ds106 – Digital Story Compilation

Hey guys! Above is my video compilation with most of my ds106 assignments. I had some trouble including the Color Walk Assignment but I probably could have recovered it more easily from Google Drive. Unsure. It’s really weird to finally be tackling this assignment as it sort of puts a close on the course and our wonderful class. It was fun reliving all the past assignments and all the processes I used to complete them. In the end, I made my video into a “Top 10” but it’s meant to go in chronological order with the rest of the assignments.

For this video, I utilized MovieMaker, a free program offered on PC systems. After organizing all my previous ds106 assignments, I only had to add each of the files to the program. I cut most of the clips to around 3-5 seconds to control the overall length. I made the initial title card in Word and took a screenshot to convert it more easily to an image before transitioning it into the video. I had a fun time completing this assignment and hope I can continue to practice similar creativity in the future. I hope you enjoy!


Brady Bunch Remix

I probably spent way too long on this for someone who has never seen Brady Bunch or That 70’s Show. I was going to try and get pictures of my friends but I didn’t have enough that wanted to let their faces be in this, and I was going to do animals but I didn’t know if my friends would let me take their animals faces either. So I had to do something I knew I had enough of that meant something to me especially during these times of quarantine and that would be video games! I sadly don’t get to play that often now, if I do play it’s playing Animal Crossing as soon as I wake up and right before I go to bed so I can try and relax at the start and end of the day. I’m a bigger fan of the older consoles, I still play a ton of Gamecube games now when I get the chance and I’m often playing my old Nintendogs or Pokemon games on my D.S. I did have a Gameboy but I think my brother took it when he wanted to play something last Summer and never brought it back so I couldn’t include that- so I included my laptop! My laptop means so much to me! Back in the dorms I didn’t have my Nintendo Switch set up at all, so the only games I would ever play would be Overwatch on my computer or Mario Kart with the roommates on the Wii- more often it was just Overwatch though.

I honestly had a lot of fun doing this. I love editing photos even though this isn’t the best example to show how much I enjoy editing photos! I also haven’t had any time to break out my drawing tablet in a while either because of the large amounts of homework in my multiple classes so it was just nice to use that again.


ds106 – What They Might Have Done

For this assignment I had some trouble figuring out the link between the portion on Fakebook and Twister web applications. I had fun creating the Fakebook and easily picked a character of history that I wanted to focus on. I’ve always been interested in Murphy’s Law and wondered who the original creator was. I got to do some digging and found some interesting information and history. As well as a few other quotes which had also been attributed to Murphy.

Once it came to the Twister portion of the assignment I had some trouble figuring out how to link the image I uploaded to Fakebook to Twister. Later I found that I was using too much of Murphy’s full name (middle and also status as Jr.). Once I shortened his name within Twister I was able to load a post with a profile picture. I realize that the picture has some sort of History Channel Tag but I’m not sure how to switch the image of the attributed character. Twister is an interesting site and one that I haven’t been accustomed too.


The Big Caption

From my understanding, the point of this assignment was to take a picture from the Boston Globe and change the original meaning of it with a new caption.

I chose this picture, which was originally from an article about the beautiful ice castles in New Hampshire, it was meant to be fun and cool to look at, but my new caption kind of changed that.

At first glance, to me, it looked like the ice was melting then I realized it was man made to look like a winter wonderland. So I thought I could change it up and make it seem like it was a cry for help, to change our ways and stop global warming from melting our worlds ice caps. Now NH is obviously a ways away from any polar ice caps, but as long as you don’t look at it too hard, it could easily be made to seem like an environmental awareness article.

Kind of like how one could see this image and make it seem like it is about a beautiful winter wonderland ice cave, when this is actually a picture of melting polar ice caps. I guess it just goes to show, perspective is key.


The Big Idea – Third MEME

Looking at the image above, what pops into your mind? Possibly a little girl just having fun, minding her own business. The story behind this image is about Rylee Mehung, seven years old at the time, making the best out of her boredom while she’s waiting for Senator Elizabeth Warren to rally with her supporters at Manchester Community College in NH. But what if Rylee really just wanted the attention on her, taking the camera’s attention away from Warren and snapshotting her creative boredom strategies?

This assignment is about capturing “The Big Idea”, or finding an image off of the “The Big Picture” by The Boston Globe and adding typographical text to change the message or meaning the picture actually delivers. This image is from the “Globe staff photos of the month, February 2020“, with some of the best photographs by Globe photographers for the month of February in 2020. The first image on this page is of Rylee making the best out of her boredom. When I saw this, I pictured a seven year old girl just minding her own business while Warren was rallying with supporters; however, the whole point of “The Big Idea” is the change the message of the picture. Below, you will find the way I interpreted the picture after finding the message:

This typographical text along with the image now frames Rylee as a little girl trying to come up with creative ways to turn the photographers attention away from Warren and onto her, because who wouldn’t want the star of the show to be a little girl? She almost looks like a princess, dressed in her green tutu and blue headband, or “crown”, stepping across a bridge onto her next journey. Doing this assignment was interesting because after you know the meaning of a message behind a picture, it’s almost difficult to interpret it any other way. However, with some creative thinking and original ideas, I thought back to when I was a seven year old and how when at family gatherings, I would always try to be in the pictures because I thought it was so much fun (and of course, the attention was turned onto me). This is how I created this MEME and changed the message of the picture.


DS106 Week 4: Third MEME “The Big Caption”

I always like to think that a picture is worth a thousand words. At a first glance, you see a man walking by art, or graffiti, however you may interpret it. For this assignment, we had to choose an image from https://www3.bostonglobe.com/news/bigpicture?arc404=true. I chose this image because it truly spoke to me. The description of this photo states, “Here’s a look at some of the best images taken by Globe photographers last month: opening of the Encore casino, greasy pole competition in Gloucester, refugees from Congo in Portland, Me., John Farrell working his lobster boat, debating a abortion rights bill in Rhode Island, and the Bruins loss in the NHL finals.” I saw something else.

Art is extremely interesting, whether it appeals to you or not, it always unique in some way. When I looked at this image I immediately saw a man looking down at his phone while walking. My mother constantly says to me, “Get your head out of your phone,” or “Look where you’re going!” Our phones get us stuck into the internet world and we can easily forget what is going on around us. I chose this caption because it almost seems as if the eyes are looking down at the man walking, judging him for being on his phone. Could this be a secret message the artist was trying to portray? Who knows, because they also appeared to be cartoon characters to me. It’s all about perception!


DS106 Week #4 – The Big Caption (Meme)

It guess it shouldn’t surprise me that the image that caught my eye was the one with a bird in it. I saw some very powerful images relating to covid19 deaths and other sensitive subjects, however I personally felt it insensitive to think of a funny or witty caption to put over the image as it would take away from the real issue that is very serious for many people. So, even though there were many powerful images that caught my eye, this one of a woman feeding a seagull seemed worthy of a caption. Due to current events in the world, there are two major subjects that are on my mind on a constant, daily basis and that is the coronavirus pandemic and the black lives matter movement. After looking at this photo for a minute, it made me think about the many complex and interconnected ways that a virus pandemic affects humans, the environment, and wildlife. I am in no way downplaying or overshadowing the devastating effects the virus has had on humans and the countless lives lost, however, a pandemic like this doesn’t come without it’s impacts on wildlife, good and bad.

The original caption of this photo was about the human in the photo celebrating a local food joint opening for the regular season in February and her sharing with a gull. However I took the image in a direction that focused more on the gull than the human. This image made me think of how certain species of wildlife, or vermin as most people refer to them, are dealing with a large decrease in human activity outside of their homes for several months. It made me think of an article I read back in April. The rats in NYC have become desperate and cannibalistic during the pandemic due to decreased human activity in the major city. Restaurants and stores are closed and not producing waste that is the main source of food for the rats. This also made me think about other species that seem to rely on humans for food. Gulls and pigeons don’t solely rely on humans for food to the extent the NYC rats do, however, a good portion of their diet is fast food and other human waste thrown on streets or in trash cans/dumpsters. It sort of made me think if the gulls that relied on feeding from McDonald’s customers and the dumpsters, transitioned to acting more like how we would think a typical gull would act; feeding on ocean life on beaches and out in the ocean. It also makes me wonder how practices of food disposal will change following the eventual end of the covid19 pandemic and what effects this will have on wildlife.


DS106 – Say it Like the Peanut Butter – GIF Assignment

Hey Guys! For this assignment I was quite excited that we get to show off one of our own favorite movies! In regards to making a Gif with limited movement, I chose the movie “Tenacious D & the Pick of Destiny” as it’s a fairly controlled movie. As well as a very funny one! It also poses as it’s own musical as Jack Black & Kyle Gass have gone and created their own full soundtrack for the movie. Personally I think this is one of the better movies around as it offers a lot of uniqueness with its music and characters.

The scene I chose is from the final part of the movie and is the beginning of their song “Beelzeboss”. At this point the characters have tracked down the “Pick of Destiny” only to have it recovered by the Devil himself. This leads to a battle of epic proportions as Jack & Kyle attempt to win through their rock!

At first I was going to use the website Imgflip as they offer a tool to create your own gifs online. After a few attempts I realized that the website will apply its own watermark to any of the gifs you create (unless you pay for pro). This lead me to try out GIFRUN as an alternative for the gif making process. The website was a little difficult initially but I was able to understand the settings that were being offered. As well as making a small gif that I’m proud of and can easily relate to. I hope you guys enjoy this gif I’ve made and hope that you can check out the Tenacious D movie when you have the chance!


Fish Out of Water – Or is it Mammal?

Hey guys! Apologies for the late submission. Here we have a rug that I found while moving furniture into my aunt/uncles house. I had originally found/was going to use a few memes I created from this website called InspiroBot. It’s a really funny tool that’s supposed to make inspirational quotes but usually makes some that are more deprecating. Check it out!

For this assignment, I instead utilized something of my own making and grabbed an old picture of mine. Then sending it through the website Imgflip for the Meme-like Lettering. Once I saw the photo in my album I knew exactly what I wanted to go for and utilized this fish out of water take. Hope you enjoy!


Sometimes You Aren’t Good Enough – And That’s Not Okay

And here we have – my lovely baby brother. This picture was taken roughly 12 years ago when my big little brother, Jack, played baseball. He has always been really determined when it comes to something he enjoyed (as you can see on his face and stance). My mom’s dad took this picture over a decade ago but we only discovered this gem 2 or 3 years ago. Ever since then the entire family has used it as a meme. When I saw this assignment – I couldn’t resist. 



DS106 Week 3: Fourth Meme “Say It Like The Peanut Butter”

For this MEME, we were assigned to make an animated gif from our favorite/least favorite movie capturing the essence of a key scene. I chose this iconic clip of Terry Crews because with just seeing the preview, you know exactly what kind of GIF you’re about to see (or maybe you are completely unfamiliar with this movie–awkward). White Chicks is by far one of the funniest movies I have seen. It is a feel-good comedy that everyone must see at least once in their lives. I think Vanessa Carlton lost credit to her own song when this movie came out. Whenever I hear anyone sing this song, they do exactly what is pictured in the GIF–THE SAME EXACT HEAD MOVEMENT. Enjoy!


DS106 Week 3: Third Meme “Demotivate Yourself”

For this meme, I immediately thought about my bad habits that I have picked up. Since quarantine, I have been going to bed extremely late. The earliest I would go to bed is 3:00am, the latest would be 5:00am. I recall being able to hear the birds chirp in the morning and I would see the sun slowly start to rise. I created this meme because I was starting to sleep my day away. I would wake up around 3:00pm and I felt like I wasted the entire day. I realistically didn’t wake up when the sun went down, but I did feel like I wasted my entire day. This meme was structured to @ me completely, I personally attacked myself creating this meme.


DS106 Assignment: Demotivate Yourself

* Not my original photo.
Original source: https://moot.us/lounges/13/boards/599/posts/2878140/when-you-find-a-diamond-then-lose-it-to-lava

If you’ve played Minecraft, you’ve been here. Several hours deep into a world, desperate for some diamonds. Finally! You see a diamond after digging through thousands of blocks. You excitedly pick away only to be horrified by the sneaky block of lava hiding below, ready to swallow your precious diamond whole. It’s crushing.

I’ve rage quit playing Minecraft more times than I’ve rage quit playing League of Legends, which is saying something. The only thing worse than losing your diamonds to hidden lava is losing a full set of diamond enchanted armor, tools, a full inventory of mining treasures, and 30 hard earned levels to hidden lava. This has happened to me a depressing amount of times, hence the rage quitting.

If you play Minecraft and want to avoid these soul crushing moments, always mine BELOW the visible diamond before breaking it, and never break a block you are standing on.


Demotivate Yourself – Second MEME

This meme idea was sparked from my blog topic about how roads impact wildlife. I was thinking of an idea for a meme and started looking up in Google Images, “wildlife and roads”. This is when I found this picture of a brown bear sitting in the road with a car pulled over to the side; my initial thought when I saw this was, “Huh. It looks like this bear is protesting the road by just plopping itself right in the road.” This is what began to spark my caption for the meme: wildlife don’t have a say when it comes to roads being placed into their environments; they’re expected to “deal with it” or “become accustomed” to it as our society continues to build upon the environment. Animals can’t fight back against humans or the infrastructures built on their land, meaning they become susceptible to mortality or harm when coming face to face with a car driving down a roadway. I chose the caption, “Protesting roads because killing wildlife with your car isn’t enough anymore” because this seems to be what the case is these days; wildlife are now constantly susceptible to mortality, vehicle collisions, or other factors from roads (i.e., destruction to habitat, pollution, erosion, etc.), and the only way that people would seem to start becoming aware of this issue is if the wildlife started protesting (if they could). However, the point of this meme is to become aware of the fact that wildlife may not be able talk about how they are affected by roads, but how they are being affected is what matters and what needs to cease.


Demotivate Yourself

Photo From: https://unsplash.com/

I get nervous about when I write my homework assignments on whether I’m actually answering the questions correctly or not, so I often either read ahead and write my answers in Google Docs and wait until someone posts to be sure if I’m correct, or I avoid the assignment until someone else posts first. Not being too sure about yourself isn’t the healthiest thing when it comes to homework, but when it comes to me and anxiety, anxiety goes first. No questions asked, better keep this Summer less stressful than it needs to be. So, Monkey See Monkey Do, don’t copy their answers but just be sure that your answer isn’t utterly ridiculous even if they may be wrong as well, at least someone went first and not you. I also see this exactly like not wanting to be first for a presentation but happily being second for the presentation. You saw how the first person did so then you can get up there and have it done and over with.


DS106 Week 2: Second Meme “Selfie With Your Pet”

Since I have been going back and forth from New York to Connecticut, I had to improvise for this assignment since I couldn’t find a selfie with him. Meet Max! He is an 11-year-old miniature schnauzer but is still a puppy at heart. We brought max home with he was just a few months old. I had my mom send me pictures with him, so here’s 10 year old me with my fluffy bundle of joy. When he was younger, we used to take him everywhere. My mom would carry him in her purse when we would go shopping or out to eat. This was when he barely barked, now he barks at everything and everyone! Max has been my only pet, I grew up with him. He is friendly with some dogs, but most of the time he just wants to play. He thinks he’s bigger than he is. Weighing only 13 lbs, he barks and wags his tail at big dogs. His cousins are bull mastiffs, a very large type of breed that loves to drool. Whenever we come back home from our cousin’s house we always have to give him a bath because he is covered in it! Max is our fur bundle of joy. He is a part of our family and we hope he still has a few years left with us! 


Selfie With My Pet

After I scroll though my phone for quite some time I found an actual selfie with an animal. I don’t often take selfies, usually someone takes a picture of me but I figured in order for this to be correct it must be a “selfie”. I don’t have any pets, but I do hangout with my boyfriend’s dogs a lot. I just couldn’t find a selfie with them! So here you have it, me and a random cow from the Fryeburg Fair last fall. We can call him Buddy. I actually love cows, I have been vegetarian for at least 9 years now, so whenever I visit this fair every fall I have to go see the cows! They’re actually really cool. Once you meet a cow as cool as Buddy, you just might become vegetarian too.


What’s the Meme?

As I was going through the list of meme-able images and I came across the image of Jessica from Love is Blind, I knew I had to make a meme about her. I finished the show about a month or two ago and I am still not entirely sure how I feel about it. Normally I stay clear from reality TV shows, but my friend roped me in this time around. The overall concept of falling in love with someone that you have never met or seen before is very interesting, but I am still kind of skeptical about the whole process as far as making the show.

To give those who may not have seen the show some context on my meme, Jessica was one of the women involved in the experiment to determine whether love truly is blind. In the beginning, the blind dates she and Barnett were on went well, but towards the end of that segment they both ended up choosing someone else. Jessica was pretty indecisive from the beginning and I think a lot of that had to do with her self-image and confidence. She ended up engaged to another member of the show named Mark. The relationship they had was pretty rocky and in my opinion, Jessica is at fault. She was never 100% committed to the relationship that they shared, which was pretty obvious from the viewers’ perspective. In the end, she made the decision on their wedding day not to marry him. Jessica was probably my least favorite members of the show, which is why I am ‘throwing shade’ as one would say.

The process to make my meme was pretty simple actually. I ended up using Professor Cripps’ digital creation tool box to find the name of the specific font that is used for memes. I then used a word doc to place the text on my image, took a screen shot, and violà!


A Sunburn Worse Than Carole Baskin

It was a beautiful day in Carver, Massachusetts today. Of course I took this as an opportunity to lay out in the sun and even do a lot of my work for my summer classes by the pool. Now listen, I have very fair skin. I’m almost 100% Irish and German. But luckily my dad gave me some of his French and Italian genes so after a crisp base burn I tend to tan nicely. Today was NOT one of those days. I was expecting to be a little pink today as my skin has not seen sunlight in who knows how long. Little did I know how quickly that pink would turn into a nice Maine lobster red. I can’t move. I’m the color of Joe Exotic’s cape and throne. I truly have a sunburn worse than Carole Baskin.



DS106 Week 2, First MEME

Wrong Missy ( Lauren Lapkus & David Spade)

“I haven’t seen this show, but it’s screaming for memes. (Personally, I’m getting a Love is Blind vibe. But that’s none of my business.)” – Professor Cripps

When I saw Professor Cripps list of meme-able images, I wanted to pick something that I could easily relate to. I thought, “Perfect! She’s on a plane going to some unknown destination. Just what I wish I was doing rather than being stuck in quarantine during this pandemic—traveling.” Since I have never seen this show, I’m assume she has some humor in her. If I were to guess, just looks like the type of woman coming onto the plane at the very last second before the gates closed. Of course, I am speaking from personal experience. I remember how excited I was to have the whole row to myself. At the last second, the person boarded the plane and was assigned the window seat. Just my luck! I keep thinking about how much traveling I did before this pandemic and how our lives have been completely altered. Not being able to travel isn’t the worst thing in world. I know people are struggling with real life problems like losing their jobs, not being able to pay rent, or feed their families. But, something as simple as traveling and airlines shutting down is something I never expected to happen. I never thought I would see JFK, a humungous international airport being nearly empty. I never thought I would have to take extra precautions to wear a mask at the airport, wash my hands or sanitize every so often, and even wear gloves. Life used to be so simple. We look advantage of having the luxury to go shopping, or out to eat with out friends and family, or simply go to the movies. So here I am, creating this meme reminiscing on ~Life Before Quarantine.
