Daily Create #tdc3087

For this daily create I wanted to offer something that’s more emotional by making this poem/image for today’s prompt. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would try my hands at the prompt but decided it was too easy not too. I’m not one who shares their feelings all that much but I hope that what I wrote captures the emotion that’s there. It seems easy to compare your loved one to a flower. Then in comparison to the other side of the prompt which includes comparing them to a river. Perhaps how love ebbs and flows would be a good way to describe it…

For the image above I utilized Google Presentation and made a classic text-box for the wording. I tried to get the font, style, and size all together before I began to tackle the background. I used one box for the background (Red) and another for the foreground (Grey). Maybe a little too much Gray but I wanted to make sure that the wording was clearly visible and easy to read. All together this process took me around 15 minutes but took me another 5 just to find the heart icon in shapes. But that’s life.


Daily Create #tdc3063

For this daily create I thought the process was a little easier as I have a repertoire of poems at my disposal. My mom enjoys sending me poems and I enjoy keeping a hold of the better ones.

This particular poem resonated with me as it’s important to recognize that you can’t change what’s in the past so rather focus more on the present and build towards the future. This is an idea that can help our current world as we face all these challenges with health and well-being. It’s important to recognize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and there is some good that can come out of our situation.

Rather than posting the image my mother had sent me (found below). I decided that I would challenge myself and try to rearrange the poem/create it in a way so that it was my own. I first sent the words into a word doc and organized them to their best fit. Then sent them to Presentation where I was able to add the bordering as well as the background color. Very simple process but I was able to add some gradient coloring for effect.

I could have gone a little more in depth but didn’t want to add anything to the image that wasn’t previously created by me. I think it’s important to recognize our own creative abilities and how we may utilize them. I hope in the future I can continue to create products of my own making.

They must have taken the background pic from an old flip-phone racing game!
Here is the Updated Poem
