Daily Create #tdc3055

With this process, I have to admit I actually had a panic attack. I had to go into another room and cry it out for a good while because I was so confused with the technology and not good with music and had no ideas on what to actually do for this Daily Create. In the end it’s probably not what was wanted, but I see it as an accomplishment because I went through something tough and came out feeling successful and that’s a win to me. With this, I thought back to when I was in Morocco and the first time we had a big rain storm my roommate and I just kept playing this song on repeat because we found it entertaining.


Daily Create #dc3055

My original idea for this daily create was to use two 90’s RnB songs, I then decided on both and RnB and Pop song. During my first attempt, I used the Youtube DJ website to mix the songs Human Nature by Michael Jackson and Right Here by SWV. ‘Right Here’ already includes segments of the M.J. song, so I thought this would be pretty simple but I was wrong. I did not like the progress I was making with the Youtube DJ website, so I tried to mix the same songs using Garageband instead. I made more progress, but then I decided I no longer wanted to use these particular songs. The next two songs I attempted to mix with a website called Rave was Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi and Elastic Heart by Sia. What I like about the Rave website it that it not only mixed the audio but the video as well, which I thought was pretty neat. I liked where this was going but the song Elastic Heart was not the beat I was looking for. I wanted to use both a slower song and a more upbeat one, but it was difficult finding two the could mix well. I then mixed another song I like by Sam Smith called How Do You Sleep with Someone You Loved. After listening to this mix several times, this is the one I decided to go with!


Daily Create #tdc3055

This is a mashup of Justin Timberlake’s SexBack and Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean. I liked the instrumental for Billie Jean and wanted to use that, plus I’ve had SexyBack stuck in my head this whole day, so I decided to see how it would work out. I struggled to get the suggested mashup website to work, so I ended up finding another website (rave.io) and it ended up working really well. I will be honest I did very little to make this mashup work. I think these songs might actually be soulmates, meant to be together. Even the special instrumental parts of Billie Jean seemed to miraculously line up with with the best parts of SexyBack. The intros were also lined up pretty perfectly. They literally seem to be on the same beat, I was amazed.Also I really liked the way that this website mashed up the pictures from the videos. Anyway, this mashup is a banger, I’ve listened to it 3 times, please enjoy.


Daily Create #tdc3055

Song Remix Daily Create

This was a very interesting assignment. I have never really worked much with remixing or playing around with music on my computer before, but I am glad that I learned a new skill from it. I had a hard time at first coming up with songs that I could use, as well as what software to use. I ended up using Garage Band after trying Youtube DJ and not being able to get it to work. The songs I used were inspired by an old synchro routine I did when I was a sophomore in high school. We swam to Crystalize, but there was much debate about whether to swim to Crystalize or Radioactive. So I decided to mix the two and see what could have been! Now I wouldn’t say that my remix above would have been sufficient for a routine, but if I knew of the possibility back then, maybe I could have gotten something to work. Again, this was a cool experience and I am happy to have gained a new skill out of it.


Daily Create #tdc3055

5/24 – Mashup

While approaching the prompt I first wanted to utilize something such as a mashup of some grandiose symphony orchestra. Yet that inquiry led to more “symphony” related music videos featuring the latest musicians. Perhaps such mixings of large scale sound would be too much for the ear, but perhaps taking segments could you arrive to an appropriate “mashup.” I arrived to this post and thought that the newfound beat helped revive a once sad/decrepit song. I’ve been especially joyful with the weather lately and I think it’s important to recognize how lucky we are to enjoy this weather in its fullest. I hope that more sunny days will continue our way and that we can all find ourselves in these trying times.


Daily Create #tdc3055

For my first daily create I decided to mash up the sounds Cake By The Ocean and Uptown Funk. I originally tried to mash up The Office theme song with another song but nothing really fit well. I was going through all of my “liked” songs from my old Spotify and these two popped up. I haven’t listened to either of these songs in a long time but mixing them together made for a really fun summer party song. This daily create took a lot of trial and error but I wanted to be happy with the final result (which I am).



Daily Create #tdc3055

What sparked me for this mashup was the baby I nanny, he is 9 months old and loves music. We have an “Alexa” so every time I say “hey Alexa!” he looks around and waits for the music to start. So, I figured this was a perfect opportunity to connect my blog with a daily create. He absolutely loves these two songs, so I figured mashing them together would be a good idea. I used Youtube DJ, but then I used Zoom screen share/ record to get the video that I then uploaded onto Youtube and proceeded to Tweet the link.


Daily Create #tdc3055

Thinking of mash-ups, there are some really great ones out there such as Post Malone songs being remixed with Khalid songs, One Direction with 5 Seconds of Summer, and so on. One of my favorite mash-ups made, however, is by Imagine Dragons and Khalid called Thunder / Young, Dumb, and Broke. I’ve always listened to these songs individually and never really thought about how they sounded together, until one day the song came up on one of my daily Spotify playlists. This mash-up though already made is an art form in and of itself as the music, lyrics, and even voices of the artists all collide to form an amazing creation. This is a song I listen to often, especially during summer with the windows rolled down and going on adventures with my friends to places like cliff jumping, the beach, and/or hiking; the mash-up is a perfect song to set the tune for a beautiful summer day.


Daily Create #tdc3055

This daily create brought me back to my roots in Long Island, NY. I chose two Billy Joel songs since Billy Joel is from NY. His music often reminds me of days spent in the sun outside my dad’s house. Today is my dad’s birthday so this create made me think of the old days of sunbathing outside while my dad barbecued and played Billy Joel from his music speakers.

Although it was nice remembering the “good old days”, I got pretty frustrated when trying to upload my mix up to twitter. It took me a pretty long time to figure out how to convert the video into a shorter picture file so I could upload it. After I read some information that showed me how to convert the screen recording, I felt much more confident in my post.


Daily Create #tdc3055

At first I was trying to mash some crazy stuff like Enter Sandman by Metallica with the Winnie The Pooh Soundtrack. However, that became a headache really fast. So, I settled on something that has given me great pleasure for most of my life: Classical Music and the Movie Platoon. I mixed the two songs not expecting very much, and it didn’t turn out overwhelmingly fantastic, but it was the first time I’d ever mixed two songs together and I wasn’t trying to make a day of it. The positive outcomes of this mix were: It didn’t give me a headache, It marked my last assignment for the first week of this class, and it motivated me to put on Platoon. The negative outcomes of this mix was: Its not very good, haha. Anyway, onward we go! ds106dc