse, self-harm, alcoholism etc. However, writers like Lomax got me through. Writers like Lomax make your worries seem so minute and so irrelevant to leading a happy life that it helps you realize how bad it can really be. Writers like Lomax allow me to tell myself “You have it easy, so stop whatever the fuck it is that you are doing, idiot”. Writers like Lomax share a story that not many people have shared, and one that not many people can relate to, but it is one that many can take from, and better themselves with. ds106dc